Know Yourself

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• The true mantra for success is knowing yourself.

• To grow in life and become better & happier
• To realistically set and reach goals in life
• To have successful relationships
• Leads to better decision-making
• Living more a productive life.
• Not knowing yourself will lead to confusion and
wasting much time in hit and miss situations.
The Building Blocks of Self: Your
• V - Values
• I - Interests
• T - Temperament
• A - Around-the-Clock
• L - Life Mission and Goals
• S - Strengths/Skills
• Guides to decision-making and motivators for

• include your passions, hobbies, and anything
that draws your attention over a sustained
period of time
• describes your inborn preferences
• To understand your temperament ask these
questions to yourself…
– Do you restore your energy from being alone
(introvert) or from being with people (extrovert)?
– Are you a planner or go-with-the-flow type of
– Do you make decisions more on the basis of
feelings or thoughts and facts?
– Do you prefer details or big Ideas?
• refers to when you like to do things—your
• Some questions to ponder over..
– Are you a morning person or a night person?
– At what time of day does your energy peak?
Life Mission and Meaningful Goals
• What have been the most meaningful events
of your life?
• It helps you to discover clues to your hidden
identity, to your career, and to life satisfaction
Good Life Goals
• The Good Life Goals are a set of personal
actions that people around the world can take
to help support the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs)
• The Sustainable Development Goals are a
collection of 17 global goals set by the United
Nations General Assembly in 2015 for the year
• can include not only abilities, skills, and
talents, but also character strengths such as
loyalty, respect for others, love of
learning, emotional intelligence, fairness, and
• Knowing your strengths is one of the
foundations of self-confidence
Ways to find out….
• Mind Mapping
• Johari Window
• The Enneagram Personality Indicator
• Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MTBI)
Mind Mapping
• Mind mapping is a highly effective way of
getting information in and out of your brain.
Mind mapping is a creative and logical means
of note-taking and note-making that literally
"maps out" your ideas.
How to make a Mind Map?
• Think of your general main theme and write that
down in the center of the page. i.e. Myself
• Figure out sub-themes of your main concept and
draw branches to them from the center, beginning to
look like a spider web i.e. VITALS
• Make sure to use very short phrases or even single
• Add images to invoke thought or get the message
across better
• Try to think of at least two main points for each sub-
theme you created and create branches out to those
Johari Window
• The Johari window is a technique that helps
people better understand their relationship
with themselves and others.
• It was created by psychologists Joseph Luft
and Harrington Ingham in 1955

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