Cloud Analytics Pipeline

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Cloud Computing

Analytics Pipeline
I am Dhruv karan
I am here because I love to
give presentations.

Today’s agenda

1. Introduction
2. Benefits of Cloud Analytics
3. What is pipeline?
4. The State of Cloud Analytics 2016
5. Popular Enterprise Pipelines


• Cloud analytics is a cloud-based solution which enables businesses

to carry out analysis or intelligence procedures through integrated
cloud models, such as hosted data warehouses, SaaS business
intelligence (BI) and cloud-powered social media analytics.

• Using a cloud-based data management platform lets you easily
blend data from a range of sources, enabling it to be matched,
merged and cleansed – the result being far more accurate results
that enable you to have a unified vision of your business.
• This vision can then be shared across the organization so that
everyone has the big picture.

The above figure shows the % of analytics tools used in organizations.

• It uses a range of analytical tools and techniques to help companies

extract information from massive data and present it in a way that is
easily categorized and readily available via a web browser.

Benefits of Cloud Analytics

▪ Unified Vision of the Business

• One thing that causes problems for many companies is when

different elements within the organisation have disparate
perceptions of what is going on.
• They are all working from their own data sets and no-one has
the big picture.
• A crucial advantage of using cloud analytics is its ability to
consolidate big data from all sources and communication
channels that a company employs.

• The capacity that cloud offers allows everything to feed in: you can
gather large-scale data from all your internal apps, devices, social
networks and data subscriptions – something which would be
difficult to achieve in-house

▪ Smooth Accessibility

• The key to ensuring everyone sees the unified vision lies in the
smooth accessibility that cloud-based data management
platforms provide.
• Compared to in-house applications which have always been
slow for companies to adopt, cloud-based apps are much
easier to use and, in many cases, can be self-taught, reducing
the need for staff training.
• Employees don’t need to create one-off reports or log into
separate systems to undertake analytics, the technology is
adopted more quickly throughout the company; analytics,
therefore, becomes more accessible to everyone.
• Take-up is improved even further when the apps that carry out the
analytics also present the findings – as with Elastic Stack. Of course,
being cloud-based, the applications are easily accessible to staff
wherever they are and at any time, provided they have an internet

▪ Improved Collaboration

• Many companies find it a challenge to build a system that lets

team members collaborate effectively. Using a mix of in-house
and external systems can make it hard to develop analytical
models and share the results.
• As a consequence, development lacks pace, work is often
duplicated and not everyone gets to contribute their ideas –
especially when a team is distributed across a wide
geographical area.

• This is not the case with cloud-based data analytics. Instead, teams
can work together to curate data, create analytics designs and
evaluate outcomes – no matter where they are based.
• Importantly, each member has access to real-time insights which
can be acted upon instantly. This can be of real benefit for
operational teams who need those insights to make critical decisions
for the business.

▪ Security

• The security faced by cloud service providers, as well as the

international standards they need to comply with, ensures
that they take security very seriously.
• Indeed, most public cloud providers have better security
mechanisms in place and are much better at systemic
security services than company managed, in-house systems.
• In-house systems typically use a mix of older technologies
and legacy apps that have more vulnerabilities than the state
of the art systems found in cloud data centres.
• In addition, cloud systems have less complex architecture,
making them easier to monitor and defend.

• Another security advantage of the cloud is its ability to help
companies meet recovery time objectives and recovery point
objectives in the event of a disaster.
• Giant backup storage capacity and huge numbers of redundant
failover servers make this easy for them to do, for most businesses
this would be an extremely expensive undertaking.

▪ Other Major Benefits

• Agility : That greater speed afforded by cloud analytics also

leads to greater agility for the business. With cloud analytics,
they are able to see and respond to changing market conditions
more quickly, which can offer a competitive advantage.

• Lower costs : Many traditional BI tools rely on proprietary

technology that can be very expensive. Cloud analytics are often
much more cost-effective. In addition, using a cloud-based
service eliminates the need for organizations to purchase,
operate and maintain the hardware necessary for their analytics
efforts, which further reduces costs.

• Scalability: Today organizations are experiencing exponential data
growth. Purchasing the hardware to store and analyze their growing
data would require constantly expanding and upgrading their
infrastructure — at significant cost. But with the cloud, organizations
can easily add storage or computing resources as necessary.

• User satisfaction: Business users frequently prefer cloud-based

tools over traditional on-premise BI. That can boost analytics usage,
while also improving employee morale.

What is pipeline?

In computing, a pipeline, also known as a data pipeline, is a set of data

processing elements connected in series, where the output of one
element is the input of the next one.
The elements of a pipeline are often executed in parallel or in time-
sliced fashion. Some amount of buffer storage is often inserted between

Software pipelines, which consist of a sequence of computing

processes (commands, program runs, tasks, threads, procedures, etc.),
conceptually executed in parallel, with the output stream of one
process being automatically fed as the input stream of the next one.
The Unix system call pipe is a classic example of this concept.
Data Flow Pipeline
▪ Analogy

• Pipelining is a commonly used concept in everyday life. For

example, in the assembly line of a car factory, each specific task
— such as installing the engine, installing the hood, and
installing the wheels — is often done by a separate work
• The stations carry out their tasks in parallel, each on a different
• Once a car had one task performed, it moves to the next
station. Variations in the time needed to complete the tasks can
be accommodated by "buffering" (holding one or more cars in a
space between the stations) and/or by "stalling" (temporarily
halting the upstream stations), until the next station becomes
▪ Functions Of Pipeline

• Data processing : create data processing pipelines and run them

in the Cloud in the automated way. Each pipeline represents a
workflow script with versioned source code, documentation, and
configuration. You can create such scripts in the Cloud Pipeline
environment or upload them from the local machine.

• Data storage management : create your data storage, download

or upload data or edit files right in the Cloud Pipeline user
interface. File version control is supported.

• Tools management : create and deploy your own calculation
environment using Docker's container concept. Almost every pipeline
requires a specific package of software to run it, which is defined in
a docker image. So when you start a pipeline, Cloud Pipeline starts a
new cloud instance (nodes) and runs a docker image at it.

• Scientific computing GUI applications : launch and run GUI-based

applications using self-service Web interface. It is possible to choose
cloud instance configuration, or even use a cluster. Applications are
launched as Docker containers exposing Web endpoints or a remote
desktop connection (noVNC, NoMachine).

The State of Cloud Analytics 2016

• Enhancing business processes (23.5%), improving customer
experience (22.2%), and better collaboration (19.1%) are the top three
business drivers of cloud analytics adoption today.
• Line-of-business leaders and IT departments work together to define
cloud analytics strategies that accelerate and improve business
processes while staying in compliance with internal requirements.
Gaining a competitive edge and R&D (14%), better analytics delivery
• The reducing capital expenditure (CAPEX) and overall costs (7.4%) are
additional business drivers accelerating the adoption of cloud

• 60.1% of enterprises are relying on hybrid and public clouds as the
platforms to enable Big Data Analytics, leading all other current
analytics initiatives planned by respondents. 58.6% are relying on
hybrid and public cloud platforms to enable self-service visual data
• Given Amazon Web Services’ leadership in databases and data
warehousing services and technologies, the study’s finding of data
warehouse modernization (29.6%) being the leading initiative on public
cloud platforms reflects AWS’ market dominance.

• The more robust an enterprise becomes in their use of cloud
analytics, the faster the need for self-service deployment options
grows. The faster an enterprise matures in their use of cloud
analytics, the more quickly they progress from collaboration to
enhancing business processes and strategies.
• By definition, robust organizations are those who are engaged in five
or more analytics projects.
• One of the key takeaways of this analysis is that self-service is the
preferred strategy to scale cloud analytics across an enterprise once
five or more projects are underway and delivering insights. Self-
service is an enabler of greater global cloud analytics adoption.

• 83.1% of respondents currently have mobile analytics
implementations. The study found that the expansion of cloud
adoption and cloud storage options are making mobile deployments
more accessible globally.
• This is consistent with nearly all previous cloud analytics studies,
which consistently show enterprises struggle to serve their global
workforces with actionable, contextually relevant data on a real-time

• Reducing costs (19.5%), data security (15.1%) and collaboration (14.4%)
are the top three technical factors driving cloud analytics. Three of
the more common drivers cited in other surveys include improving
agility (13.1%), worldwide access (12.6%) and scalability (11.2%).
• The study found that reduced software maintenance timeframes,
reduced software maintenance costs, no software installation
required led the cost reduction responses to the survey.

Popular Enterprise Pipelines

▪ IBM Congnos Analytics

▪ Microsoft Power BI
▪ Oracle Analytics Cloud
▪ Salesforce Analtyics Cloud Einstein
▪ SAS Cloud

▪ IBM Cognos Analytics

• IBM’s AI-infused business-intelligence solution, Cognos Analytics,

helps enable you to:
• Find answers others cannot, using AI and machine learning.
• Unearth information that may not be obvious or expected, using
pattern detection.
• Create and easily share stunning, system-recommended
visualizations in diverse formats.
• Pose questions about your data and receive intelligent responses,
with the natural language-powered AI assistant.
• Reduce the time needed for data preparation through automation
and built-in intelligence.

• Prepare your data

• Access corporate and uploaded files, such as spreadsheets and

comma-separated values (CSV) files.
• Quickly find the data sources you need, using natural language.
• Verify and combine data sources, with automated modeling.

• Explore your data

• Get visual data exploration and professional reporting in a unified
• Receive smart visualizations — the system recommends the best
chart type based on the data selected.
• Leverage embedded geospatial-mapping capabilities in the
dashboarding and reporting function.

• Share your data

• Get a single interface, cloud-based or on-premises, over desktop,
laptops or mobile devices.
• Schedule reports, burst to thousands of users, or enable users to
subscribe to reports.
• Combine charts into a story with overlays, voice-overs and
interactive elements to share.

• Features
• Use built-in intelligence to cleanse and shape your data and
leverage system recommendations to blend and join data from
different sources, all within the tool.
• Reveals hidden patterns and those hard-to-find answers and
• Easily create your own compelling visualizations or use those
recommended by the system, and get additional data insights
presented in natural language.

• Save time with re-usable content from data modules,
dashboards and reports and share your output via Slack.
• 5. Leverage the AI Assistant to ask questions about your data
and receive easy-to-understand responses in natural language.

Microsoft Power BI

Microsoft is recognized as a leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for

Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms–for 12 consecutive years

Power BI is a business analytics service that delivers insights to enable

fast, informed decisions.
• Transform data into stunning visuals and share them with colleagues
on any device.
• Visually explore and analyze data—on-premises and in the cloud—all
in one view.
• Collaborate on and share customized dashboards and interactive
• Scale across your organization with built-in governance and security. 45
• Connect and prepare your data

• Connect directly to data sources wherever they are—including

real-time and streaming—with 90+ connectors for data in the
cloud or on premises.
• - Combine, transform, and organize massive amounts of data
with Power Query at a fraction of the cost, time, and expertise
previously required. Learn more
• - Simplify data modeling when you prepare data once and use it
for multiple models, take advantage of a point-and-click
analysis interface, and create models automatically.

• Visualize your data

• Get quick insights with AI-assisted visualizations created
automatically on your dataset.
• Gain limitless options for how you visualize your data through the
custom visuals open framework, or choose from the more than
100 visuals published by community users.
• Find answers fast. Ask a question and let Power BI choose the
right visual for you.

▪ Publish and share

• Empower data-driven decision making across your organization.
• Quickly onboard your team with integrations to Microsoft Office 365,
• SharePoint, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Teams, and other familiar
• Collaborate on reports and share insights with users across your
• Distribute insights on any device in just a few clicks and manage user
access and security from one central place.





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