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Simple Sentence



 Landed: aterrizado
 Pond: estanque
 Requirements: requisitos
 Smell: oler
 Belong: pertenecer a
 Owe: deber ( de tener deuda)
Simple Sentence
A simple sentence is one independent
clause that has a subject and a verb
and expresses a complete thought.
Notice that there are some important
requirements for a simple sentence:
 Una oración simple es una cláusula independiente que tiene un sujeto y un
verbo y expresa un pensamiento completo. Tenga en cuenta que hay algunos
requisitos importantes para una oración simple:
Examples of Simple Sentence
 1.
Joe went to the store.
 2. Sarah and Jessie are going swimming.
 3. The frog jumped and landed in the pond.
 4. Can I have some juice to drink?
 5. The pizza smells delicious.
 6. There is a fly in the car with us.
 7. Look on top of the refrigerator for the key.
 8. I am out of paper for the printer.
 9. Will you help me with the math homework?
 10. The music is too loud for my ears
 A clause is a group of words that contains both a
subject and a predicate (or a verb). There are
two types of clauses
 Examples of Clauses:
 Independent Clauses are complete sentences.
They can stand alone and express a complete
 Examples: I want some cereal.
Marie likes cats.
Joseph is a good soccer player.

 Dependent Clauses contain a subject and a

predicate, but they do not express a complete
 Examples: When it is raining
Because you were late
Before you go to bed
 All of these groups of words contain both a
subject and a verb, but they cannot stand alone.
They do not express a complete thought.
 here are three main types of dependent clauses:
adjective, adverb, and noun. They are named by the way
they function in a sentence.
 An adjective clause describes or gives more information
about a noun-tells us which one, what kind, or how many.
 Example: The bag that someone left on the bus belongs to
Mrs. Smith.
 An adverb clause describes or gives more information
about the verb-tells us when, where, how, to what extent,
or under what condition something is happening.
 Example: She cried because her seashell was broken.
 A noun clause takes the place of a noun in the sentence.
 Example: Whoever ate the last piece of pie owes me!
Would you like to lose weight?
Only for women
Thank you

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