Socio Cultural

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Socio Cultural

• This environment represents the

culture,attributes & general behaviour of the
individuals in a given society.
• People grow up in a system of values they
tend to carry throughout their lifetimes.
• A substantial change has occurred in recent
years in individual values,family structure,
leisure-time activities & conservation.
Industrial revolution stimulated changes in how people lived,worked,spent their money ,recreated…

• Men began working for wages rather than as farmers or

in King’s. service.
• Sailors became merchantmen.( East India Co. & Vasco
Da Gama)
• Craftsmen moved out of their shops into factories.
• Adventurers put aside swords & settled new worlds.
( Amerigo Vaspusi & Christopher Columbus)
• Industrial City traffic required sturdier materials & led
to development of tar roads.
• Bicycle became a useful mode of transportation rather
than a curiosity.
• Social changes occurred at a snail’s pace until
the arrival of British.They revolutionized the
society with the education systems,
transportation systems, administrative
processes & legal framework.
• Urban Amenities like sewers,water
systems,waste collection,police services,fire
brigades & schools began to evolve.
Social changes occurring in Indian Society

• Dual career families

• working professional women- Creches at Workplace.
• Increasing divorce rates
• Single parent families
• Postponing Marriage & delaying having children.
• Fashions from Sarees to Salwar Kameez to Western
Outfits (Allen Solly)
• Traditional Jewellery to Chic Jewellery( Tanishq &
• Higher Literacy for Women-educational seminars for
career women,counseling centres
• Cooking at home to convenience foods,frozen foods heating in
microwave ovens.
• Spending vacations at pilgrim centres & relatives to family
vacations at exotic locales abroad.
• Men conscious of their looks- Male beauty parlours,Unisex
• People greet others with a gift,flower,cards,a bouquet of fruits…..
• Change in leisure activity –Spending evenings with friends to
watching TV for hours,Disco,pubs
• Increasing diversity of workforce & markets
• Changing pace & location of life –Modern information &
communication technologies allow people to “telecommute” via
• Decline of the mass market:Niche markets are beginning to define
the marketer’s environment.People want products & services that
are adapated more to their personal needs.
• Trends in lifestyles,attitudes & personal values
among the population are of particular
concern for consumer product manufacturers.
Individual values in India

• Unity in Diversity,Unifiers in India-

Railways,Cricket,Bollywood,National Anthem.
• Family Values
• Religious/Spiritual
• Education
• Hospitality
• Success & Achievement
• Peace Loving & Tolerant
• Progressive -?
• Freedom-Democracy.
This topic identifies the bureaucratic and legal hurdles an entrepreneur
must overcome to incorporate and register a new firm.  It examines the
procedures, time, and cost involved in launching a commercial or industrial
firm with up to 50 employees and start-up capital of 10 times the
economy's per-capita gross national income (GNI).
• No. of Procedure
• Dealing with Licenses
• Employing Workers
• Registering Property in India
• Getting Credit
• Protecting Investors
• Paying Taxes
• Trading across Borders
• Enforcing Contracts
• Closing a Business
Islamic Financial Portal

• “Most conventional financial products currently on

offer to Muslims in the Indian Market are incompatible
with Islamic religious principles”.
• Islam forbids the paying and receiving of interest, and
involvement in companies having high degree of
impure interest income or high debt or those involved
in banking, life insurance, alcohol, tobacco, gambling,
Non-Halal meat or pornography.
• Parsoli offersan Islamic Financial portal, meant specifically for investors
interested in investing in Shari'ah compliant equities.
Some key forces driving the era of consumer are the following:

• The shrinking day:More time spent working & committing to family-related

activities means less time doing things they do not want to do like housework
or cooking.This is manifested in the growth of dine-in & take away restaurants
versus grocery purchase at supermarkets & provision stores.What consumers
increasingly value in terms of products & services is time & convenience.
• Connectedness:People will turn to web for a sense of community-
chatting,mailing, socializing-friends & family,exchanging information &
• Body versus soul:New consumers will increasingly stay home to
work,shop,meditate & pamper their bodies but will also expect more in
terms of entertainment.e.g Retailers stage events,show videos on big screens
& attempt to add entertainment to everyday shopping experiences.
• Individualism:Consistent with the trend towards individualism is an increase
in products & services tailored to small groups,called mass
customization.Customers want products built for them.
10 Themes of the Net Generation Culture
• Fierce Independence:A strong sense of independence & autonomy.
• Emotional & Intellectual Openness:When N-geners go online,they expose themselves.
• Inclusion:A Global Orientation in their search for information,activity & communication.
• Free Expression & strong view:The internet has exposed them to a much greater range of
ideas,opinions,& arguments than they would have experienced without it.
• Innovation:A constant search for ways to do things for better.
• Preoccupation with maturity:N-Geners insist that they are more mature than adults expect.
• Investigation:A strong ethos of curiosity,investigation,& the empowerment to change
• Immediacy:The children of the digital age expect things to happen fast,because in their
world things do happen fast.
• Sensitivity to corporate interest:They believe that too many perspectives are being left out
of the broadcast images & they believe corporate agendas play a role in this shortfall.
• Authentication & Trust:Because of the anonymity,accessibility,diversity,& ubiquity of the
Internet,N-Geners must continually authenticate what they see or hear on the web.

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