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Writing the Research Paper

Zooey 9810003m
Angela 9810010m
Chapter I: Introduction
 A. Area of Study: Provide a general
introduction to the topic; outline the
 B. Definition of Terms: Define important
terms & concepts
 C. The purpose of the study
 D. Assumptions: Make hypotheses for
the proposed study
Chapter II: Literature Review
 A. History: Provide a review of the
historical background
 B. Current Literature: Include a review of
current relevant with the analysis of
pros and cons
 C. Research Problem: Provide research
Chapter III: Methodology
 A. Research Questions and Hypotheses:
Propose them based on literature
review (major points)

 B. Research Design:
 Quantitative research: Use a survey (three design
considerations; discuss how to design questionnaire)

 Qualitative research: Use interviews (present a

rationale for the design of choice)
*Grounded theory: Develop a theory after gathering
and analyzing the data
 C. Sample:
 Quantitative research: Describe sampling
techniques and rationale for method used for
selecting the sample and sample size
 Qualitative research: describe the criteria for
the selection for the participants and setting
Research Questions and Hypotheses:
 4 categories of research questions:

 1. Descriptive questions: Provide information about

what is or has been happening related to the
research topic

 2. Normative questions: Provide information

compared with some standard or expected

 3. Correlative questions: Identify relationship

 4. Impact questions: Indentify effect

Research Questions and Hypotheses:
 Two types of hypotheses:

 1. Directional hypothesis:
 e.g.," If ss can get teachers’ positive comments. (then)
they will have a better writing performance because
(pro 1).”

 2. Null hypothesis:
 e.g.,” There is no difference between teachers’
positive comments and ss’ writing performance
because (con 1).”
Research Design
 Mixed-Methods Models Design: Apply the
quantitative and qualitative methods
simultaneously (parallel) or sequentially.

 4 design options:
 1. Pragmatic parallel mixed-methods
 2. Pragmatic sequential mixed-methods
 3. Transformative parallel mixed-methods
 4. Transformative sequential mixed-methods
Survey Research
 3 design considerations:

 1. Descriptive approach: A survey describing the

characteristics of a sample at one point in time
(e.g., senior students’ research paper writing
difficulties in the Department of Applied English
at I-Shou University in 2009)
 2. Cross-sectional approach: A survey examining
several groups at one point in time (e.g., different
grade level students’ writing difficulties in the AE
Department at ISU in 2009)

 3. Longitudinal approach: A survey examining

one group at different points in time (e.g., 1-year,
2-year, and 3-year graduates’ perceptions of RP
course in the AE Department at ISU in 2006-
 5 probability sampling:

 1. Simple random sampling: Each member has a

number (code) and each population has an equal
chance to be selected

 2. Systematic sampling: Select every nth name from

the list, so need to estimate the needed sample size

 3. Stratified sampling: Divide the populations into

subgroups (e.g., genders) or levels (e.g., proficiency
levels) and then draw randomly from each subgroup
 4. Cluster sampling: Choose groups of individuals
(e.g., city blocks or classrooms in a school, and study
all of the samples there)

 5. Multistage sampling: Combine sampling strategies

(e.g., use cluster sampling to randomly select
classrooms and use random sampling to select a
sample with each classroom)
Data Collection Procedures
 Quantitative research: Describe the procedures
that the data will be collected by using a survey

 Open Questions

 Close Questions: Classificational

List questions, Ranking questions, Scale
(rating) questions
Data Collection Procedures

 Qualitative research: Describe the use of

audiotapes, note-taking

 Interviewer is the important tool.

Data Analysis Procedures
 Quantitative research: Describe how you
handled the data; provide statistical
procedures (e.g., compute mean score or
Data Analysis Procedures
 Qualitative research: Describe data analysis
strategies; explain multiple sources of data

 Form your grounded theory

Limitations of the Study
 Explain anticipated limitations of the study

 Ex: Sample size is too small.

 Just report what the data say (you may give
the subheading based on each hypothesis)
A. Findings from the quantitative results (% or
Ex: 4.2 means that most participant agree that…

B. Findings from the qualitative results (3 excerpts)

C. Fit into your hypotheses or not

(e.g., broadly/partially/do not fit)
Discussions and Conclusion
 A. Interpret the meanings of data (discuss
“why” your participants would think/say so)

 B. Discuss whether the findings fit into the

literature or not

 C. Form any grounded theory?

Discussions and Conclusion
 D. The results will be useful to “whom”?

 E. Any limitation to reach the generalizability

 F. Draw conclusions and suggestions (about

*based on your or minority’s opinions

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