Control System Chapter 1 19-20

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Control Systems
ECE Department
Lesson overview
1. Need for study of control systems
2. Definition
3. Advantages of control systems
4. System configurations
5. Analysis and design objectives
6. Design process
7. Syllabus overview
Need for study of control systems
• Control systems part of modern society
• Air Conditoners, Refrigerators, washing machines,
Need for study of control systems
• Control systems part of modern society
• Automatically machined metallic parts, hard disk reading head
Need for study of control systems
• Control systems part of modern society
• Robots delivering material to work station in a factory floor
Need for study of control systems
• Control systems part of modern society
• Enemy missiles tracked and shot down.
Need for study of control systems
• Control systems part of modern society
• Unmanned airplanes (drones) doing surveillance ……
Need for study of control systems
• They are part of nature
• Blood sugar control by pancreas
• Temperature control in the body
Need for study of control systems
• Many non-physical situations can be cast as Control problems
• Many economic issues
• Student performance with input as study time and output as grade
• …….
• Control systems consists of sub-systems assembled for the purpose of
obtaining desired output with desired performance when given a
specified input.
• Example: Elevator
(response of an elevator)
Advantages of control systems
• Power amplification
• Moving a lift, positioning an big antenna precisely
• Remote control
• Operate on parts located in a radioactive environment or in far off places
• Convenience of input
• Temperature to control system can be fed as a position of knob
• Compensation for disturbances
• wind forces acting on an antenna, room temperature control disturbances
are opening and closing of doors windows
System configurations
• Open-loop (OL) system
• Has poor sensitivity to disturbances, i.e., it cannot compensate for
disturbances that add at the input and at the output of the plant
• Examples
• Toaster (input: time, output: colour)
• Irrigation sprinkler (input: time, output: soil moisture)
• Motor speed control (input: voltage, output: speed)
System configurations
• Closed-loop (CL) system
System configurations
• Closed-loop (CL) system
• Corrects for disturbances by gathering measurements, feeding
measurements back through a feedback (FB) path, and comparing
measurements to inputs
• Example: Cruise control (input: throttle, measurement: speed, output: speed)
System configurations
• OL system • CL system
• Advantages • Advantages
• Simple • Higher accuracy
• Inexpensive • Less sensitivity to noise,
disturbances, and changes in
• Disadvantages
the environment
• Lower accuracy
• Disadvantages
• Higher sensitivity to noise,
• Complex
disturbances, and changes in
the environment • Expensive
• Stability
In modern control systems the computer plays the role of the controller
and brings many advantages like time sharing, multiple roles and ease of
Analysis and Design Objectives
• Let us now discuss about the word desired performance
• Analysis is the process by which a system’s performance is
• Design is the process by which a system’s performance is created or
• Three major objectives
• Transient response (example of elevator and hard disk)
• Steady state response (example of elevator, hard disk and antenna)
• Stability
Analysis and Design Objectives
• Transient response and steady state response performance
definitions not useful if the system is not stable.
• To understand stability we have to understand about the Natural
(transient)* and forced (steady state)* responses.
• For a linear system
• Total response= Natural + forced.
• Natural response :Due to the system and the way the system acquires
or dissipates energy
• Forced response : Due to input
Analysis and Design Objectives
• For unstable systems natural response is so much greater than the
forced response
• For stable systems the natural response should decay or oscillate
• Other Considerations
• Robustness--Sensitivity to parameter changes
• Hardware selection, e.g., power requirements and sensor accuracy
• Economic
Design Process
• The design flow
Case study
• Antenna Azimuth Position Control System
Design process
1. Transform requirements into a physical system
• System concept
• Qualitative description
• Determine inputs and outputs
• Description of the physical system
Design process
2. Draw a functional block diagram
• Detailed layout
• Describes the component parts of the system (function and hardware)
and shows their interconnections
A room temperature control system operates by sensing the
difference between the thermostat setting and the actual
temperature and then opening a fuel valve an amount
proportional to this difference.
Draw a functional closed-loop block diagram (similar to block
diagram shown for antenna control system) identifying the input
and output transducers, the controller, and the plant. Further,
identify the input and output signals of all subsystems.
Voltage Voltage
proportional proportional
to the angular to the error Voltage
Angular input
input External
Input controller noise Plant/process influences
transducer Summing
junction Temperature
Valves and heater of the room
Potentio Signal and power
along with the
meter amplifiers

Implemented Output
using a Voltage transducer
difference proportional
amplifier to the Thermocouple
temperature with its
Design process
3. Create a schematic
• Transform the physical system into a schematic diagram
• Make approximations and neglect certain phenomena
• Start simple, check assumptions later through analysis and simulation,
if too simple, i.e., does not adequately account for observed behavior,
add phenomena
• Use knowledge of the physical system, physical laws, and practical
Design process
• 4. Develop a mathematical model (block diagram)
• Use physical laws
• Relationship between the inputs and outputs of the dynamic system
• Linear, time-invariant (LTI) differential equations (DEs)
• High order, nonlinear, time-varying, or partial DEs
• Transfer functions (alternate representations of LTI DEs transformed using the
Laplace transform)
• State-space representation (alternate representation of nth-order DEs as n
simultaneous first-order DEs)
• Knowledge of parameter values
Design process
• 5. Reduce the block diagram
• Interconnect subsystem models to form block diagrams of larger
• Each block represents a mathematical description with dynamics,
relations, inputs, outputs, and parameters
Design process
6. Analyze & design
• Compare time response specifications and performance requirements
• Test input waveform signals
• Sensitivity analysis
Improve time response and performance
• Adjusting system parameters
• Design additional hardware
• Minimize sensitivity over an expected range of environmental changes
• A university wants to establish a control system model that represents the
student population as an output, with the desired student population as an input.
• The administration determines the rate of admissions by comparing the current
and desired student populations.
• The admissions office then uses this rate to admit students.
• Draw a functional block diagram showing the administration and the admissions
office as blocks of the system.
• Also show the following signals:
• the desired student population,
• the actual student population,
• the desired student rate as determined by the administration,
• the actual student rate as generated by the admissions office,
• the dropout rate, and the net rate of influx.
An aircraft’s attitude varies in roll, pitch, and yaw as defined in
figure below. Draw a functional block diagram for a closed-
loop system that stabilizes the roll.
We can build a control system that will automatically adjust a
motorcycle’s radio volume as the noise generated by the motorcycle
changes. The noise generated by the motorcycle increases with speed.
As the noise increases, the system increases the volume of the radio.
Assume that the amount of noise can be represented by a voltage
generated by the speedometer cable, and the volume of the radio is
controlled by a dc voltage. If the dc voltage represents the desired
volume disturbed by the motorcycle noise, draw the functional block
diagram of the automatic volume control system, showing the input
transducer, the volume control circuit, and the speed transducer as
blocks. Also show the following signals: the desired volume as an input,
the actual volume as an output, and voltages representing speed,
Your bathtub at home is a control system that keeps the water level
constant. A constant flow from the tap yields a constant water level,
because the flow rate through the drain increases as the water level
increases, and decreases as the water level decreases. After equilibrium
has been reached, the level can be controlled by controlling the input
flow rate. Allow input flow rate yields a lower level, while a higher input
flow rate yields a higher level.
a. Sketch a control system that uses this principle to precisely control
the fluid level in a tank. Show the intake and drain valves, the tank, any
sensors and transducers, and the interconnection of all components.
b. Draw a functional block diagram of the system, identifying the input
and output signals of each block.
Syllabus overview
(Pre-requisite: 15ECE204 Signal Processing I)

Unit 1
Introduction - System Configurations - Analysis and design objectives - Design process - Computer-aided design -
Laplace transform review - The transfer function: Electrical network Transfer functions - Translational mechanical system
transfer functions - Electric circuit analogs – Nonlinearities – Linearization - Transfer function of a DC motor. Poles Zeros
and system response - Time response analysis (1st, 2nd order) - System response with additional poles - System response
with zeros. Reduction of multiple system - Block reduction techniques - Signal flow graph - Mason’s gain formula.
Stability: Routh-Hurwitz criterion - Steady-state error for unity feedback systems - Static error constants and system type -
Steady-state error specifications.

Unit 2
The root locus, properties of the root locus - Sketching the root locus - Transient response Design via gain adjustment -
Frequency response techniques. Asymptotic approximations: Bode plots - Introduction to the Nyquist criterion – Stability -
Gain margin and Phase margin via Nyquist diagram and Bode plots relation between closed loop transient and closed loop
frequency responses - Relation between closed and open loop frequency responses - Relation between closed loop transient
and open loop frequency responses - Steady-state error characteristics from frequency response - Systems with time delay -
Obtaining transfer functions.

Unit 3
Design via frequency response - Transient response design via gain adjustment - Lag compensation - Lead compensation
- The general state - Space representation - Applying the state-space representation - Converting a transfer function to sate-
space - Converting from state-space to a transfer function.
Norman Nise, “Control System Engineering”, John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., Sixth Edition, 2011.
Evaluation Pattern:
Internal Assessment: (50) + Attendance
Periodical test1: (15) = 50 marks scaled to 15
Periodical test2: (15) = 50 marks scaled to 15
Continuous Assessment: (20) = 2 Assignments (3 Marks each)+3 class
test (3 marks each)+ 1 project (5 marks)
End-semester Examination :( 50) = 100 marks scaled to 50

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