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Lambung dan sekresinya

Cardiac orifice

5 µm

Folds of
Small epithelial
Interior surface of stomach. intestine tissue
The interior surface of the
stomach wall is highly folded
and dotted with pits leading Epithelium 3
into tubular gastric glands. 1 Pepsinogen and HCI
are secreted into the
Pepsinogen Pepsin (active enzyme)
Gastric gland. The gastric 2 lumen of the stomach.
glands have three types of cells HCl
that secrete different components
of the gastric juice: mucus cells, 1
chief cells, and parietal cells. 2 HCl converts
pepsinogen to pepsin.
Mucus cells secrete mucus,
which lubricates and protects
3 Pepsin then activates
the cells lining the stomach.
more pepsinogen,
starting a chain
Chief cells secrete pepsino-
reaction. Pepsin
gen, an inactive form of the
begins the chemical
digestive enzyme pepsin.
digestion of proteins.
Parietal cell
Parietal cells secrete Chief cell
hydrochloric acid (HCl).

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