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School Of Thought

• Structuralism
- Deals with the study of elements that form the structure of the mind.
- They try to break down conscious experience into basic elements.
- Method used is introspection- self analysis of the conscious mental
School Of Thought
• Functionalism
- Emphasized that psychology must deal with the function of
consciousness rather than with structure or content.
- Particularly concerned with the mental processes of learning,
perception, memory and motivation as a way of helping the individual
FUNCTION in the real world for him to be able to adapt to his
School Of Thought
• Gestalt
- Pattern of configuration / good form good figure.
- “The whole is greater than the sum of its part”.
School Of Thought
• Psychoanalysis
- Behavior is established by unconscious mind.
- Sex instinct
- Early life experience is related to present character or
- Mannerism is manifestation of undesirable
- Used different techniques like hypnosis, dream
analysis, free association and transference.
School Of Thought
• Behaviorism
- Behavior is the result of learning, not instinct.
- Studies psychology based on overt behavior.
Perspectives / Approaches in Psychology

1. Neurobiological perspective
- Explains that the nervous system and endocrine
system have much impact to behavior.
Perspective / Approaches in Psychology

2. Behavioral perspective
- Adheres to the belief that psychology should focus on
overt observable behavior and its relationship to an
event that can be predicted and measured objectively.
-S R
Perspective / Approaches in Psychology
3. Cognitive Perspective
Focus on mental processing of information.

Perspective / Approaches in Psychology
4. Psychodynamic Perspective
Psychological struggles deeply – seated in the unconscious mind.
3 Structures of Personality

Id (pleasure principle) -
(child state)
Superego (moral principle) -
conscience - (parent state)
Ego (reality principle)- (adult
Perspective / Approaches in Psychology
5. Phenomenological / Humanistic Perspective

Elevates the status of man from animals.

The central concept is freewill.
Perspective / Approaches in Psychology
6. Socio cultural Perspective

Combination of:

Social Psychology

Cultural Psychology
Perspective / Approaches in Psychology
7. Evolutionary Perspective

Behavior is geared toward survival of the species.

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