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Agilent 3000 Series

User’s Guide
Made By :
A/C Mamoon (16088026)
A/C Hamza (16088021)
A/C Ahmed (16088019)
A/C Zeeshan (16088027)
Salient Features
• Features:
• 60 to 200 MHz bandwidths
• 1 GSa/s maximum sample rate
• Large 15-cm (5.7-in) color display
• Advanced triggering including edge, pulse width, and
line selectable video.
• 4 kpts of waveform memory
• USB host and device connectivity
• 20 automatic measurements plus hardware counter
and Measure All
• Four math functions, including FFTs standard
Front Panel
Getting Familiar with the Front Panel
• Run Controls buttons :
There are two buttons for starting and stopping the
oscilloscope’s acquisition system.
Getting Familiar with the Front Panel
• Run Controls buttons :
There are two buttons for starting and stopping the
oscilloscope’s acquisition system.

1) When the Run/Stop button is green, the oscilloscope is

acquiring data. To stop , press Run/Stop button.
When stopped, last acquired waveform is displayed.
2) When the Run/Stop button is red, data acquisition is
stopped. To start acquiring data, press Run/Stop.
3) To capture and display a single acquisition (whether the
oscilloscope is running or stopped), press Single.
• Auto Scale Button :
The Auto-Scale button is present in menu buttons.
1) By pressing Auto-scale button, The oscilloscope turns on
all channels that have waveforms applied and sets the
vertical and horizontal scales appropriately.
General View Of Waveform Window
• Horizontal Controls :
• Horizontal Controls :

1) The horizontal scale knob — changes the oscilloscope’s

time per division setting using the center of the screen as a
2) The horizontal position knob — changes the position of
the trigger point relative to the center of the screen.
3) By pressing Main/Delayed button we can have delayed
sweep time base.
• The delayed sweep time base magnifies a portion of the
original waveform display (now on the top half of the
screen) and displays it in a zoomed time base on the
bottom half of the screen.
• Vertical Controls :
The vertical controls consist of the channel (1, 2),
Math, Ref buttons (turn waveforms on or off and display or
hide their menus) and vertical position and scale knobs.
1) Vertical scale knob is used to change the amplitude per
division setting.
2) Adjusting vertical position lets you compare waveforms
by aligning them above one another or on top of each
Vertical position knob is used to change the vertical
position of the waveform on the screen.
3) By pressing the Channel (1 or 2) button.
1) Vertical scale knob is used to change the amplitude per
division setting.
2) Adjusting vertical position lets you compare waveforms
by aligning them above one another or on top of each
Vertical position knob is used to change the vertical
position of the waveform on the screen.
3) By pressing the Channel (1 or 2) button. We can select
between Coupling channel, Bandwidth limit, Inverting
Signal and Digital Filter.
a) Channel Coupling: (Three Modes)
• DC - passes both DC and AC components of the input
waveform to the oscilloscope.
• AC - blocks the DC component of the input waveform and
passes the AC component
• GND - the waveform is disconnected from the oscilloscope
b) Bandwidth limit:
• When high frequency components of a waveform are not
important to its analysis, the bandwidth limit control can
be used to reject frequencies above some limit.
• In the Channel menu, select BW Limit to toggle the
bandwidth limit setting “ON” and “OFF”.
c) Inverting the signal:
You can invert a waveform with respect to the ground level.
• In the Channel menu, select Invert to toggle between “ON”
and “OFF”
d) Using Digital Filter:
You can apply a digital filter to the sampled waveform data.
• In the Channel menu, select Digital Filter.
• In the Filter menu, press the Filter Type menu button to
select between.

• Low Pass Filter

• High Pass Filter
• Band Pass Filter
• Band Reject Filter

• The horizontal scale control sets the maximum value for the
upper and lower limits.
Using Math Function Waveform
• The math functions control allows the selection of the
math functions:
• Add
• Subtract
• Multiply
• FFT (Fast Fourier Transform)
• To add, subtract, or multiply waveforms:
In the Math menu, press Operate to select:
• 1+2
• 1-2
• 1x2
• To display the frequency domain using FFT:
• In the Math menu, press Operate until “FFT” is selected.
• In the FFT menu, press Source until the desired input
channel is selected.
• Displaying Automatic Measurements:
You can use the Measure button to display automatic
• Displaying Automatic Measurements:
You can use the Measure button to display automatic

• Press Measure.
• In the Measure menu, select Source to select the input
channel or math waveform on which to make the
automatic measurement.
• Select Voltage (for voltage measurements) or Time (for
time measurements).
• Voltage Measurements:
• There are 10 automatic voltage measurements:
Vpp (Peak- to- Peak Voltage).
Vmax (Maximum Voltage).
Vmin (Minimum Voltage).
Vavg (Average Voltage).
Vamp (Amplitude Voltage = Vtop - Vbase).
Vtop (Top Voltage).
Vbase (Base Voltage).
Vrms (Root-Mean- Square Voltage).
• Time Measurements:
• There are 10 automatic time measurements plus the hardware
• Frequency.
• Period.
• Rise Time.
• Fall Time.
• + Pulse Width.
• - Pulse Width.
• + Duty Cycle.
• - Duty Cycle.
• Delay 1- 2, rising edges.
• Delay 1- 2, falling edges.
• Counter (Frequency).

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