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BY: Karen Ruth R.

The Human Eye
 The eye is an opaque ball averaging 2.3 cm in diameter.
It is composed of several parts, each part playing a
distinct role to enable humans to see.
Parts of the eye:
 The cornea –
“window of the eye”. Is the outer thin,
transparent membrane of the eyeball.
It protects the eye and refracts most of the
incident light that enters it.
 The conjunctiva –
is the thin, transparent tissue that
Lines the inner surfaces of the eyelids and the
Outer surface of the eyeball.
 the sclera –
the white background of the eye.
It provides structure, protection and strenght
To the eye.
 The pupil –
the black circle in the middle
of the eye. It is actually an opening
through which light enters the iner
portion of the eye.
 The iris –
is the colored circle of the eye.
Its main task is to regulate the size
of the pupil by contraction or rela-
tion of its muscle.
 The crystalline lens –
behind the pupil. A clear convex
Structure. It can focus on objects at
different distances by changing its
 The ciliary muscle –
attached to the crystalline lens
and responsible for changing the
shape of the lens when focusing
on objects at different distances.
 The retina –
is the inner surface of the eye.
it is consist of light – sensitive
rods and cones.
 The forea –
is an important part in the
 The blindspot –
the exit point of the optic nerve

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