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Identifying cause and effect

Hurray or Hello?
1.On the first day of school, Andy was very
surprised because he saw a monster.
2.The monster screamed loudly so no one could
hear the teacher.
3.The children were happy to have a monster in
the class because he was friendly.
4.Since the monster pounded on the piano, the
teacher had to close it.
5.The monster behaved well in school so the
teacher rewarded him.
Game: Picture Perfect
1.___________ is the result of smoking cigarettes.

2.___________ , so Dad picked him up.

3. The weather forecast called for rain, ___________.

4._________ because he skipped lunch.

5.__________ so she passed the exam.

1.Since I wanted to plant, I started with
five little seeds.

2.Because only three will make

flowers, the two will be weeds.

3.Out comes the sun, down comes a

shower, so up come three little
Cause - the reason
-why something happened.
Effect - the result
-what happened.
1.On the first day of school, Andy was very surprised
because he saw a monster.

2.The monster screamed loudly so no one could hear the


3.The monster climbed up the slide the wrong way and sat
at the top so no one else could slide down.

4.Since the monster pounded on the piano, the teacher

had to close it.

5.The monster burst into tears because the teacher told

him that he is no longer allowed in school.
Interactive Moment
Group I
Group 2
Group 3
Encircle the cause and underline the effect
in the sentences.
1. The field was muddy because it rained all day.

2.He was sleepy in the morning because he stayed

late finishing his assignment.

3.Liza forgot to close the gate so her dog ran out of

the yard.

4.Lily forgot to eat breakfast so she was hungry.

5.I could not get into the house because I lost my


Read the sentences and then write one

1.We ran out of milk this morning.
2.The class behaved well.
3.I helped my little sister with her
4.The concert ticket was sold out.
5.The children stayed up until midnight.

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