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Chapter 6


• Just Wage- remuneration which is enough to support
the wage earner in reasonable and frugal comfort.
Centesimus Annus- on the 100th anniversary of
Rerum Novarum on May 1, 1991, Pope John Paul
II stated that “Society and State must ensure
wage levels adequate for the maintenance of the
worker and his family, including a certain amount
for savings.
The Issue of Just Wage Has Also Been Discussed by Other Agencies

• Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights protects the
basic rights of the workers, more specifically:
“The right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and
favorable conditions of work, and to protection against
unemployment (Art.23 [1] and the right to equal pay for equal work
(Art.23 [2].”
International Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural
The 1966 International Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural
The International Labor Office Conventions has adopted ILO
Convention No. 100:

Philippine Constitution and Republic Act 6727

Spread in various parts of the 1987 Philippine Constitution
are specific pronouncements and mandates on the protection and
promotion of the rights of workers in the public and private
sectors, as indicated in letter “g” of Sec.3 of Art. XIII.
Government Agencies Involved
In our country, determination of wages must also be
equitable and just. The National Wage and Productivity Boards
(RTWPB) determine the minimum wage for Filipino workers.
Every employer faces the problem of setting wage rates
and salaries. It is easy to say that companies should pay a fair
and just wage. However there are so many variables that no
one can say how much a person should be paid for a job. The
following more specific factors should be paid for a job . The
following more specific factors should be taken into
considerations to provide a clearer picture of what a just and
fair wage should be:

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