Global Resistance

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Meaning of anti-globalization movement

 It is an effort to counter the perceived neagtive aspects of the current

process of globalisation
 It is opposed to neo-liberalism,international institutions and neo-libera
policies that promote neo-libera is
 It has a decentralised network form of organisation
 It is not a purely defensive and reactive but rather a proactive movement
Origin of anti-globalisation movement

 Lineage of the movement traces back to the resistance against European

colonialism and US imperialism
 Some theorists see the beginning of this movement with the anti-war
mobilisations of the 1960s and 1970s and with protests against structural
adjustment in Africa,Asia and Latin America in the 1980s and 1990s
 The uprising of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) in Mexico in
1994 is the most symbolically significant moment of origin for the movement
 The 1999 “Battle of Seattle” marked the moment when “anti-globalisation”
as a term gained widespread usage

 1)Opposition to international financial institutions and transnational

 2)Global opposition tao neo- liberalism
 3)Anti-war movement
 4)Civic and Racial Nationalist opposition against globalization

A forum dedicated to
 Discussion and Proposal of alternatives for anti- globalization
Works towards the construction of a better world –
Rooted in the belief that – “ Another World is possible ”
 Organized for the first time in 2001 in Porto Alegre(Brazil).

 The World Social Forum is an open meeting place for reflective thinking
directed towards building a planetary society having fruitful relationship
among mankind and between it and the Earth.
 The motto of World Social Forum is “ Another World is possible”
 It is a world process and all the meetings here have an international
 The alternatives proposed at the World Social Forum stand in opposition to a
process of Globalization.
 It brings everyone together but intends neither to be a body representing
world civil society.
 The meetings of the World Social Forum do not deliberate on behalf of the
same as a body.
 Organizations or group of organizations must be assured the right to deliberate on
declarations they may decide on whether singly or in- coordination.
 The World Social Forum interrelates organizations at levels from the local to the
international to build another world.
 The World Social Forum will always be a forum open to pluralism.
 The World Social Forum is opposed to all totalitarian and reductionist views.
 It is a movement of ideas that prompts reflection and the transparent circulation
of the results of that reflection.
 The World Social Forum encourages understanding and mutual recognition.
 It seeks to strengthen and create new national and international links.
 It situates it’s actions from the local level to the national level.

 G8 Summit in cologne in 1999.

 IMF / WORLD BANK meeting in Washington 2000.
 G8 Summit in Gene O in 2001.
 European council meeting at goteborg in 2001.
 G20 summit in Toronto in 2010.
 North Korea as the most isolated society.
 Right wing see Globalization as a threat to national economies and National
 Left wing see Globalization as a threat to every aspect of life – including
health , education and culture as a commodity.
 Right wing argues that Globalization is an ideology advanced by Zionism,
Marxism and liberalism.
 Left wing argue that the capitalist logic underlying globalization results in
assymetrical power relations.
 Right wing (example): British National Party
 Left wing(example): Attac in france

 Disorganization
 Lack of effectiveness
 Lack of widespread third world support.
Thank you!

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