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Background of the Study
Jeepney was branded as the
"King of the Road". For us Filipinos,
jeepney is very prominent type of
transportation. It is the most
accessible and the cheapest
medium of public transportation in
the country. It became an icon in the
culture of the Filipinos.
Since, jeepney drivers play an
important role in this society, it is
essential to comprehend how
difficult to be a jeepney driver.
So,this research aims to know the
life of a jeepney driver and how
difficult it is to earn money.
• Also the researchers want to know
if their income is enough or not
enough to cover their basic
Also to discuss the different
factors that can affect their income
such as their comfort.
Objectives of the Study
Statement of the Problem
This study would like to assess the
job perception of the jeepney
drivers. Specifically, it sought to
answer to the following questions:
1.What is your perception
regarding to your job as a jeepney
2. Do this job help you to satisfy
your family needs?
3. What are the common problems
you have encountered in driving a
4. How much is your daily average
5. Is your daily income enough to
cover your daily expenses?
Significance of the Study
The result of the study would be
of great help and importance to the
jeepney drivers, readers and also to
the future researchers.
To jeepney drivers, it is important
to the jeepney drivers because it will
inform the commuters and the
people in the community, why fares
vary and how hard that kind of job.
Passengers, the passengers will
benefit in the researchers because it
is for them to know that being a
jeepney driver was a very hard job.
To readers, the readers will
benefit in this research by being
aware that as a jeepney driver it is
not easy work. Moreover, they
encounter a lot of problems that
can affect their income.
To future researchers, the future
researchers will benefit in this
research by using our research as
their secondary data. This can help a
lot of them particularly if their topic
is somewhat related to this research.
Scope and Limitations

The scope of this study

focuses on the life of jeepney drivers
including the problems that they
encountered in their everyday
driving. Also, to know how they are
going to allocate for their income.
The limitation of this study is the
jeepney drivers are the only
respondents who have the ability to
answer the following questions
regarding to their job.
The respondents must be willing to
help or cooperate for the research
study. This study is conducted
within the second semester of
school year 2018 - 2019.
Theoretical Framework

According to the Traffic Theory of

Gazis (2002) automobile traffic and
the problems associated with such as
traffic congestion. Traffic congestion
is caused by the intersection a
multitude of such "ranges of good" of
many people exercising their range
utilization at the same time.
According to the Theory of Crude
Oil Proposed by Denton (1997), the
raw materials needed in making the
crude oil become expensive. If
recent trends are continued, the
price of the crude oil will be a strong
driving force in changing the
practice of energy conversion.
Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 illustrates the paradigm

showing the relevant components of the
study. It focused in the life of jeepney
drivers. Being a jeepney driver is not
easy. Jeepney drivers encounter a lot of
problems. One of the problems of the
jeepney drivers was their income.
There are so many hindrances to
earn large amount of money
especially if a jeepney driver cannot
come up with the good income.
And also the factors that affects the
jeepney drivers to earn money for
their income. The drivers can pick
many passengers but because of this
it is impossible to happen.
Instead they are gathering again
passengers they get bored and mad
in the middle of the road. It's really
hard for them to allocate their
income particularly if they are not
Conceptual Paradigm

Jeepney Drivers



According to Makalintal (2003),
here in the Philippines, jeepneys are
the most common mode of
transportation. Modeled after the
American jeep left behind during
World War II. That's why jeepney
drivers play an important role in our
society. Driving a passenger jeepney
is very hard.
According to Remollino (2008),
jeepney drivers work Long Day's
and endure a lot of difficult in their
struggle to eke out a daily living. At
the end of the day, however
their earning are far from enough to
afford basic necessities. Thus,
financial problems occur. Financial
problems are often related to
concern for the family. The driver
would like to earn more.
This chapter presents the
methodologies employed in the
study. This includes the research
design, research locale,
respondents, research instrunent
and data gathering procedures.
Research Desig

The study used the descriptive

case study method of research by
utilizing interviews. Interview will be
used in collecting data and other
pertinent materials referred to as
secondary source of data such as
, internet, books and journals. It is a
qualitative approach that focuses in
obtaining, analyzing and
interpreting the result.
Research Locale
This study will be conducted in
Cultihan, Taal, Batangas, Pacifico,
Sta. Teresita, Batangas, and also in
Poblacion 1, Sta. Teresita, Batangas.
These places were chosen because
they were the appropriate places for
the research study. In addition the
informants live in these areas.
The participants of the study
will be composed of (5) five jeepney
drivers who have been identified to
be experiencing the life as a jeepney
driver. service.
Research Instrument /

The interview protocol is the

main instrument to gather sufficient
and exact data on the problems
encountered by the jeepney drivers.
• They were selected as sources of
information because they have the
ability to express their experience
in driving a jeepney. Also they
spent more than five years in the
Data Gathering Procedure

After gathering the approval of the

research adviser permission was
sought to conduct interview with the
subjects. Informed consent forms as
well as asset forms were also
secured to be able to get the
participation of the subjects.
They were personally interviewed
by the researchers to their off
campus during their convenient
time. They were likewise given
assurance regarding the
confidentiality if the data.
• The responses were transcribed
as soon as possible and were
then co
• ed for interpretation.

Table 1

Based on the result of the

interview, all of the respondents
answered that their perception to
their job is noble and dignified.
Table 2

Based on the interview conducted,

the respondents answered that their
job really satisfy them. Moreover it
can provide their necessities and to
have a better future for the family.
Table 3
Problems Encountered

Based on the result of the

interview conducted, Jeepney Drives
have so many problems to face. It
includes the oil price hike, traffic,
maintenance for the jeep,
registration fee for it and also the
raw materials wasn't enough. Their
answers say.
Table 4

Based on the result of the study,

all of the respondents answered that
their income were enough for their
daily life. In their income they can
give all the needs of their family.
Table 5

Based on the result of the

interview, all of the respondents
answered that their income were
enough to cover their basic
necessities in their daily living.

1. For the jeepney drivers, the

researchers recommended that the
jeepney drivers must feel very lucky
because their perception to their job
is noble and dignified. They must
feel happy because their job is not
2. For the jeepney drivers, the
researchers recommended that they
must be confined because their job
really satisfy their family needs. It
can also provide a good future for
their family.
3. For the reasons of the
respondent, the researchers
recommended that the jeepney
drivers must face their problems for
them to satisfy their family needs
and for them to help their childrens
to finish their study.
4. The jeepney drivers must work
hard so that they come up with a
good income and also their daily
average income would be enough
for their daily life.
5. For the jeepney drivers, the
researchers recommended that they
must budget their income for their
expenses to their basic necessities.

A. Article
National Statistical Coordination
Board. Transport and
communication. 2009 [cited 2010
June 15]; Available from. tr
B. Journal

Hitchcock D, Haines V, Elton E.

Integrating ergonomic: a practical
case study. Design Journal.
McAttamney L, Corlett EN. RULA: a
survey method for the investigation
of work- related upper limb
disorder. Applied Ergonomics.
• Woodson W, Tillman B, Tillman P,
Human Factors Design
Handbook. New York: McGraw Hill,
Inc; 1992.
C. Published Thesis

Barayuga EB, Castillo MA, Martinez

MT, A Study on an Ergonomically
Designed Jeepney Driver Seat. De
La Salle University; 1997.
• Damon A, Stoudt H, Mc Farland R.
The Human Body In Equipment
Design. Cambridge
Massachusetts: Harvard
University Press; 1966.

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