GKE IMS Presentation

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Integrated Management System
Integrated Management System that entails 2
or more than system merging under an one
system for simplify establishment, implement,
maintain and effective management system
What is Integration?
 Combination of various components into a complete
and single unit
What is Management System?
 The method by which an organization plans, operate
and control its activities and utilizes the resource of
money, people, equipment, materials, and information
in order to meet its goal and objective
What is Integrated Management System?
 An integrated management system is a management
system which integrates all component of business in to
one coherent system so as to enable the achievement of
its purpose & mission

 Ref. Standard BS/PAS 99

IV -Tier Documentation system demanded by
management system Standard
QEHS Policy

QEHS Apex Manual


QEHS Common Procedure


QEHS Dept. SOP/OCP/WI Leval-3

(Involvement of CFT)
QEHS Forms/Records
Benefit of IMS
“Common/Less Documents ….More Effective System”
1-Skill will be upgrade & Knowledge will be enhance
2-Your work efficiency will be improve
3-Work quality will be more sharpen
4- Common Management system documents like, Policy ,
Apex Manual, System Procedure ,Departmental SOP etc.
5- People can put more effort on system monitoring ,by
adopting Common Objectives & Targets.
6- you can conduct Common Internal audit & MRM.
7- your external audit also Common.
8-Your register charges also reduce.
By: GK Engineers
ISO 9001 : 2015 &
0. Introduction
1. Scope
2. Normative References
3. Terms and Definitions
4. Context of the Organization
5. Leadership
6. Planning
7. Support
8. Operations
9. Performance Evaluations

What are the significant
1. Approach Of Standard
2. Flow /sequence of Clause of standard
3. Management System Principals
4. The emphasis on leadership
5. Organizational Context
6. The focus on risk based management
- Preventive action
7. Emphasis on objectives, measurement and change Management
8. Communication and awareness
9. Documented Information
10. Outsourcing is now External Provision
11. No requirement for Management Representative
12. No requirement for Manual
13. Environmental Risk Assessments
14. Environmental Aspact- Imapct Identification up to product Life cycle.
15. Resource Monitoring & measurement

List of New Documents, additional from previous version
 Context & Issue(QMS& EMS)
 Needs & Expectation of Interested parties (QMS&EMS)
 Process Mapping(QMS& EMS)
 Business process chart, Business Plan, Vision-Mission
 Corporate goal ,Unit wise Goal & departmental Goal
 Performance indicator of all department
 Risk Register(QMS/EMS)
 Risk Mitigation Plan(QMS/EMS)
 Action Plan for Objective & Targets(QMS/EMS)
 Change Management(QMS/EMS)
 Resource Planning (QMS/EMS)
 Resource Monitoring(suitable & Fitness)(QMS)
 Organizational Knowledge(QMS)
 Environment for Operation(QMS)
 Communication Matrix(QMS/EMS)
 Outsource Process & Its control(QMS)
 Product Life cycle assessment its associated environmental-aspact & impact(EMS)
Requirements for Effective Implementation
 Appointment of MA(management Appointee) from Senior Top management
 Appointment Of MR OR IMS Coordinator(As part Of Good practices)
 Formation Of CFT(Cross Functional team)
 Formation Of Legal Team
 Appointment of MOC Team
 Formation of Risk Control Committee-Apex level
 Following Training Will be Delivered
 IMS Awareness Training to CFT Members
 Understanding of EMS/OHSAS Legal- Requirements
 Training on Environment Aspect& Impact
 Training on of HIRA
 Training On Internal Audit & MRM
 Briefing on External audit requirements
Leadership is the ability
to develop a vision that
motivates others to move
with a passion toward a
common goal
It is the ability to recognize yourself, others, events and
situations in real time.
It is the ability to assess the impact of actions on
situations and others, and be critically self-reflective.
Ability to learn and understand technical issues is
the basis of our careers.
Ability to lead is a function of influence:
 Ability to communicate
 Ability to resolve conflicts
 Ability to solve problems and make decisions
For leaders, the “one thing” that leads to maturity is the
fully aware recognition that one’s decisions make a
difference, both positively and negatively, in the lives of
others, and that any attempt to solve a problem might
have a decided negative impact on some, while helping
In no-win scenarios, one must still make a hard decision.
Attributes of a Leader
 Guiding vision:
 Passion
 Integrity
 Honesty
 Trust
 Curiosity
 Dedication
 Charisma
 Listening
Attributes of a Leader
 Risk: Effective leaders take calculated risks when
necessary to achieve their objectives. If a mistake is
made, the effective leader will learn from the
mistake and use it as an opportunity to explore
other avenues.
Leader vs Manager
Leader -. A person who is followed by others.

Manager - A person controlling or administering a

business or a part of a business. 2. A person regarded in
terms of skill in household or financial or other
Leadership is the ability
to develop a vision that
motivates others to move
with a passion toward a
common goal
Management is the ability to
organize resources and
coordinate the execution of
tasks necessary to reach a
goal in a timely and cost
effective manner
Leadership vs Management
 Management seeks stability & predictability
 (order)

 Leadership seeks improvement through change

 (disorder)
Leader vs Manager
Do the right thing

Do things right
Leadership & Management
Leadership – soft skills
 Communications
 Motivation
 Stress Management
 Team Building
 Change Management
Management – hard skills
 Scheduling
 Staffing
 Activity Analysis
 Project Controls
Managers have the following attributes , they
 Monitor progress
 Set directions; set expected achievements for each
individual within the next work period. Show the team
members where they fit in achieving unit goals.
 Perform administrative tasks
 Report to senior management
 Money and job security play a major role in management
effectiveness. They act as deficiency motivators.
Being a Leader
 If you want to get ahead, be a leader, you must
 That everything that happens to you results in a situation
that is in your control
 That the attitude you convey is what you are judged on
 That what you think and do in your private life is what
you will reap in your public or corporate life
 You are what you think and believe
 If you never meet a challenge you will never find out what
you are worth
Recipe for being a Leader
 Take control of your life
 Assume responsibility for who you are
 Convey a positive and dynamic attitude in
everything you do
 Accept blame: learn from your own mistakes as
well as those of others. Take blame for everything
that happens in your unit
 Give credit wherever it is due
 Be compassionate when you review your team
members' progress or lack thereof
Recipe for Being a Leader
 Think great thoughts. Small thinking is why
companies go broke
 Turn disasters into opportunities. Turn every
obstacle into a personal triumph
 Determine your "real" goals then strive to achieve
 When you want to tell someone something
important, do it personally
 Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty doing what
you ask others to do.
Recipe for Being a Leader
 Listen effectively
 Encourage teamwork and participation
 Empower team members
 Communicate effectively
 Emphasize long-term productivity
 Make sound and timely decisions
 Treat each person as an individual
 Know yourself and your team
 Protect your team
 Have vision, courage and commitment
Role Of Leader in IMS, as per Clause no 5.1
Management Appointee is the Representatives of
Senior Top Management
-Has to prepared/endorsed Vision-Mission statement,
Policy, ABP etc.
-Has to Monitor & measure the effectiveness of IMS,
Through MRM.
-Has to Integrate IMS with Business Process
-Has to Promote Risk bas Thinking awareness
Role Of MR/IMS Coordinator
Act as caretaker of IMS System, which is established
by Senior Top Management,
-Preparation Of Audit Plan, MRM plan, Audit
summary, MRM action plan Etc.
Role Of Legal Team
1-Identification Of Legal Requirement & Its
Evaluation .
2-Preparation Of Legal Register & Compliance
Monitoring Records.
Role Of MOC-Team
MOC=Management of change
-Team has to check the all existing infrastructure,
process, people, facilities, process flow etc. in define
interval to determine the “ GAP” ,in relation to
quality, environment, health-safety & Business
-Team has to check the proposed changes, in relation
to Quality, Environment, Health-safety & Business
Role Of Risk Control Team
-Quality & Environmental Risk registers has to check
by Team,

-Determine significant Risk, in-relation to Business

process ,prepared mitigation plan and Update
MA/senior Top management.
11. IMS -CFT Roles
 To prepare list of functional activities/ processes Context &
 To identify roles, responsibility, accountability and authority
designation wise
 To prepare departmental Risk Register
 To prepare environment aspect impact Cum Risk Register
 To prepare Interested parties Needs & Expectation
 To prepare Objectives-Targets & Management Programme
 To prepare departmental IMS-operating manual
 To roll out Departmental IMS- Operating Manual, SOP as
well as all documents within department
 To conduct internal audit and preparation of internal audit
 To Participant in IMS- Management review meeting
 To participants in IMS Trainings & Meetings
Functional Representative has to play Role of Departmental
MR(Management Representative)
High Level Project Activities
Sl. Major Milestone
1 Gaps analysis of available Process Documents
2 Training on IMS to Core team Members & others
3 To prepare list of activity for the purpose of Risk register, Context etc. preparation.
4 Preparation of Departmental activity flowchart
5 Preparation of Standard Operating Procedure for various activities
6 Identification, Evaluation and Monitoring of Legal and Other Requirements
7 Preparation, Review & Finalization of IMS Policy Statement
8 IMS Common procedure preparation and finalization.
9 IMS Apex Manual Preparation and finalization.
10 Training Context & Risk assessment.
12 To prepare risk assessment.
13 Document review.
14 To prepare Departmental Operating Manual, In regard to IMS.
15 Compliance of Operational, Visual Control & Monitoring.
16 Preparation & Monitoring of Departmental Objectives-Targets & management program.
17 Final Document Review.
18 Training on Internal audit.
19 Conduct Internal Audit and Report Preparation.
20 Closer of Internal audit Observations.
21 Management Review Meeting.
22 External Audit (By Certification Body).
Different Phases of Implementation:
 Phase I: Orientation
 Understanding Organization, Product, Process and Customer Expectation
 Meeting Key persons and understanding organization structure and interfaces
 site visit
 Formulation of Core team & Legal Team etc.
 Appointment of M.R./MA ,Risk Control team etc.
 Phase II: Gap Assessment
 IMS requirement awareness / training to key persons
 Gap Assessment against IMS checklist
 Development of IMS system structure
 Fine-tune Project Plan based on status
 Phase III: Documentation
 Development of IMS System Documents (Policy Manual – Level I)
 Development of IMS System Documents (Processes and Procedure) – based on interaction with concerned
Process Owners
 Development of Technical documents viz. Work Instructions, Plans, OCPs, Technical Formats
 Approval and Release of Documentation
 Phase IV: Implementation
 Assistance for Implementation by explaining requirements to operating team.
 Fine Tune documentations based on operating concerns
 Phase V: Internal Audit
 Internal Audit(s) by Orgainization`s Auditor Team
 Management Review
 Plan for Certification Audit
 Phase VI: Certification Audit
 Stage I Audit by Certification body , Stage II Audit by Certification body
GK Engineers

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