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Does being religious protect the

brain from depression?

Background of the Study
• Depression is a medical illness that causes a constant
feeling of sadness and lack of interest. Depression
affects how the person feels, behaves and thinks.

• Spirituality is a significant part of our human history

and evolution, and that ability to conceptualize
religious ideas or a connection to others is part of
what separates us from the other animals.
YES: According to new research published in
JAMA Psychiatry, engaging in regular
meditation or another spiritual practice is
linked to a thickening of the brain cortex
which could protect against depression.

NO: A very large study has found that being

religious or spiritual is linked with getting
more depressed.
Affirmative Side
• Study shows that people who are religious or
spiritual have 'thicker' brains which could protect
them against depression.

• Finding suggests that being religious can change

the brain in a physical way and this change could
be protective against depression.
Negative Side
• Study shows that religion doesn't seem to
protect against depression.

• Regardless of country, the stronger the

spiritual or religious belief at the start of the
study, the higher the risk of onset of
My Stand


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