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Leadership & Organizing

Clifford Lapian
Curriculum Vitae

Nama: Clifford Paulus Tambottoh Lapian

Alamat: Teling Atas Ling. VI Wanea, Manado

Tempat Tanggal Lahir: Gorontalo, 19 December 1994

Status: Belum Menikah

Social Media: @cliffordlapian (instagram)

• Riwayat Pendidikan:

• 1. SD Kartika VII-3 Manado (2003 – 2008)

• 2. SMP Negeri 1 Manado (2008 – 2010)

• 3. SMA Kr Eben Haezer Manado (2010 – 2012)

• 4. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi (2012 – 2016)

• Riwayat Organisasi:
1. Sekretaris KSR Palang Merah Indonesia Cab. Manado(2013)
2. Anggota Ikatan Mahasiswa FK Unsrat (2013)
3. Anggota MAPALA Aesculap FK Unsrat (2014)
4. Mentri Bidang Pengabdian Masyarakat Senat Mahasiswa FK Unsrat
5. Anggota Gerakan Mahasiswa Kristen Indonesia (2014)
6. Wakil Ketua 2 GMKI Komisariat Aesculap Fk Unsrat (2015)
7. Kordinator Divisi Watersport MAPALA Aesculap FK Unsrat (2015)
8. Anggota Majelis Perwakilan Mahasiswa Unsrat (2015)
9. Ketua Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa FK Unsrat (2016/2017)
10. Anggota Ikatan Nyong Nona Manado (2017)
11. Ketua Komisi Pelayanan Pemuda GMIM Betel Teling Atas Manado (2018 –
• Riwayat Kepanitiaan:
• 1. Kord. Bidang Usaha Dana L2P3KM FK Unsrat (2013)
• 2. Anggota Panitia Dies Natalis FK Unsrat 54 (2014)
• 3. Wakil Ketua Musyawarah Kerja Wilayah 4 Ikatan Senat Mahasiswa
Kedokteran Indonesia di Manado (2014)
• 4. Sekretaris Bakti Sosial MAPALA Aesculap FK Unsrat (2014)
• 5. Ketua Panitia Latihan dan Lomba Pertolongan Pertama Pada
Kedaruratan Medik (2015)
• 6. Kordinator Panitia Dies Natalis FK Unsrat 55 (2015)
• 7. Panitia PK2MB FK Unsrat (2016)
• Prestasi:

• Ketua Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa FK Unsrat 2016/2017

• Nyong Manado 2017

• Motto:

• Posisi Menentukan Prestasi, Prestasi Menentukan Posisi


• Mengetuai atau mengepalai, memegang tangan orang sambil

berjalan, memandu dst (KBBI)

• "The only definition of a leader is someone who has followers.“

(Peter Drucker)



Human Rights Movement in USA

“ I Have A Dream Speech”

Dr Martin Luther King Jr.

“ I Have A Dream Speech”

August 28, 1963 Washington

± 200000 People attended

• Why People Follow Him?
BEM FK Unsrat 2016/2017

(Non Profit Organization)





• Selling Idea

• Serving Purpose

• Not Product

• Why > How > What

• Leadership is to influence people by sharing your beliefs or idea
• Kelompok kerja sama antara orang-orang yang diadakan untuk
mencapai tujuan bersama; (KBBI)

• A tool for People to achieve their goals (Denise Pamintuan)

• Consist of:
• 1. GOAL
• 2. Structure
• 3. Persons : a. Operatives b. Managers
(Denise Pamintuan)
• How to make it work?
• 3 common reason people tell why their organization fail:

• 1. Lack of recources

• 2. Bad human recources

• 3. Marketing bad conditions

Samuel Pierpont Langley
Orville and Wilbur

“ The Wrights Brother”


• Organization is a group of people who share the same goal and must

succeed to acheive their goal (Clifford Lapian)

• Thank You
• Tips:

• 1. Learning

• 2. Will of Steel

• 3. Pure heart goals

• 4. Public Speaking

• 5. Experience

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