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•The Interview process is a method of recruitment, a selection tool

used to attract appropriate job candidates to fill job vacancies.

•Interviews are the most common recruitment tool used hiring

around the world from something very small as individuals for
domestic work to key posts recruitment in multi-national

•Different types of interviews are used for selection and hiring e.g.
informal INTERVIEW
interviews, direct interviews, indirect, panel, group,
behavior, and
What’s stress????
Its all about how you handle things in difficult situation
within the given time.
 In a stress interview the interviewers
deliberately lead applicants into a fall
sense of security by making the
candidate feel comfortable – then
suddenly they change and on the attack
creating a stressful situation, In order to
observe how the candidates cope with
sudden pressure and stress.
 Imagine for a moment that you are doing exceptionally well in your job interview - until
your interviewer asks you a question totally irrelevant to your discussion, such as

"How would you improve the design of the hockey


 While you fumble for an answer, inwardly you are thinking, "What is wrong with this
person? Why would I be asked such an absurd question as part of a serious interview?"
• Doesn’t say anything for the first five or ten minutes of
the interview.

• Challenges candidate by disagreeing with candidate’s


• Pauses for a long time after listening to candidate’s


• Ridicules candidate’s background.

• Asking the same question several times, pretending not

to understand answer.

• Being deliberately late and then keeps looking at his or her watch.
• Pretends to fall asleep.

• Ask uncomfortable questions such as “Why you get such low marks in graduation”
or “Why you were fired from your previous job” to put candidate under pressure.

• Convey your aggressive behavior through your body language, facial expressions,
or behavior and you will make candidate realize that candidate is responsible for it.

• Reading the paper when the candidate comes into the room.

• Asking a tough question right away, without even introducing himself.

 Stress interviews are appropriate for certain types of jobs such as public safety and
customer complaint-handling.

 Stress interviews might give an insight to a candidates personality and character.

The stress interviewing technique is typically used for positions in which the job-seeker will
be facing stress on the job e.g. when dealing with a lot of people such as domestic sugar mills,
in businesses where time to time panic situations arise.

 The company needs to know if it had made the right choice and perhaps is paying to the
right person who can cater with the extreme conditions.

 Every one can work under normal conditions but the problem arises when a person is put
under extreme condition, it is then the true abilities of a person are known.
 Due to stress interviews a person can face anxiety.

 Increased heart rate, high blood pressure and stomach cramps can
also effect the person.

 It may lower self esteem.

May cause emotional distress

Due to panic the person can get confused and may not able to
answer appropriately.

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