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Term paper presentation



 1.Abstract
 2.Introduction
 3.Body
 4.conclusion
 5. references

 An enumerated type is one whose values are symbolic constant rather

than literal.
 Variables declared with an enumerated type are actually stored as
 The variable cannot be assigned any values outside those specified in the
initialization list for the declaration of the enum type.
 If there is only one declaration of variables of a particular enumerated
type (i.e. no type name), both statements may be combined

 an enum is a keyword, it is an user defined data type. All properties of

integer are applied on Enumeration data type so size of the enumerator
data type is 2 byte. It work like the Integer.
 It is used for creating an user defined data type of integer. Using enum we
can create sequence of integer constant value.
 Syntax
 enum tag name {value1, value2, value3,....};
 In above syntax enum is a keyword. It is a user defined data type.
 In above syntax tag name is our own variable. tag name is any variable

 An enumeration consists of integral constants. To define an enumeration,

keyword enum is used.
 By default, const1 is 0, const2 is 1 and so on. You can change default
values of enum elements during declaration (if necessary).
 Suppose you are designing a button for Windows application. You can set
flags ITALICS, BOLD and UNDERLINE to work with text.

 Enumerated type is a user-defined data type used in computer

programming to map a set of names to numeric values. Enumerated data
type variables can only have values that are previously declared. In other
words, they work with a finite list of values.

Enumerated data types help make the code more self-documenting and
prevent programmers from writing illogical code on values of enumerators.
Enumerated data also hides unnecessary details from programmers.

 Let us c by yashavant kanetkar


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