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Click the House in the lower

right hand corner to move on

Don’t hit the mouse or the arrow
or the space bar key
5 ?
4 ?
3 ?
2 ?
1 ?
____________ is the controlling idea
or the insight that the author
wants the reader to understand at
the end of the story. It is also often
the author’s thoughts or view of a

A. Point of View B. Mood

C. Conflict D. Theme
In every story, there has to be a
problem. The main character has to
be challenged in some way or the
story will go nowhere. The following
are basic conflicts EXCEPT:

A. Man vs. Society B. Man vs. Nature

C. Man vs. Conflict D. Man vs. Man

A work of short, narrative prose
that is usually centered around one
single event. It is limited in scope
and has an introduction, body and

A. Novel B. Prose

C. Journal D. Short Story

______ is the end of the story. It
focuses on how the conflict is
ultimately resolved. It answers if the
closing sentences significant and
how does the end relate or connect
to the opening.

A. Resolution B. Conflict

C. Climax D. Denouement
Your teacher is about to discuss
the Elements of a Short Story; are
you guys ready?

A. Yes! B. Of course!

C. Definitely. D. I have no choice.

End of Game

Instructions & answer slides follow

Setting up Game
• Use the Edit menu and Replace… to insert questions and answers. In the Find box, type in “Question X” (where X is
the question number, 1 through 15). In the Replace box, type in the question. Then, enter “Answer X-1” and the first
answer, “Answer X-2” and the second answer, etc. (Capitalize as indicated.)
• To set up the 50-50 Lifeline slides (Slides 37-51):
– 1. Select the first answer to be eliminated by clicking on the text of the answer. Select the text and delete it.
(This should leave a blank hexagon.)
– 2.Repeat with the second eliminated answer, and then repeat with each further slide.
• To set up the Answer slides (Slides 21-35):
– 1. Select the hexagon behind the correct answer by right-clicking on the hexagon. (Click above or below the
answer text to avoid selecting the text instead. Once selected, the hexagon should have a rectangular border
around it.) Select Format Autoshape; choose the Colors and Lines tab, choose the Fill color and change its
color to light green. (The green should be provided in the bottom row of colors.)
– 2. Repeat with each further slide.
• Slides 52-66 are the Money Won slides.
• On the title screen, the finger icon will link to a Fastest Finger slide, if you would like to use it. To set up the Fastest
Finger slide (Slide 70), fill in the Fastest Finger question, and the four answers. On the answer slide (Slide 71),
replace each orange question mark with the letter of the appropriate answer in order, starting at the top. Fill in the
answer corresponding to each letter accordingly. Clicking on the ? icon on Slide 70 will go to the answer slide;
clicking on the house icon will link to the main game board. USAGE NOTE: the Fastest Finger question slide
includes the music for Fastest Finger; this music is 25 seconds long. Use the music as a timer; when the music ends,
go to the answer slide.
____________ is the controlling idea or
the insight that the author wants the
reader to understand at the end of
the story. It is also often the author’s
thoughts or view of a subject.

A. B.

C. D. Theme
In every story, there has to be a
problem. The main character has to
be challenged in some way or the
story will go nowhere. The following
are basic conflicts EXCEPT:

A. B.

C. Man vs. Conflict D.

A work of short, narrative prose
that is usually centered around one
single event. It is limited in scope
and has an introduction, body and

A. B.

C. D. Short Story
______ is the end of the story. It focuses
on how the conflict is ultimately
resolved. It answers if the closing
sentences significant and how does the
end relate or connect to the opening.

A. Resolution B.

C. D.
Your teacher will now discuss
about the Elements of a Short
Story; are you guys ready?

A. Yes! B.B. Of course!

C. Definitely! D.
D. I have no choice.
50-50 Lifeline Slides
____________ is the controlling idea
or the insight that the author wants
the reader to understand at the end
of the story. It is also often the
author’s thoughts or view of a

C. Conflict D. Theme
In every story, there has to be a
problem. The main character has to
be challenged in some way or the
story will go nowhere. The following
are basic conflicts EXCEPT:

B. Man vs. Nature

C. Man vs. Conflict

A work of short, narrative prose
that is usually centered around
one single event. It is limited in
scope and has an introduction,
body and conclusion.

B. Prose

D. Short Story
______ is the end of the story. It
focuses on how the conflict is
ultimately resolved. It answers if
the closing sentences significant
and how does the end relate or
connect to the opening.

A. Resolution

D. Denouement

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