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Media Survey Report

on 11-Copper
What is media?

Media is what we use to disseminate data and information

as well as a means of communication.

Lifestyle is defined as the way in which a person lives out

his or her life.
Habits are routine-like behaviors that is regularly repeated
and subconsciously done
Preference is the greater liking of something compared
to other alternatives or options.
Media History
• The history of media can be briefly summarized into four
distinctions, the Pre-Industrial Age, the Industrial Age,
the Electronic Age, and the Information Age
 Pre-Industrial Age- “Parietal arts” or more commonly
known as cave paintings
 Industrial Age- Invention of the printing press
 Electronic Age- Emergence of Electronic Technology

 Information Age- The Internet is born.

Purpose of the survey

• The goal of this study is to define what particular

form of media is mostly used by learners, students,
specifically Cordillera Regional Science High School
Grade 11-Copper learners, as well as the time they
spend on using this type of media, why they mostly
use this type of media, and the variables that
influence them to use that particular form of media.
Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:
1. What form of media do you use the

2. How many hours do you usually spend on this media

form on a daily basis?

3. Why do you use this media the most?

4. What are the factors influencing you to use this

Data Gathering

• Data is gathered through questionnaires

Result and Discussion
• Social media is the most used media among 11-Copper students
Form of media No. of Students Total Average
Social Media 16 42.11%
Internet 8 21.05%
Television 2 5.26%
Radio 1 2.63%
Print Media 2 5.26%
Multiple types 9 23.69%
of Media
Type Of Media Used

Multiple Types of
Media Social Media
Social Media
Print Media 42%
5% Internet
5% Internet

Result and Discussion
• The highest number of average hours per day in using media is 6 hours
a day in Social Media

Form of Media Average number of

hours per day
Social Media 6
Internet 2.5
Print Media 3
Radio 5
No. of Hours Used

Social Media Internet

Print Media Radio


Social Media Internet Print Media Radio
Result and Discussion
• Average use of 6 hours per day for Social Media.

• The students also responded they used radio for an

average of 5 hours a day.

• Print media such as books and magazines are used for

3 hours.
• Internet is used for an average of 2.5 hours in one day.

• Peer pressure was the main reason of media use

Family bonding (10), peer pressure (12), school related

activities (3), media accuracy (3), convenience (3),
entertainment (10), and socialization (3)
Reasons For Media Usage Family Bonding

Peer Pressure

35% School Related

Media Acuracy

• Social Media is recorded as the most common form of
media used by students of Grade 11-Copper.

• The total number of students had an average use of 6

hours per day on media, most of them spending 2-5 hours.
• For social media, communication was the identified as
the main reason of use. Other forms like television and
print media were solely used for entertainment, and the
internet and radio were identified as sources of

• As for the factors that influence them to use social

media, as well as other forms, peer pressure was the
common response.

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