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Effective Office Management


Mr. Kalecha, 2019

 Communication, in office management process, is a critical
administrative soft skill. Administrative employees such as
administrative assistants, often have to interact with
employers, staff, and clients, either in person or on the
phone. It is important that they speak clearly and loudly,
maintaining a positive tone.
Vital Skills for Admin. Staff in Office
management Communication
 Hard Skills
 Technology Skills
 Administrative Support Skills
 Soft Skills
 Communication Skills
 People Skills
 Time Management Skills
 Organizational Skills
 Problem Solving Skills
Office Management Communication Include:

 Develop a Communication  Explain the Why

Strategy  Create Feedback Process
 Create a Communication  Face-to-Face Office
Process Communication for Emotional
 Determine What Gets Content
Communicated  Mobile Messaging for Working
out the Details
 Incorporate Two-way  Phone Calls for Follow Ups
Communication  Email Leaves a Paper Trail
 Multiply the Message  Enterprise Social Networking is
the New Frontier
Trends Affecting You in Today’s Workplace
 Heightened global competition
 Flattened management hierarchies
 Expanded team-based management
 Innovative communication technology
 New work environments
 Increasingly diverse workforce
 Renewed emphasis on ethics
Creating Effective Communication in the
 One important aspect of effective office management is
communication delivery. An office act as a Channel of
Communication where written communications, move from top
to bottom and in reverse order as well
 Without communicating its best talents, objectives, policies,
orders and results, then an organization is bound to fail.
 Success for you in the new global and diverse workplace
requires excellent communication skills!
Why You Need to Build Career Skills

 Necessary for hiring

 A top skill set sought by employers
 Critical for promotion
 Essential for effective job performance
 More important now as a result of technology
 Learned through instruction and practice
 Answer the phone promptly
 Be cheerful and pleasant
 Ask, “How can I help you?”
 Don’t rush clients
 Get all important information
 Client name
 Pet name
 Phone number
 Reason for visit
 Determine how long the appointment will need to be
 Verbal Communication – using words to express feelings
and ideas to others
 Non-verbal Communication – the unspoken elements of
 Facial expression
 Posture
 Spatial cues

 Concentrate on the message
 Don’t interrupt
 Observe body language for non-verbal cues
 Be objective
 Don’t judge the speaker
 Listen and think before you speak
 Maintain eye contact

 Denial
 Bargaining
 Anger
 Guilt
 Acceptance

The Communication Process – Basic Model
Noise Feedback Noise
5 travels to
Noise Noise
Sender Message
Sender encodes travels Receiver
has idea 1 idea in 2 over 3 decodes
message channel message

Noise Possible Noise

feedback 6
Noise to receiver Noise
The Communication Process – Expanded Model

Stimulus Sending Channel

Encoding Encoding

Understanding Understanding

Decoding Decoding

Feedback Channel
Person A Person B

Ch. 1, Slide 13
Factors That Shape Understanding
 Communication climate
 Context and setting
 Background, experiences
 Knowledge, mood
 Values, beliefs, culture

Ch. 1, Slide 14
Barriers That Create Misunderstandings
 Bypassing
 Differing frames of reference
 Lack of language skills
 Poor listening skills
 Emotional interference
 Physical distractions

Ch. 1, Slide 15
Overcoming Barriers That Cause Misunderstandings

 Realize that communication is imperfect.

 Adapt the message to the receiver.
 Improve your language and listening skills.
 Question your preconceptions.
 Encourage feedback.

Ch. 1, Slide 16
Communication and Formal Channels
 Written channels
 Memos, letters
 Annual report
 Company newsletter
 Bulletin board postings
 Orientation manual

Ch. 1, Slide 17
Communication and Formal Channels
 Oral channels
 Telephone
 Face-to-face conversation
 Company meetings
 Team meetings

Ch. 1, Slide 18
Communication and Formal Channels
 Electronic channels
 E-mail
 Instant messaging
 Voicemail
 Videoconferencing
 Intranet

Ch. 1, Slide 19
Formal Channels of Information Flow
Managers Supervisors

Upward flow

Horizontal flow

Downward flow

Ch. 1, Slide 20
Informal Channels of Information Flow
 Carry unofficial messages
 Flows haphazardly
 Can be remarkably accurate
 Is mostly disliked by management
 Thrives where official information is limited

Ch. 1, Slide 21
Obstacles to the Flow of Organizational Information

 Top-heavy organizational structure

 Long lines of communication
 Filtering, prejudice, ego involvement
 Poor communication skills
Surmounting Obstacles to
Effective Communication
 Encourage open, trusting environment for interaction and
 Flatten the organizational structure.
 Provide more information through formal channels.

Ch. 1, Slide 23
Surmounting Obstacles to Effective Communication

 Train managers and employees to improve communication

 Establish hotline and ombudsman programs.
 Establish fair reward system for individual and team
 Encourage full participation in teams.

Ch. 1, Slide 24
Understanding Ethical Behaviour on the Job
What is ethical behaviour?

Doing the right thing given

the circumstances

Ch. 1, Slide 25
Common Ethical Traps to Avoid on the Job
1. The false necessity trap - convincing yourself that no
other choice exists
2. The doctrine of relative filth - comparing your unethical
behavior with someone else’s even more unethical

Ch. 1, Slide 26
Common Ethical Traps to Avoid on the Job
3. The rationalization trap - justifying unethical actions with
4. The self-deception trap - persuading yourself, for
example, that a lie is not really a lie
5. The ends-justify-the-means trap - using unethical
methods to accomplish a goal

Ch. 1, Slide 27
Goals of Ethical Business Communicators
 Abide by the law.
 Tell the truth.
 Label opinions.
 Be objective.
 Communicate clearly.
 Use inclusive language.
 Give credit.

Ch. 1, Slide 28
Tools for Doing the Right Thing
 Is the action you are considering legal?
 How would you see the problem if you were on the
opposite side?
 What are alternate solutions?
 Can you discuss the problem with someone you trust?
 How would you feel if people you care about learned of
your action?

Ch. 1, Slide 29
The use and Types of
automation technology
 Fax machines
 Sms
 Telephone/Teleconferencing
 Internet/E-mail
 Facebook and other social media
(These issues have been covered under ‘Management of Oral and
Written Communication’, except for the Internet)
The Internet
 Can be used to further knowledge or enhance
communication between individuals and organisations
Do’s and don’ts
 Should be used essentially/largely for professional reasons
 Should be used discretionally
Any Questions????
Thank You

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