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Other Religious Groups

* Differences of Religion, Denomination, sect, and cult.

* Religions here in the Philippines

* Tell if they are Denominations, sects or cult.

* Founder of each Religion.

A religious denomination is a
subgroup within a religion that
operates under a common name,
tradition, and identity.
The term refers to the various Christian denominations (for
example, Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and the many
varieties of Protestantism). It is also used to describe the
four branches of Judaism (Orthodox, Conservative, Reform,
and Reconstructionist). Within Islam, it can refer to the
branches or sects (such as Sunni, Shia, and
Ahmadiyya),[1][2] as well as their various subdivisions such
as sub-sects,[3] schools of jurisprudence,[4] schools of
theology[5] and religious movements.[6][7]
The world's largest religious
denomination is Sunni Islam[8][9] or
Roman Catholicism.[10]
A Christian denomination is a generic term for a distinct
religious body identified by traits such as a common
name, structure, leadership and doctrine. Individual
bodies, however, may use alternative terms to describe
themselves, such as church or fellowship. Divisions
between one group and
another are defined by doctrine and church authority;
issues such as the nature of Jesus, the authority of
apostolic succession, eschatology, and papal primacy often
separate one denomination from another. Groups of
denominations often sharing broadly similar beliefs,
practices, and historical ties are known as branches of
A sect is a subgroup of a religious,
political, or philosophical belief
system, usually an offshoot of a larger
group. Although the term was
originally a classification for religious
separated groups, it can now refer to
any organization that breaks away
from a larger one to follow a different
set of rules and principles.
In an Indian context, sect refers to an
organized tradition.[1]

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