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Motivation And The Theories

Utilized At South Texas

By: Thelma Landeros
Dr. Rebecca Lynch
Approaches for
Thinking and

Guiding Students To South Texas College

Success Background

Motivation And
The Theories
Douglas McGregor
Utilized At South
Texas College
Organizational Approaches for
Management Thinking and Practice
 The motivation received from South Texas College as an
organization has persuade a positive effect to
employees, which in return greet, smile, make eye
contact, and overall gives back support to students and
future professionals. These are great tools in preparing
me to become a better organizational leader. This
presentation includes the biography, theory, and
research about Douglas McGregor which assisted me to
focus and highlight the motivation and support, given to
me as an employee at the Center for Learning
Excellence department at South Texas College.
South Texas College Background

 South Texas College (STC) was founded in 1993, and currently is

composed of five campuses, two higher education centers and
one virtual campus. This organization mission statement is to provide
educational opportunities through excellence in teaching and
learning, workforce development, cultural enrichment, community
service, and regional and global collaborations. Moreover, STC’s
core values are student success, excellence, opportunity,
community, and integrity, which have supported me with the
professors, staff and faculty. My employer has encouraged me to
South Texas College Background
STC’s human resources department consists of employee relations,
benefits information, forms, guidelines, procedures, and orientation.

The department of employee relations guides and trains employees

about employment law, labor relations, policies, and procedures.

During staff training, yearly information is given about Title IX, complaint
forms, core values and professional ethics is provided to all employees
through the employee handbook.

STC’s human resources is constantly training me and reminding me

as an employee to always report discrimination, harassment, sexual
harassment, and constantly to provide the best service.

They have a sense on how to treat employees with fair and

consistent treatment to its employees.
Douglas McGregor
Biography Theory X and Y used Today
 Douglas McGregor (1906-1964) born in  Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Y
Detroit Michigan, was another theorist management styles introduced more than
and educator, interested in 50 years ago, explains that money, good
management approaches and benefits, and even a good relationship with
practices. management are not effective means to
motivate employees to align with
 He taught psychology and industrial
organizational goals (Sanford, 2012).
management at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology from 1937 through  In today’s organizations such as retail
1948, and later from 1954 through 1964. stores, schools, and even hospitals, leaders
can practice Douglas M’s theory X and Y
 His book “Human Side of Enterprise” from
management approaches.
1960 changed American management
practices and led to the human  In this case, it would be essential to
potential movement by proposing the develop better relationships with employed
"Theory Y," which is a humanistic view of managers by understanding what
behavior and motivation, opposing the motivates them. This is meaningful, because
traditional "Theory X" that viewed coordinators are motivated when they can
employees as lazy, unmotivated, and learn or have interesting and challenging
needing strict control. (Cutcher- work.
Gershenfeld, 2000).
Motivation And The Theories Utilized At
South Texas College

Motivation is the result of a complex set of psychological

influences and external forces or conditions that causes a
person to behave in a certain way while maintaining a
certain level of effort and persistence (McKee, 2014).
These factors can affect
In the beginning, STC This means that
STC as an organization employees in a positive
assisted in giving me an motivation, creativity,
has great incentive way, where they tend to
opportunity as a student and adding meaning in
factors such as salary, be motivated by
and subsequently with a my position as tutor,
supervision working achievement,
job by building a strong involves harnessing talent
conditions, relationships recognition, and the
self-confidence to and energy in providing
with coworkers, and level ability to grow and
become a supplemental a service of performing
of job security. advance in their careers
instruction leader (SI). well at work.
(Davis, 2008).
Motivation And The Theories Utilized At
South Texas College
•Coordinators at STC support Douglas McGregor’s Theory Y management practice model,
by assembling projects to each school department such as the tutoring sector named The
Center for Learning Excellence.
•The supervisors provide projects for tutors such as intercampus tutoring or by providing
workshop sessions for students.
Theory Y •This allows for tutors to achieve their own goals and effectively accomplish the
organization’s goals at the same time.

•This concept follows human needs, where people are motivated to satisfy physiological,
safety, belonging, esteem, and self-actualization (McKee, 2014).
•Moreover, Abraham M’s theory can be comparable with Douglas McGregor’s Theory “X
and Y.”
•For instance, leaders can relate Theory “X” only with the “Physiological and Safety” human
Abraham Maslow’s
needs, where the management style would be lacking several other employee necessities.
Hierarchy of Needs
Theory •This reason why McGregor associated Theory “Y” with the “Belonging, Esteem, and Self-
Actualization” concepts of the Needs Theory.
Guiding Students To Success

Many ethical strategies Additionally, STC

and actions, such as has prepared me
Moreover, to
empowering staff, to give back to
South Texas achieve excellent
creating a sense of student success
College as my results by building
shared mission and by working
employer has resumes, letter
values, truth telling, among
practiced writing, pushing
rewarding moral management
organizational them to get into a
behavior, including and tutors that
ethics by masters’ program
demonstrating concern motivate me,
training their so that they can
for employees has giving positive
employees continue building
improved tutor reminders when
with high and growing
commitment and having a stressful
standards and themselves, even if
productivity at the CLE. day. For instance,
outstanding they have to leave
This improves as a result, motivating a
performance. the company one
the productivity of the student or team
entire organization to continue their
(Johnson, 2016). careers.
Guiding Students To Success

 As a future teacher, the most beautiful motivation given by South Texas

College as my organization is that education comes first.
 Enthusiasm, vision, and the ability to communicate are qualities that
strengthen the technical knowledge. Leaders in today’s business
organizations such as South Texas College must respond positively,
powerfully, and ethically to the many situations arising in today’s industry.
Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Y has contributed to STC leaders,
employees, business, and their communities. This transpires in ideas,
approaches, and by involving the school organization workers leadership,
students, and me as a future professional.
 Johnson, C. (2016). Improving Group Ethical Performance. Organizational Ethics A
Practical Approach Third Edition (p. 209). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications Inc.
 Kopelman, R. E., Prottas, D. J., & Davis, A. L. (2008). Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Y:
Toward a Construct-valid Measure. Journal of Managerial Issues, 20(2), 255. Retrieved from
 McGregor, D. and Cutcher-Gershenfeld, J. (2000). Baker & Taylor Author Biographies, 1.
Retrieved from https://search-ebscohost-
 McKee, A. (2014). Workplace Essentials: Creativity, Innovation, and a Spirit of
Entrepreneurship. In A. McKee, Management A Focus On Leaders Second Edition (pp. 279-
285). Saddle River: Pearson Education Inc
 Sanford KD. (2012). Shared governance: one way to engage employed physicians. Hfm
(Healthcare Financial Management), 66(9), 44–48. Retrieved from https://search-
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