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1. Methodology of the department.
2. SWOT analysis of the company.
3. Export procedure and documentation of the company.
4. New product undertaken and new technology used.
5. Software used in the company.
 Analysing the each department personally.
 Analysing the competators and customers.
 To ascertain the initiatives on which the particular department will focus.
 To study the company overall strategic plan.
 Preplanning the tactical plan.
*SWOT plays a major role in the internal growth of the company.
* Strength -of the company is the strong team work between all the departments. This provides a strategic
planning which forms as a base for the betterment of the company.
* Weakness- provides the company to improve and remain a competitator for the opposite party.
*Opportunity- the company does not miss a single chance of losing the customer and makes use of all the
opportunities given.
*Threat – the company is confident enough about their own product and do not bother about their competitors.
1. After product finalization the customer will release the purchase order.
 2. The company will prepare the perfoma invoice against the purchase order.
 3. The customer will release the payment against the perfoma invoice.
 1. Invoice will be raised against perfoma .
 2. Packing list should be prepared for eg. (dimension , weight…) of the product
 3. Packing list should be prepared (material &details) about the product
 4. Bill of load : delivery challan , road permit, consignment note
 5. Certificate origin : to which country the goods are being sent
 6. Customer pan card , IE(import &export) code .
 7.The customer has to take the clearance from the border.
 The best in class high resolution machine vision camera based grain sorting machine is used.
 The company also recently developed HD sized sorting camera that can sort grains based on size and shape of the grain .

 The company uses the FPGA platform for the high end camera development. The company company also uses hardware
description language based on integrated circuits.
 They also use the latest 32 bit micro conteollers for the implantation of complete sorting system.
 EMBEDDED C & C ++:
. Used in the control systems.
. Runs in the 32 bit microcontrollers.
. It is a VHDL Language used to implement FPGA gate arrays.
. They are developed for the house departments such as marketing and service departments.
. Web based applications are developed using PHP & SQL server for ERP process implementations.

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