3 Main Idea of A Paragraph

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Finding the Idea in a

Main Idea
• the point of the paragraph
• the most important thought
about the topic
How to figure out the main idea?

•What is being said

about the person,
thing, or idea (the
• The main
• Product A idea is usually a
sentence, and it is usually the first
• The writer then uses the rest of the
paragraph to support the main
• NextA most
• Product common placement is in
the last sentence of a paragraph
• The author gives supporting
information first and then makes
the point in the last sentence.
• an author might put the main idea in
the middle
• Product A of a paragraph
• The author will spend a few sentences
introducing the topic, present the main
idea, then spend the rest of the
paragraph supporting it.
• This can make the main idea more
difficult to find.
Paragraph 1
• The movie Apollo 13 was a blockbuster
for the summer of 1995. It is an exciting
story about space exploration. In the
movie, the astronauts get in trouble while
they are trying to return to Earth. People
in the audience are on the edge of their
seats waiting to see what happens. What
makes it even more exciting is that it is a
true story.
• What is the topic?
–the movie Apollo 13
• Where can you find the main idea?
–in the first sentence
• What is the main idea?
–Apollo 13 was a blockbuster for the
summer of 1995
Paragraph 2

• There are so many applications of thermal expansion

around us. Some are beneficial to us; others can also
be a burden to us. One example of thermal
expansion in solid is the sagging of electrical power
lines or telephone wires on hot days. This happens
because heat causes them to expand. Have you ever
wondered why it is difficult to open a jar that was just
taken out of the refrigerator or why motorists are
advised not to overinflate their car tires or fill their
gasoline tanks to the brim? How will you apply the
concepts of thermal expansion to explain all these?
• What is the topic?
–thermal expansion
• Where can you find the main idea?
–in the first sentence
• What is the main idea?
–There are so many applications of
thermal expansion around us.
Paragraph 3

• The United States seems to be in love with the idea of

going out to eat. Because of this, a real variety of
restaurants has come about specializing in all kinds of
foods. McDonald’s is the king of a subgroup of
restaurants called fast-food restaurants. Chances are,
no matter where you live, there is a McDonald’s
restaurant near you. There are even McDonald’s in the
Soviet Union. Now McDonald’s is trying something
new. It is called McDonald’s Express and there is a test
site in Peabody, Massachusetts. It is part of a Mobil
gas station. This allows you to fill up with gas and fill
up on food at the same time. What will they think of
• What is the topic?
– McDonald’s
• Where can you find the main idea?
–middle of the paragraph, 3rd sentence
• What is the main idea?
– McDonald’s is the king of fast
Paragraph 4

• Most teenagers and young adults do not know

what they want to do for the rest of their lives. It is
a big decision. There are a number of things you
can do to narrow the choices. For example you
can take an interest test, do some research on
your own about a career, try volunteer work in the
field in which you are interested, or “job-shadow”,
in which you spend a day with a person who is
working in a field that interests you. These are just
a few helpful ideas as you begin to choose a
• What is the topic?
– jobs or career choices
• Where can you find the main idea?
–in the last sentence
• What is the main idea?
– a few ideas to help the reader
choose a career
• On his way home from the party, Jason
realized he was lost. He had been circling the
same street for 40 minutes. He had left the
directions at the party and did not have a
map. He was hoping to see a familiar
landmark so he could figure out where he is.
a. Jason went to a party
b. Jason was lost
c. Jason did not have a map
d. Jason was on his way home
• Janie’s dog wasn’t feeling well today. He did
not want to go out for his walk and did not eat
his food. She threw his toy across the yard
hoping he would run to fetch it, but he just sat
a. The dog doesn’t want to play
b. The dog isn’t hungry
c. The dog is sick
d. The dog lives in the yard
• Blair and Natalie are not speaking to each
other today. It was weird sitting at their table
during lunch while they were glaring at each
other. I hope they make up soon; we are three
best friends and I don’t want to choose sides.
a. Blair and Natalie had a fight
b. I ate lunch alone
c. I didn’t do my homework
d. Blair is glaring at Natalie
• Julio decided to stay up and watch television
instead of studying for his History exam.
Today, when it was time to take the test, he
looked at the paper and could not answer any
of the questions. He swore that from this day
forward he would always study for tests.
a. Julio did not study for his history exam
b. Julio had an exam
c. Julio likes to watch TV
d. Julio doesn’t like History
• “If you want something done, give it to a busy
person.” Initially that advice sounds strange, but
people with energy and ambition often get things
done. Throughout time, it has been proven that
people with ambition accomplish things that others
thought were impossible. Whether a person wants to
set a world record or rise to the top, ambition is the
one quality that is most needed.
a. The ways in which ambition affects social life
b. The negative effects of ambition
c. How to have ambition
d. The value of ambition

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