The Bilateral Agreement Between China and China

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• federal republic of Nigeria and the People's Republic of China established

formal diplomatic relation on February 10, 1971.

• Relations between the two nations grew closer as a result of the international
isolation and Western condemnation of Nigeria's military regimes (1970s-1998).
• Nigeria has since become an important source of oil and petroleum for China's
rapidly growing economy and Nigeria is looking to China for help in achieving high
economic growth;
• China has provided extensive economic, military and political support.
• In 2004 and again in 2006, Chinese President Hu Jintao made state visits to
Nigeria and addressed a joint session of the National Assembly of Nigeria. Both
nations signed a memorandum of understanding on establishing a strategic
• China has supported Nigeria's bid for a seat in the U.N. Security Council ,
• As of February 2013, the Chinese Ambassador in Nigeria is Deng Boqing.
• china’s growing involvement in the African continent has drawn
intense scrutiny from traditional partners and raises the question of
whether or not collaboration is beneficial for African countries and
their development goals.
• No bilateral China-Africa relationship is evolving faster, or
impacts more people, than the one between China and Nigeria. The
Asian giant going global meets the African giant who aims to
become one of the world’s top 20 economies.
• From less than USD 2 billion in 2000, trade between China and
Nigeria reached nearly USD 18 billion just ten years later Between
2003 and 2009,
• Nigeria was a top destination for Chinese Foreign Direct
Investment on the continent, second only to South Africa, Its
attractions are clear: vast energy reserves and a large domestic
market of 150 million inhabitants with growing disposable incomes.
• For Nigeria, incentives lie in China’s own successful economic
transformation, its capacity to deliver large-scale infrastructure
projects and, more importantly, its ability to finance them.
• Can the relationship between both country be
typified as Neo-Colonialism, South-South
Solidarity, or Both?
• China and Nigeria : a powerful South-
South alliance;
• Deborah Brautigam and Tang Xiaoyang (2009) African Shenzhen: China’s special economic zones in Africa.
• Gregory Mthembu-Salter (2009), Elephants, Ants and Superpowers: Nigeria’s Relations with China. South
• E .Olawale Ogunkola and al (2008), China-Nigeria Economic Relations. University of Ibadan.
• O lugboyega A. Oyerantin et al (2010). The impact of China-Africa Investment Relations: the case of
• CNN (2011) “China’s giant economy” September 20th
• Daniel.A.O. (1980) Imperialism and Dependency, Fourth Dimension publishers, Enugu, Nigeria.
• Daniel .R. (2013) China: The Emerging Giant, palm grove publications, New Delhi, India.
• Idris. A. (2007) NAFDAC and China, Ikenga publishers, Enugu, Nigeria Iortin. C. (2011) Nigeria Vs China
Human Rights Stand, Virgin press, New York, USA.
• John. E. (2012) Chinese investments in Nigeria, Glow press, Shanghai, China.
• John. O. (2012) Chinese Textile Imports, Green press, Aberdeen, Scotland.
• Olawale.B. (2010) Nigeria-China Labour Relations, Ikenga publishers, Enugu, Nigeria.
• Peter.E. (2013) Trade gap between Nigeria and China, flower press, Beijing, China.
• Robert.K. (1994) Dependency and interdependency, Orange press, Durban, South Africa. Iortin. C. (2011)
Nigeria Vs China Human Rigths Stand, Virgin press, New york. Richard.A. (2013) Nigeria- China Trade
growth, white press, Pretoria. South Africa

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