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CHARACTER: Noam Chomsky

Teacher: Julio Ticona

Student: Paniura Cabrera Lourdes Jaqueline.


 Noam Abraham Chomsky, born in

Philadelphia in 1928.
 He is a linguist and American
 He was introduced to linguistics by
his father, who specialized in
historical linguistics of Hebrew.
 He studied at the University of
Pennsylvania, where he received his
doctorate in 1955 with a thesis on
transformational analysis, developed
from the theories of Z. Harris, of
whom he was a disciple.
 He became a teacher at the
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, of which he was a
professor since 1961.
 He is a great critic with capitalism,
especially with the foreign policy of
the United States. It was in 1967 when
he began his foray into political
activism, totally opposing the
participation of the United States in the
Vietnam War. From this he took out his
essay book entitled "The responsibility
of the intellectuals", for which he
received great recognition.
 He was associated with the 'New Left'
(New Left), and was therefore arrested
several times for his anti-war activism.
Chomsky, along with Edward S.
Herman, propelled a critical
propaganda model with everything
related to US foreign policy, and even
retiring, he continued his activism
directly supporting the 'Occupy'
movement and others with similar
 He is the author of a fundamental
contribution to modern linguistics,
with the theoretical formulation
and development of the concept of
transformational grammar, or
generative, whose main novelty
lies in the distinction of two
different levels in the analysis of
sentences: on the one hand, the
«Deep structure», a set of rules of
great generality from which the
«superficial structure» of the
phrase is «generated» by means of
a series of transformation rules.
What is transformational-
generative grammar?
He is one of the main founders of
transformational-generative grammar.
 It is a system of linguistic analysis
that competes with traditional
linguistics to be related to
philosophy, logic, and psycho-
 In 1957 he published his book
"Syntactic structures", in it,
Chomsky, suggests that each
human utterance has two
 Una estructura superficial,
que es la manera de
combinar superficialmente
las palabras.
 Y, una estructura profunda
que se basa sobre todo en
reglas y mecanismos
 This method allows us to give a
reason for the deep structural
identity between superficially
different sentences, as between the
active and passive mode of a
sentence. At the deep level, the
person possesses a tacit knowledge
of the fundamental structures of
grammar, which Chomsky
considered largely innate; Based on
the difficulty of explaining the
competence acquired by the native
speakers of a language from the
deficient experience received from
their parents, considered that the
only way to understand the learning
of a language was to postulate a
series of innate grammatical
structures which would be common,
therefore, to all humanity.
 In this sense, one could speak of a universal grammar, to whose
demonstration and development the numerous studies that have started from
the ideas of Chomsky have been dedicated. Apart from his activity in the
linguistic field, he has often intervened in politics, provoking frequent
polemics with his denunciations of US imperialism since the beginning of the
Vietnam War and his repeated criticisms of the political and economic system
of the United States.
 He married in 1949 with Carol Schatz Doris, with whom he stayed until 2008,
the year of her death. With this relationship he had three children: Aviva,
Diane, and Harry. In 2014, he married Valeria Wasserman.

About linguistics
 1957: "Syntactic structures"
 1965: "The aspects of the theory of syntax"
 1965: "Cartesian Linguistics"
 1968: "Language and mind"
 1970: "Current Publications in Linguistic
 1972: "Studies in Semantics in Generative
 1975: "Reflections on the language"
 1977: "Essays on Form and Interpretation"
 1980: "Rules and representations"
 1981: "Conferences on Government and
Binding: The Conferences of Pisa".
 1984: "Modular approaches to the study of
the mind"
 1986: "Barriers"
 1986: "Knowledge of Language: Its Nature,
Origin and Employment"
 1995: "The Minimalist Program"
About politics
 1970: "The Government in the Future"
 1984: "The Second Cold War"
 1988: "The fifth freedom"
 1987: "On Power and Ideology"
 1990: "The guardians of freedom"
 1992: "The fear of democracy"
 1997: "The Global Village"
 1997: "Class struggle"
 1997: "The new World Order (and the old
 2000: "Acts of aggression"
 2000: "The benefit is what counts"
 2001: "Perspectives on power"
 2001: "La Des-Educación"
 2002: "Propaganda and public opinion"
 2003: "The fatal triangle"
 2003: "The culture of terrorism"
 2004: "Illusions of the Middle East"
 2004: "Pirates and emperors"
 2007: "Failed States. The abuse of power and
the attack on democracy "
 2008: "Interventions"
 2008: "On anarchism"
 2008: "Lebanon, from within"
 2010: "Hopes and realities"
 2012: "Illusionists"
 2013: "On Anarchism"
 2015: "Because we say so"


 For most of the population, even

in a country as rich as the US,
salaries have stagnated or
declined over the past 25 years,
while hours and job insecurity
have grown a lot. The world
economy has declined in the
same period of time
(considerably) for a large part of
the world's population, the
conditions are appalling and
often deteriorate, and, most
importantly, the correlation
between economic growth and
Social welfare that has often
occurred (for example, during
post-war or pre-liberalization)
has been truncated.
 If you believe in freedom
of expression then you
believe in freedom of
expression for views that
displease you. For example,
Goebbels was in favor of
freedom of expression for
the views he shared,
equally Stalin. If you are in
favor of freedom of
expression, that means that
you are in favor of freedom
of expression precisely for
the points of view that you
do not share, otherwise,
you would not be in favor
of freedom of expression.

 Jesus himself, and most of the

message of the Gospels, is a
message of service to the poor,
a critique of the rich and
powerful, and a pacifist
doctrine, and it stayed that
way, that's how Christianity
was ... until Constantine .:
Constantine changed it, so the
cross, which was the symbol of
the persecution of someone
who works for the poor, was
put on the shield of the Roman
Empire. It became the symbol
of violence and oppression,
which is more or less what the
church has been up to the
present .
Fun facts
 Both the jihadist terrorist Bin
Laden and the former
president of Venezuela, Hugo
Chávez, made "divulgation"
about Noam Chomsky's
essays, assuring that such
treaties had to be read in
order to "understand" his
"politics" a little more against
the US.
• Democracy and Education-
Mellon-Vorlesung, Universität
Loyola, Chicago (1994)-

• Bibliography and lives,

(2004-2019). Biographical
Encyclopedia: https:

• News Literature, (S.F).


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