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Michelle Angela T. Collo
Basic Concepts of Quality:


Quality Control

Quality Assurance

Quality Management

Total Quality Management

ISO System

■ It is the totality of features and characteristics of a

product that bears on it’s ability to satisfy the stated
or implied needs-- ASQC
What is Quality?

■ User-Based: “In the eyes of the beholder”

■ Manufacturing-Based: “Right the first time”
■ Product-Based: “Precise Measurement”
Dimensions of Quality:
■ Performance
■ Aesthetics
■ Special Features: Convenience, High-tech
■ Safety
■ Reliability
■ Durability
■ Perceived Quality
■ Service after sale
Dimensions of Quality Service:

■ Time & Timeless

■ Completeness
■ Courtesy
■ Consistency
■ Accessibility & Convenience
■ Accuracy
■ Responsiveness
Importance of Quality

■ Lower costs (less labor, rework, scarp)

■ Motivated employees
■ Market Share
■ Reputation
■ International Competitiveness
■ Revenues generation increased (ultimate goal)
Quality Control:

■ It is the operational techniques and activities that

are used to fulfill the requirements for quality.
Quality Assurance:

■ Is all systematic and planned actions which are

necessary to provide adequate confidence that a
product or service will satisfy the given requirement
for quality.
Quality Management:

■ Is a systematic set of operating procedures which is

company wide, documented, implemented and
maintained while ensuring the growth of business in
a consistent manner.
Total Quality Management (TQM):

■ The latest approach and it is the process of

individual and organization development the
purpose of which is to increase the level of
satisfaction of all the stakeholders.
Quality Management vs. Quality Assurance

Achieving results that satisfy the requirements for Demonstrating that the requirements for the
quality. quality have been (and can be) achieved

Motivated by stakeholders internal to the Motivated by stake holders, especially customers,

organization, especially the organization’s external to the organization

Goal is to satisfy all stake holders Goal is to satisfy all customers

Effective, efficient and continually improving, Confidence in the organization’s products is the
overall quality-related performance is the intended result
intended result.

Scope covers all activities that affect the total Scope of demonstration covers activities that
quality-related business results of the directly affect quality-related process and product
organization. results
ISO System:

■ A set of quality standards governing the documentation

requirement of a system.

1. ISO 9001; 2008

2. ISO 14000; 2004
3. ISO 17025
4. SA 8000
ISO 9001; 2008
(Quality Management System)
■ The standards and any organization, large or small
irrespective of area of business of activity can get
certified post adhering to the standard requirement.

■ It is focused on meeting customer expectations and

delivering customer satisfaction so you must pay
attention to the customer.
ISO 14000; 2004
Environmental Management System
■ To enable an organization to develop and implement
a policy and objectives which take into account legal
requirements to which the organization subscribes,
and information about significant environmental
ISO 17025: Competence of Testing and
Calibration Laboratories

■ It covers testing and calibration performed using

standard methods, non-standard methods, and
laboratory-developed methods.
SA 8000

■ Is an auditable certification standard that

encourages organizations to develop, maintain, and
apply socially acceptable practices in the workplace.
Quality Management Principles:
Customer focus
Engagement of people
Process Approach
Evidence-based decision making
Relationship Managemnet
Customer Focus:

■ Is to meet customer requirements and to strive to

exceed customer expectations.
Key Benefits:
■ Increased customer value
■ Increased customer satisfaction
■ Improved customer loyalty
■ Enhanced repeat business
■ Enhanced Reputation of the organization
■ Expanded customer base
■ Increased revenue and market share

■ Leaders at all levels establish unity of purpose and

direction and create conditions in which people are
engaged in achieving the organization’s quality
Key Benefits:

■ Increased effectiveness and efficiency in meeting the

organization’s quality objectives
■ Better coordination of the organization’s processes
■ Improved communication between levels and functions of
the organization
■ Development and improvement of the capability of the
organization and its people to deliver desired results
Engagement of people:

■ Competent, empowered and engaged people at all

levels throughout the organization are essential to
enhance its capability to create and deliver value.
Key Benefits:
■ Improved understanding of the organization’s quality objectives
by people in the organization and increased motivation to
achieve them
■ Enhanced involvement of people in improvement activities
■ Enhanced personal development. Initiatives and creativity
■ Enhanced people satisfaction
■ Enhanced trust and collaboration throughout the organization
■ Increased attention to shared values and culture throughout the
Process Approach:

■ Consistent and predictable results are achieved

more effectively and efficiently when activities are
understood and managed as interrelated processes
that function as a coherent system.
Key Benefits:

■ Enhanced ability to focus effort on key processes and

opportunities for improvement
■ Consistent and predictable outcomes through a system of
aligned processes
■ Optimized performance through effective process management,
efficient use of resources, and reduced cross-functional barriers
■ Enabling the organization to provide confidence to interested
parties as to its consistency, effectiveness and efficiency

■ Successful organization have an ongoing focus on


■ It is essential for an organization to maintain current

levels of performance, to react to changes in its
internal and external conditions and to create new
Key Benefits:
■ Improves process performance, organizational capabilities and
customer satisfaction
■ Enhanced focus on root-cause investigation and determination,
followed by prevention and corrective actions
■ Enhanced ability to anticipate and react to internal and external risks
and opportunities
■ Enhanced consideration of both incremental and breakthrough
■ Improved use of learning for improvement
■ Enhanced drive for innovation
Evidence-Based Decision Making:

■ Decisions based on the analysis and evaluation of

data and information are more likely to produce
desired results.

■ Decision making can be a complex process, and it

always involves some uncertainty.
Key Benefits:

■ Improved decision-making process

■ Improved assessment of process performance and
ability to achieve objectives
■ Improved operational effectiveness and efficiency
■ Increased ability to review, challenge and change
opinions and decisions
■ Increase ability to demonstrate the effectiveness of past
Relationship Management:

■ For sustained success, an organization manages its

relationships with interested parties, such as suppliers.

■ Sustained success is more likely to be achieved when

the organization manages relationships with all of its
interested parties to optimize their impact on its
Key Benefits:

■ Enhanced performance of the organization and its

interested parties through responding to the opportunities
and constraints related to each interested party
■ Common understanding goals and values among interested
■ Increased capability to create value for interested parties by
sharing resources and competence and managing quality-
related risks
■ A well-managed supply chain that provides a stable flow of
goods and services

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