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Pump Power Failure Response

Bryan Karney


 Description of a transient event

 Structural considerations
 Network representation and assumed data
 Types of valves used to control transients
 Example of a transient analysis
 Conclusions

III. Pump Power Failure Response Associates
Transients and Power Failure
 In general, when power to pumps is cut, the
following events occur:
 Rapid decrease in rotational speed of pumps
 Results in the rapid propagation of a low pressure wave
into the system toward the elevated tank
 Closure of the check valves at each pump
 The low pressure wave reflects off the elevated tank
and back into the system
 Pressure in the line increases, direction of flow
 Pressure continues to oscillate until transient dies out
and new steady state is reached
III. Pump Power Failure Response Associates
Structural Considerations
 Ingeneral, negative pressures are to be avoided
 Pipes may withstand some degree of negative
 We often accept negative pressures up to -8 m
 Structuralloading due to negative pressures
should also be checked to prevent collapse of the
 Large positive pressures also a cause for concern
 Hydraulic surge analysis seeks to mediate
negative pressures while also reducing
positive pressures Hydratek
III. Pump Power Failure Response Associates
Network Representation
 Seldom necessary to analyze an entire water
distribution system
 Must sequentially construct a skeletal
representation of the system
 That is, gradually add pipe segments adjacent to
upgraded line and observe change in transient
response of system
 When change in response negligible, stop adding

III. Pump Power Failure Response Associates
Worst Case Testing
 Typically, in a distribution network, most severe
transient conditions occur when:
 all electric pumps experience a power failure;
 both elevated storage tank and ground reservoir are
filling; and
 network demand is very low (e.g., during the night)
 However, there are no general rules that apply to
all systems, and each must be handled with

III. Pump Power Failure Response Associates
Assumed Data
 The combined inertia of pumps, motors, shafts,
and couplings must be obtained for the transient
analysis of pump power failure
 Moments of inertia for the pumps and motors are
frequently not available
 Therefore, may need to approximate the inertia
values using some method (e.g., A.R.D. Thorley,
1991, Fluid Transients in Pipeline Systems)

III. Pump Power Failure Response Associates
Determining Moment of Inertia
 Data from five different pump manufacturers was
analyzed using linear regression techniques
 For the pump impeller, entrained water, and shaft,
the moment of inertia Ip is:
 P
I p  0.03768 3 
N 
 where N = rotational speed in thousands of
revs/min; and P = shaft power in kW supplied to
the pump at its rated conditions and maximum
III. Pump Power Failure Response Associates
Determining Moment of Inertia
 For the motor, the moment of inertia Im is:
 P
I m  0.0043 
 N
 Shaft power P can be expressed in symbols as:
gQo Ho

 where r = density of water; g = acceleration due to
gravity; Qo = design flow rate; Ho = operating
head; and h = assumed efficiency

III. Pump Power Failure Response Associates
Determining Moment of Inertia
 The combined result of these two values (Ip and
Im) is the “pump inertia”
 To check estimates for existing systems, one
should contact the pumping station operator
 A good check on whether estimates of pump
inertia using Thorley’s method are reasonable

III. Pump Power Failure Response Associates
Some Protection Approaches
 Some of the more common control measures
 Profile change
 Lowering the static head
 Changing the pipe diameter or material
 Controlled valve operation
 Specialized devices
 Flywheels for pumps
 Transientanalysis is needed to determine the
most appropriate control measure(s)
And A Few More ...
 Airchambers (hydropneumatic tank)
 Surge tanks
 Valves (e.g., PRVs, surge anticipation valves)
 Flywheels
 Changing pipeline profile
 Increasing diameter of pipeline
 Reducing water hammer wave velocity (e.g.,
choice of pipe material)

Check Valves
 prevent reverse flow;
 prevent runaway pump
 keep the pipeline full of
water to prevent entrance
of air; and
 minimize water hammer
and surges for pump start-
up and shut-down

Figure 1. A swing check valve.

After GA Industries, Inc.
III. Pump Power Failure Response Associates
Check Valves (continued)
 Major concern of check valves is slam
 Sudden stop and violent impact of the disc upon
valve seat causes explosive noise and vibrations
 At worst, slam can rupture pipe or crack pump
 At best, slam is just an annoyance
 In between, slam pounds system and may
eventually result in leaks

III. Pump Power Failure Response Associates
Check Valves (continued)
 Methods of avoiding slam:
 increase inertia of pump by using a larger flywheel;
 use a valve that closes quickly - before flow reversal;
 add a dashpot or buffer to valve;
 close valve with an external actuator;
 install pressure-actuated relief valve; and
 use rubber seats

III. Pump Power Failure Response Associates
Surge Relief and Anticipation
 to vent water from high
pressure wave reflected
from reservoir following
pump power failure
Main flow
 Relief valves respond to
high pressure activation
 Anticipation valves also
respond to low pressure
signals - BEWARE
Figure 2. Surge anticipation valve.
After GA Industries, Inc.
III. Pump Power Failure Response Associates
Surge Relief and Anticipation
 Connected to pump header via a tee and isolation valve
 Usually controlled to ensure valve does not open until
positive pressure wave approaches pump station
 A timer keeps the valve open for a specified time and then
closes it slowly
 If a second pressure wave follows, the valve acts like a
surge relief valve
 Does not reduce or control initial low pressure wave;
anticipation waves can, in fact, make this much worse!

III. Pump Power Failure Response Associates
Air and Vacuum Valves
 to release air from high
points (air reduces
Large orifice
open to chamber cross-section of pipe 
Small orifice high head loss)
 prevent negative
Chamber Float
pressures when pump
head drops quickly (e.g.,
prevent column

Figure 3. Combination air valve.

After APCO Valve & Primer Corp.
III. Pump Power Failure Response Associates
Air and Vacuum Valves (cont.)
 Select a profile which minimizes their number
because they are difficult to maintain
 If combination valve is too large, air cavity
grows excessively and pressures caused by
cavity collapses (column rejoinder) will be greater
 If combination valve is too small, line not
adequately protected from the down surge
following power failure (i.e., not enough air
admitted to the system)

III. Pump Power Failure Response Associates
Transient Response
 Low pressure wave may be large enough to
warrant installation of a combination air/vacuum
 Surge anticipating valve is often not required at
pumping station to mediate the reflected positive
pressure wave because:
 found that it causes the vacuum breaker valves to
remain open for long periods thus filling the line with air;
 the positive pressures are not large enough to warrant
such a valve
III. Pump Power Failure Response Associates
Transient Response (continued)
 The flow reversal causes air at the vacuum
breaking valve to be expelled
 When this air cavity finally collapses, a positive
pressure wave propagates both upstream and
downstream in the pipeline
 May be several cycles of growth and collapse of
air cavities
 However, each cycle is progressively damped
relative to the first cycle

III. Pump Power Failure Response Associates
Transient Response (continued)
 Many systems are insensitive to:
 distribution of network demand;
 reservoir levels;
 pipeline details (e.g., number of connections);
 wavespeed; and
 pump inertia values (50%)
 These generalizations are not always valid!

III. Pump Power Failure Response Associates
 Difference in transient response to a power failure
between systems can range in significance
 However, pump power failure may cause significant
regions of negative pressure and large transients
 Negative pressures often undetectable with typical
measurement equipment
 Could lead to long-term degradation, high O/M costs
 Water quality may also be a problem if bacteria admitted
through cracked pipes subject to negative pressure

III. Pump Power Failure Response Associates

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