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Analysis of Quinolone

Analytical Physicochemistry II
Novi A. K., Nadhira H., Nurfidini A., Trias I. P., Priscilia A. M.
Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Padjadjaran
Struktur Umum Kuinolon
Atom-atom X dan Y
dapat berupa atom-
atom karbon atau
nitrogen sedangkan
gugus-gugus R1,
R5, R6, R7, dan R8
dapat berupa
struktur yang sangat
Tabel Variasi Struktur Kuinolon
Struktur Golongan Antibiotik Kuinolon
Nalidixic acid Levofloxacin

Ciprofloxacin Trovafloxacin
Golongan Antibiotik Kuinolon

First-generation Second-generation
 cinoxacin (Cinobac)  ciprofloxacin (Alcipro,Ciprobay,
 nalidixic acid (NegGram, Cipro, Ciproxin)
Wintomylon)  enoxacin (Enroxil, Penetrex)
 oxolinic acid (Uroxin)  fleroxacin (Megalone, Roquinol)
 piromidic acid (Panacid)  lomefloxacin (Maxaquin)
 pipemidic acid (Dolcol)  nadifloxacin (Acuatim, Nadoxin,
 rosoxacin (Eradacil) Nadixa)
 norfloxacin (Lexinor, Noroxin,
Quinabic, Janacin)
 ofloxacin (Floxin, Oxaldin, Tarivid)
 pefloxacin (Peflacine)
Golongan Antibiotik Kuinolon

Third-generation Fourth-generation
Unlike the first- and second Fourth generation fluoroquinolones
generations, the third-generation is act at DNA gyrase and topoisomerase
active against streptococci. IV. This dual action slows
 balofloxacin (Baloxin) development of resistance.
 grepafloxacin (Raxar)  clinafloxacin
 Levofloxacin (Cravit,  gatifloxacin (Zigat, Tequin)
Levaquin)  gemifloxacin (Factive)
 pazufloxacin (Pasil, Pazucross)  moxifloxacin (Avelox,Vigamox)
 sparfloxacin (Zagam)  sitafloxacin (Gracevit)
 temafloxacin (Omniflox)  trovafloxacin (Trovan)
 tosufloxacin (Ozex, Tosacin)  prulifloxacin (Quisnon)
• identifikasi fluorokuinolon dilakukan dengan reaksi warna
yang berdasarkan pada karakteristik kelas fluorokuinolon,
 sifat oksidator dari kuinolon
 gugus fungsi florin
Oxidation of ferrous ammonium sulfate
• Solution A: Ferrous ammonium sulfate solution 0.1% (w/v)
in 1% H2SO4.
• Procedure: To the solid sample, 0.5 mL solution A was
added followed by sodium bicabonate till effervescence
ceased. Development of yellow-red color indicated
presence of fluoroquinolones. The blank had no color.
Test for fluoride with Zr-EDTA-PV
(Zirconium-Ethylene diamine tetracetic acid-
Pyrocatechol violet) reagent
Solution A
• The acetate buffer of pH 4.2 was prepared by dissolving 3.7 mL glacial
acetic acid and 2.177 g sodium acetate trihydrate in 50 mL water.
Solution B
• 0.02 g ZrOCl2, 0.03 g EDTA and 0.001 g pyrocatechol violet were
dissolved in water. To this 25 mL solution A was added and volume was
made up to 100 mL. This reagent is stable for nearly 2 weeks at room
temperature (~ 30 ºC).
• The drug sample was fused with 50 mg of NaNO3 in a wide mouth glass
tube. After cooling, 25 mg NH4Cl was added and heating was resumed
till effervescence ceased. After cooling, the solid mass was dissolved in
0.5 mL water and 0.5 mL solution B was added. The color change of
solution B from blue to yellow indicated positive test for fluoroquinolones.
Oxidation with acidic dichromate
Solution A: 0.01N K2Cr2O7 in 1M sulfuric acid
The solid sample was treated with 0.5 mL of solution A in a
spot plate and mixed by swirling. After a minute red-purple
chromogen was formed. The control had yellow color.
Ciprofloxacin dan norfloxacin:
Test with acid-base mixed indicator
Solution A
• (1:1), 0.1% Bromothymol blue (50% alc.) and 0.1% methyl red
(50% alc.)
• The solid sample was dissolved in 0.5 mL 0.1N HCl and
allowed to stand for 2 min. The supernatant was decanted and
neutralized with 0.1N NaOH added in installments of 25 μL till
precipitation commenced. The precipitate obtained was either
of ciprofloxacin or norfloxacin; it was washed 2-3 times with
distilled water to remove any traces of excess acid or alkali.
Finally, the precipitate was suspended in 0.5 mL water. 2-3
drops of solution A were added and after a few minutes color
of supernatant liquid was observed. Norfloxacin and
ciprofloxacin gave green and yellow color respectively,
whereas the blank had faint red color.
Gatifloxacin, levofloxacin and ofloxacin:
Test with cobalt thiocyanate
Solution A: 4N HCl
Solution B: 1.4 g CoCl2.6H2O and 0.9 g NH4SCN in 100 mL
distilled water.
Solution C: Concentrated HCl.
• To the solid sample 0.1 mL solution A was added and after
mixing 0.2 mL solution B was added. When blue-green flaky
precipitate was obtained, then immediately 0.2 mL solution C
was added. After addition of solution C (a) for gatifloxacin the
blue-green precipitate persisted (b) for ofloxacin the precipitate
faded to white and disappeared after 5 min (c) in case of
levofloxacin the precipitate disappeared immediately. The blank
had pink color throughout.

1 ml Litium Metoksida setara dengan 23,22 mg Asam Nalidiksat

Drug in each case was analyzed either by
measuring the absorbance of aliquots at
278 and 316 nm on a UV/VIS
2. CIPROFLOXACIN spectrophotometer, or by reversed-phase
high-performance liquid chromatographic
(RP-HPLC) method.

Larutkan 300 mg
sampel dalam 80 mL
Asam Asetat Glasial

Titrasi dengan 0,1M

Asam Perklorat
secara potensiometri

1 mL Asam Perklorat 0.1 M setara

dengan 33.14 mg

Larutkan 300 mg sampel

Ciprofloxacin HCl ke dalam 15 mL
asam asetat glasial

Tambahkan raksa(II) Asetat 1,5 mL

dan 5 mL asetat anhidrat

Titrasi dengan 0,1 M asam perklorat

dan gunakan indikator kristal violet

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