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Start Ck class Ck

Members Ck class Ck

Farah Anjanillah Zahwa Lingua K.V

15320081 15320046
What are we going to learn?

Coordinatio Distinctive
n as a non- syntactic
headed properties of
construction coordination

The order of The

coordinatio marking of
n coordinatio
What is coordination?
• Based on oxford dictionary, coordination is a
phenomenon in which two or more elements,
known as “conjuncts,” are linked together, often
with a conjunction such as “and.”
Coordination as a non-headed
Coordinator as non-headed construction is
happened when we want to coordinate clauses
using the coordinator like and or and but. However
we cannot distinguish the main clause because the
clauses that are coordinated are in the equal
status. The clauses are completed each other.

Example :
She is beautiful and cute.
There is no one who can do that but him.
Distinctive syntactic properties of

It has three means of the writing style in using coordinators.

1. Unlimited number of coordinates, a coordinate
construction can have any number of coordinates. There is no
grammatical limit on how many there can be.
Example :
Giving money, acting tough, smiling frankly, making
people laugh and walking slowly are his typical attitude.

There is no animal, tree, crying forest, angry flame,

dying field or bald mountain which can complain to what
people damage on nature.
2. Bare coordinates must be syntactically similar.

The coordinates should have the similar function in the

sentence. Since the function is important in
determining permissibility of coordination. We should
make sure that the coordination is acceptable although
there are in different category but each coordinate could
occur alone with the same function in the sentence.

Examples :
She will eat the sandwich or the cereal tomorrow.
People who are eligible and who are the winners can
join the congratulation party in the Hall. (Revitalization)
3. Impossibility of preposing an expanded
coordinate. We cannot move an expanded clause in the
front of the clause. We have to consider that the
coordinators that we use are coordinator not a

Examples :
Although we cannot join the party, we can see the party
above the buildings.
Despite of getting hurt easily, she can always heal her
mind and body by herself.
The order of coordinates
• It deals with how to order or make a sequence of
• The order of coordinates can be changed without
perceptible effect on the acceptability
Symmetric • The joined coordinates must be in the equal status

• The order of coordinates can be arranged by

knowing the further implication and the
Asymmetric conditional implication.
Examples :

1. [You need to study hard or you will fail on your final

examination] (Conditional implication)

2. He [woke up late and was punished]

(further implication/consequence)
The marking of coordination
unmarked coordination
•It doesn’t use any coordinator
•Commas are used to separate the items

repetition of coordinator
•It uses coordinator repeatedly
•It has a function to emphasize the relation it

correlative coordination
• It has a pair for both determinative and
coordinator (both-and, neither-nor, either-or).
Unmarked Repetition
Do you want a Do you want a
cup of [coffee, cup of [coffee
tea, milk]? or tea or milk]?

The It emphasizes
coordination is the relation it
just a list expresses
1. [Both Julia and Ann] are studying English now.
2. [Neither Ray nor Adam] gave a solution.

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