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DKH ECT & GAD Training

Project Cycle Management (PCM)
Strategy &
Exit & Re-

Reporting & Response

Communication & Analysis



09.-13. April 2018 DKH ECT & GAD Training

Assessment Standards

09.-13. April 2018 DKH ECT & GAD Training

Types of Assessment
• Emergency Needs Assessment (rapid assessment)
• VCA (Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment)
• Gender, Protection, GBV Risks Assessments
• Logistics, Safety & Security Assessment
• Market Assessment
• MIRA (Multi-Sector Initial Rapid Assessment)

• In-depth Assessments (sectoral)

09.-13. April 2018 DKH ECT & GAD Training

GAD integration

09.-13. April 2018 DKH ECT & GAD Training

Diversity integration
Washington Group Questions:
1. Do you have difficulty seeing, even if wearing glasses?
2. Do you have difficulty hearing, even if using hearing
3. Do you have difficulty walking or climbing steps?
4. Do you have difficulty remembering or concentrating?
5. Do you have difficulty (with self-care such as) washing
all over or dressing?
6. Using your usual (customary) language, do you have
difficulty communicating, (for example understanding
or being understood by others)?

09.-13. April 2018 DKH ECT & GAD Training

Assessment Data

Secondary data Primary data







09.-13. April 2018 DKH ECT & GAD Training

Findings ↔ Conclusions – Don’t judge!

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09.-13. April 2018 DKH ECT & GAD Training


Why do we do it?


09.-13. April 2018 DKH ECT & GAD Training

Sampling Typology

09.-13. April 2018 DKH ECT & GAD Training

Random Sampling – List-based
Systematic selection of villages
- Stage 1 -


09.-13. April 2018 DKH ECT & GAD Training

Random Sampling – Map-based

09.-13. April 2018 DKH ECT & GAD Training

Random Sampling – Map-based

09.-13. April 2018 DKH ECT & GAD Training

Random Sampling – within village
- Stage 2 -

Ribbon dwelling

09.-13. April 2018 DKH ECT & GAD Training

Random Sampling – within village
- Stage 2 -

Cluster dwelling

09.-13. April 2018 DKH ECT & GAD Training


09.-13. April 2018 DKH ECT & GAD Training

Confidence level & interval

09.-13. April 2018 DKH ECT & GAD Training

Common types of bias are:
1. Selection bias: How, where, who selects and gets
selected (very important for interviews and FGDs)
2. Measurement bias: The method for measuring
results influences the results (e.g. if ‘open’ or ‘choose
one’/’choose many’ questions are asked in a survey)
3. Social desirability bias: Respondents may avoid
responses which are not socially opportune or which
they assume the interviewer to dislike
4. Analytical bias: The method of analysis influences the
results or interpretation of results
09.-13. April 2018 DKH ECT & GAD Training

09.-13. April 2018 DKH ECT & GAD Training

“Ladder of Participation”

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09.-13. April 2018 DKH ECT & GAD Training


09.-13. April 2018 DKH ECT & GAD Training

Managing Assessment Quality

from: ALNAP Evaluation in Humanitarian Action, p. 136

09.-13. April 2018 DKH ECT & GAD Training

09.-13. April 2018 DKH ECT & GAD Training

Some important questions to include
• Basic information (name, sex, marital status of head of HHH, location, ID
documents exist?, number of m/f/age/PLWD members of HH)
• Ask people which vulnerable groups are present, and to prioritise who is
the most vulnerable (e.g. female headed HH, child headed HH, people with
disability or chronic illness, the elderly, caregivers, etc.)
• Try to establish numbers of women, men, girls, boys, elderly, PLWD and
specifically vulnerable groups affected + How they are affected?
• “HHs” priorities – sectors and within sectors (focus on top 3)
 Hear men and women separately as priorities might be different
• Hear what people plan to do in next e.g. 6 months (stay, move, return, etc.)
• If displacement, assess status of host community as well!
• Safe (protection) access to water, food, basic services for different groups?
• Loss of assets?
• Livelihood, income, family support, assistance?
 Note details of any income/ assistance received
(amount, frequency, duration)
• How are people coping – localised CSI (Coping Strategy Index)?
09.-13. April 2018 DKH ECT & GAD Training

09.-13. April 2018 DKH ECT & GAD Training

Steps of Analysis What is important?
inductive <-> deductive
Collate, clean and structure your data
– Sectors, groups, geographic location,
GAD Compare
– Severity, affected populations figures – Across time (before and after disaster)
– Across groups, GAD
Summarise & Differentiate – Across areas, time
– Groups, GAD – Across sectors
– Locations
– Needs Interpret relationships, e.g.
– Between sectors (Water – Hygiene)
Apply logical operations – Gender and coping strategies
– Count – Location and vulnerabilities
– Sum, subtract, multiply
– Create averages Triangulate!
– Cross-tabulate
– Identify trends  Identify priorities and give recommendations
based on evidence and considerate and
transparent analysis
Visualise Data Traffic Lights

 Always use the simplest

possible way to convey the
message in the data

Charts & Graphs

“Donut theory” –
dealing with known unknowns

• Focus as much on the hole as on the donut

• What is not seen is sometimes more

important than what is seen

• No information
can be important
Assessment Communication &
1) Internal and/or external communication with e.g.
organisational leadership, internal and external
stakeholders, affected population, coordination
bodies, network partners, publication
(data/reports; e.g. HLX/ReliefWeb)
2) Knowledge Management & organisational learning
& response
3) Programming, project design, project planning
4) Contingency planning, action planning

09.-13. April 2018 DKH ECT & GAD Training

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