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Social Sciences are disciplines concerned

with the systematic study of social

phenomena. It is defined as the study of
human society.

*Applied Social Science –

Is the application of social science theories,
concepts, methods, and findings to
problems identified in the wider society (D.
Jary & J. Jary 2000)
1.Counseling -The process of guiding a person
during a stage of life when reassessments or
decisions have to be made about himself
or herself and his or her life course
2.Social Work -Associated with government
welfare and social programs aimed at
achieving social justice, fairness and
attainment of social equilibrium.
3.Communication –deals with how human use
verbal and non-verbal messages to create
meaning in various contexts.
Discipline in Counseling
–A relationship characterized by the
application of one or more psychological
theories and recognized set of
communication skills appropriate to a client’s
intimate concerns, problems or aspirations

*Counseling is designed to facilitate positive

change in student behavior, feelings and
*Psychometric Test – a kind of tests that
measure the intelligence, traits and others.
 Counseling as Context
Client Factors –everything that a client brings to the
counseling context
Counselor Factors–personality skills, and personal qualities of
a counselor can significantly impact the outcomes of the
counseling relationship.
Contextual Factors–environment where to conduct the
counseling sessions
*Quiet, Warm and Comfortable Place away from
Process Factors –actual counseling undertaking. The goal
 Developing trust
 Exploring problem areas
 Helping to set goals
 Empowering into action
Counseling aimed at empowering a client.
Client empowerment means that they
develop skills and abilities that require self-
management and improved motivation
toward actions that are good for one’s self
and develop positive outlook toward the
 *Advice / Advice giving
– has to avoid breeding a relationship in
which the counselee feels inferior and
emotionally dependent on the counselor
 *Reassurance
– a valuable principle that can bring about
a sense of relief that may empower a
client to function normally again
*Release of emotional tension
– opportunity to get emotional release
from their pent-up frustrations and
other personal issues.
 *Clarified Thinking
– encourages a client to accept
responsibility for problems and to
be more realistic in solving them
 *Reorientation
– Involves a change in the client’s
emotional self through a change in
basic goals and aspirations
 *Listening Skills
– attempt to understand both the
content of the client’s problem as they
see it, and the emotions thy
experiencing related to the problem.
 *Respect
– put their personal feelings aside and
treat the client with respect. In all
circumstances, clients must be treated
with RESPESCT, no matter how peculiar
or utterly different they are from the
 *Empathy and Positive Regard
–Empathy requires the counselor to listen
and understand the feelings and
perspective of the client; Positive
Regards is an aspect of respect.
 *Clarification, confrontation and
– Clarification is an attempt by the
counselor to restate what the client is
either saying or feeling, so the client may
learn something to understand the issue
 *Transference and Counter transference
–When clients are helped to understand
transference reaction, they are
empowered to gain understanding of
important aspects of their emotional life.
Counter transference helps both clients
and counselors to understand the
emotional and perceptional reactions.
1. *Respect for human dignity.
This means that the counselor must provide a
client unconditional positive regard, compassion,
non-judgmental attitude, empathy, and trust.
2. *Partnership.
A counselor has to foster partnerships with the
various disciplines that come together to support
an integrated healing that encompasses various
aspects such as the physical, emotional, spiritual,
and intellectual
3. *Autonomy.
This entails respect for confidentiality and trust in a
relationship of counseling and ensuring safe environment
that is needed for healing. It also means that healing or
any advice cannot be imposed on a client.
4. *Responsible caring.
This primarily means respecting the potential of every
human being to change and to continue learning
throughout his/her life, and especially in the environment
of counseling.5.
5. *Personal integrity.
Counselors must reflect personal integrity, honesty, and
truthfulness with clients.6.
6 *Social justice.
This means accepting and respecting the diversity of the
clients, the diversity of individuals, their cultures,
languages, lifestyles, identities, ideologies, intellectual
capacities, personalities, and capabilities regardless of
the presented issues.

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