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Assessment on the Effectiveness

of Remedial Classes in
St. Andrew’s School as Perceived
by the Grade 8 Students for the
School Year 2017 - 2028
• The remedial classes are being conducted to freshen up the memories of the
students about their past lessons, and clear out the things the students do
not understand well in the lessons discussed to them.
• The remedial classes in St. Andrew’s School is being conducted 2 to 3 days a
week before the examination days.
• This study focuses on knowing the sufficiency of the time given for the
students to catch up with their lessons during remedial classes.
• This study also focuses on investigating the effectiveness of the methods and
techniques of teaching used by the educators.
Statement of the Problem
This study was done to determine the factors concerning how the
remedial classes are being implemented to the grade 8 students of
St. Andrew’s School that are having difficulties in coping up with
their lessons for the current school year.

1. Will the learners really be able to cope up with their lessons after taking
remedial classes?
2. Is the time provided per meeting in remedial classes enough for the
3. Is a day or two per quarter enough for the teachers to teach their lessons?
4. Does the students really improve their grade after taking remedial classes?
5. Are the methods and strategies that the educators used in teaching remedial
classes effective?
Significance of the Study
• The researchers are aiming to prove the effectiveness of the remedial
classes as perceived by the grade 8 students of St. Andrew’s school who
are having difficulties in coping up with the lessons that they are
encountering for the school year 2017-2018.
• The researcher’s main goal is to improve the remedial classes and make
the grade 8 students improve their grades after taking remedial classes.
• Not all students exile in their academic performance that is why this study
is made to know the effectiveness of the remedial classes for it to give a
better guidance to those students who are problems in their studies.
• This study can help students to improve their skills in academic lessons.
Scope and Delimitations
• This study was done to determine how effective the remedial
classes are as perceived by the grade 8 students of St. Andrew’s
• Remedial classes are only offered to those students who are
having difficulties with their studies.
• It is also being conducted a day before examinations.
• The factors that the researchers are looking forward that would
give effect to the effectiveness of remedial classes are the days
remedial classes are being conducted in a quarter, the number of
hours each meeting, and the effectiveness of how the teachers
teach the students.
Chapter 2: Review of
Related Literature and

To be more specific and accurate, Batzer (1997) grouped some selected students
according to their own characteristics in academic achievements and
accomplishments, financial capabilities and other more for the results and
• She stated that the findings that she got supported her first conceptual
hypothesis that there was a relationship between completing needed remediation
or remedial classes and student academic achievement.
• Her findings also supported here second conceptual hypothesis that there was a
relationship between completing needed remediation and persistence towards
their educational goals.
• Academically unprepared students who completed remediation achieved higher
grade point average and persisted longer towards their educational goals than
students who did not take and completed needed remediation.
• Her study proved that remedial classes or courses are effective to help students
and other persons to understand and catch up with the understandings of others
much better.
• Chi-Ta Chaoa and Chi-Jung Tsengb (2013) got college students
to participate in a 5-week intensive English program and these
college students have to meet the college requirement of
passing a standardized test, College Student English Proficiency
Test (CSEPT) which they do not have any idea with.
• The test was given on the first day of their program which was
regarded as pre-test and they also gave the test in the last day
of the programs which is the post-test.
• They acquired their results by collecting data from the remedial
instruction, students’ pre- and post- tests, and a questionnaire
given to the college students.
• Chi-Ta Chaoa and Chi-Jung Tsengb (2013) proved the
effectiveness of remedial classes using the data that they have
analysed and collected.
• A research article entitled “The impact of remedial English on the
improvement of English proficiency: The case of the United
States international university- Africa” by Tom Onditi Luoch
(2014) explained that remedial classes served as a big help in
consideration to the students’ academic performance and
• He also stated that remedial classes are also helpful for those
students who are taking a 6-year course.
• Lituanas, P. M., Jacobs, G. M., and Renandya, W.A. (2001) made a 6-month study
to measure the effectiveness of remedial reading in a Philippines Secondary
School. Knowing the percentage of the Filipino students considering their first and
second language and how they can fully understand each language that they may
or will encounter is one of the things that should be answered by their research.
• Based on their statement, Philippines had a bilingual policy in terms of education
since 1974. Some subjects are being taught in English just like English, Math, and
Science while the other subjects are being taught in Tag-Lish (Tagalog-English).
• These results suggest that a well-conducted program or teachings may be able to
make a significant impact on expanding the knowledge of the students.
• On the other hand, the effectiveness of remedial education has
been rejected by Calucag L.S. and Petilos G. (2012) in their
• They used comparative research design which they stated
suitable when two groups differ on an independent variable and
want to test hypotheses of differences on one or more
dependent variables.
• They first collected all the scores of the students in College
Algebra during the second trimester. They also took the class
lists for Remedial Mathematics during the first trimester were
generated to identify who took remedial classes.
• This investigation was done by several pupil or
group of people but it does not give a
consistent result. Others did not pay attention
to the idea of effectiveness of remedial classes
while other investigators agreed to the
effectiveness of remedial classes saying it
served as an enhancement for others. They stated
their data and results to prove it.
Effectiveness of EFFECTIVENESS
the Remedial TEACHING


Chapter 3: Methodology

• The population for this study is all the grade 8 students who are currently enrolled
in St Andrew’s School for the academic year 2017-2018.
• The researchers have chosen students who underwent remedial classes from all the
sections in grade 8 to be the population for the given topic.
• With a total number of 164 students from the enrolled population of grade 8, the
advisers and subject teachers of each section of grade 8 student were ask to see
and verify those students that they know who has experience remedial classes.

• The method used in this research is descriptive method under

quantitative research.
• This is a study used Descriptive Research method, which is
more accurate to use when it comes to investigations that
aims to put description to a certain issues and things that
remains unknown to human knowledge, and to put a clearer
description to issues that was already been investigated but
does not have enough proof.

• The instrument provided by the researcher to collect data form the respondents
are questionnaire type of survey.
• Respondents were chosen by the use of purposive sampling method.
• With the questionnaire type of survey given to each respondent, they are
required to put a check in each box corresponding to their own level of
judgment based on the provided optional responses dealing with the
effectiveness of remedial classes.

1. Reviewing the Related Literature. The process of doing a review in the related
literature helps the researcher to conduct good specific questions that is directly
relative to the topic, which will be stated in the questionnaire. The review helps the
researcher conduct good questions not parting the topic used.
2. Choosing the Sampling Technique. The researcher will choose the best and suitable
sampling technique to be used for an easy accessibility in the gathered data and the
comfort ability for the both parties, the researchers and the respondents. The sampling
chosen is the Stratified sampling technique under the non-probability sampling. In this
process the group of respondents will be divided into another strata according to the
same characteristics they have in common.
3. Preparing the Instruments. The researchers choose
questionnaire type as the instrument to be used for this study.
With this instrument, the researchers will be able to conduct
the gathering of data easily and effectively
4. Conducting the instruments. With the questionnaire of the
researchers, the validation for the questionnaire. Validations
coming from professionals must be conducted to the
questionnaires before proceeding to the collection of data.
5. Distributing the Instruments and Gathering the Data. The
researchers will distribute the questionnaires to the selected
people of grade 9 students of St. Andrew’s School. The selected
people should answer and pass it to the researchers within the
school hours. With this process collection of data will also be

Percentage. The results in percentage will determine the ratio between options found in the

Percentage (%) = number of respondents

Total number of population
Chapter 4: ANALYSIS,
Table 1
Effectiveness of Teaching in St. Andrew’s School as Perceived by the Total
Population of Grade 8 Students

Statements Degrees of Judgement

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly

F % F % F % F %
1. I find the techniques used
31 44.29 36 51.43 3 4.29% 0 0%
in teaching the lessons
effective. % %
1. I find the lessons very well
26 37.14 40 57.14 3 4.29% 1 1.49%
discussed I remedial classes
% %
1. I learn the topics that are
20 28.57 41 58.57 8 11.43 1 1.49%
being discussed to us easily
with the help of the % % %
activities in the remedial
1. I find remedial classes
44 62.86 24 34.29 2 2.86% 0 0%
helpful in terms of catching
up with the lessons I am % %
having difficulties with.
1. I understand the lessons
26 37.14 38 54.29 5 7.14% 1 1.49%
easily after taking remedial
classes. % %
Total: 147 42% 179 51.14 21 6% 3 0.86%
Foot Note: a) The total number of respondents is 70.
b) The total for each column of the degree of judgment is 350.
Source: Data were gathered from the questionnaire given to chosen grade 8 students.

The perception of the grade 8 pupils towards the effectiveness of how

the educator teaches their lessons shows that they agree that the
way the educators in remedial classes delivers and teaches their
lessons effectively. According to the results for Table 1, lessons are
well discussed and the students who are taking remedial classes can
understand the lessons. 42% of the respondents answered strongly
agree, which increases the effectiveness of remedial classes. 6.86%
of the respondents disagreed that remedial classes are effective
enough that the students learns after taking remedial classes.
Statements Degrees of Judgement
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

F % F % F % F %
1. I gain more knowledge with the help of remedial
classes. 34 48.57% 34 48.57% 2 2.86% 0 0%

1. I find my ability to learn and to listen improving

because of the remedial classes. 22 31.43% 40 57.14% 8 11.43% 0 0%

1. I do not experience stress during examinations

because of the remedial classes. 12 17.14% 37 52.86% 19 27.14% 2 2.86%

1. I am able to enhance my understanding skills

with the help of the remedial classes. 30 42.86% 39 55.71% 1 1.49% 0 0%

1. I can analyze difficult questions in my exams

better. 22 31.43% 32 45.71% 15 21.43% 1 1.49%

120 34.29% 182 52% 45 12.86% 3 0.86%

Foot Note: a) The total number of respondents is 70.

b) The total for each column of the degree of judgment is 350.
Source: Data were gathered from the questionnaire given to chosen grade 8 students.
Personal Improvements of the Pupils Taking Remedial Classes in St.
Andrew’s School as Perceived by the total Population of Grade 8

In Table 2, it is seen that the grade 8 pupils agree that their

academic skills are enhanced after taking remedial classes. It is
shown that the students agree that after they take remedial classes,
their academic skills like listening, understanding questions,
analyzing questions learning skills and other more, were enhanced by
the remedial classes.
Statements Degrees of Frequency
Always Often Sometimes Never

F % F % F % F %
1. I do not have any difficulties in
answering my exams and quizzes 14 20% 38 54.29% 18 25.71% 0 0%
after taking remedial classes.

1. I am confident with the answers I

put in my exams, school works, and 14 20% 37 52.86% 19 27.14% 0 0%
surprise quizzes after taking
remedial classes.
1. I am able to freshen up my memory
before examinations with the help 30 42.86% 32 45.71% 7 10% 1 1.49%
of remedial classes.
1. I never get a score lower than the
required passing grade in any of 22 31.43% 25 35.71% 22 31.43% 1 1.49%
my quizzes after taking remedial
1. I can analyze difficult questions I
my exams better. 18 25.71% 32 45.71% 19 27.14% 1 1.49%

98 19.6% 164 32.8% 85 17% 3 0.86%

Foot Note: a) The total number of respondents is 70.

b) The total for each column of the degree of judgment is 350.
Source: Data were gathered from the questionnaire given to chosen grade 8 students.
Effects on Exams and Quarterly Grades of the Students Who Are
Taking Remedial Classes in St. Andrew’s School as Perceived by the
Total Population of Grade 8 Students

Table 3 shows how remedial classes took effect on the exams,

quizzes, and quarterly grades of the students who took remedial
classes. The results in Table 3 show that the grade 8 pupils agree
that their grades and scores are improving with the help of remedial
Statement Options for Number of Hours

1 Hour 1 hour and 30 2 Hours


F % F % F %

1. In your perspective, how long

do you think a session of 43 61.43% 21 30% 6 8.57%
remedial classes should last?

43 61.43% 21 30% 6 8.57%

Foot Note: a) The total number of respondents is 70.

b) The total for each column of an option is 70.
Source: Data were gathered from the questionnaire given to chosen grade 8 students.

Number of Hours Needed to Obtain an Effective Remedial in St.
Andrew’s School as Perceived by the total Population of Grade 8

The questions presented in Table 4 is asking for the perception of the

grade 8 pupils on the number of hours remedial classes should be
conducted per meeting. The results in Table 4 show that students
prefer to have an hour of teaching every meeting in remedial classes.
Statement Options for the Week
Right Before Week Before 2 Weeks Before

F % F % F %
1. When do you prefer taking
remedial classes? 44 62.86 17 24.26% 9 12.86%

44 62.86% 17 24.26% 9 12.86%

Foot Note: a) The total number of respondents is 70.

b) The total for each column of an option is 70.
Source: Data were gathered from the questionnaire given to chosen grade 8 students.

Time When Remedial Classes should be implemented before
Examination Days in St. Andrew's School as Perceived by the Grade 8

The results gathered in Table 5 show that grade 8 pupils who took
remedial classes prefer to take these classes a day before
examination days.
Statement Options for the Meetings
1-2 meetings 3-4 meetings 5-6 meetings

F % F % F %
1. How many meetings 51.43%
should remedial classes 20 28.57 36 14 20%
be implemented in a
Total: 51.43%
20 28.57 36 14 20%

Foot Note: a) The total number of respondents is 70.
b) The total for each column of an option is 70.
Source: Data were gathered from the questionnaire given to chosen grade 8 students.

Number of Meetings Remedial Classes should be implemented in St. Andrew’s School as Perceived
by the Grade 8 Students

Usually remedial classes are conducted 1 to 2 meetings before examinations. Results in Table 6
show that a grade 8 student who has experience taking remedial classes prefer to have 3 to 4
meetings of remedial classes before examinations. 20 students answered 1 to 2 meetings, 36
students answered 3 to 4 meetings, while the remaining 14 students answered 5 to 6 meetings.
Statement Options

Yes No

F % F %

1. Do you think remedial classes should be 8.57%

offered to all the students, not only to students 64 91.43% 6
who are having difficulties with their study?

Total: 8.57%
264 91.43% 6

Foot Note: a) The total number of respondents is 70.

b) The total for each column of an option is 70.
Source: Data were gathered from the questionnaire given to chosen grade 8 students.

Should Remedial Classes be offered not only to Students who are Having Difficulties in Their
Study in St. Andrew’s School as Perceived by the Grade 8 Students

As seen in the results presented in Table 7, 264 students responded that Remedial classes
should be offered no only to those students who are having difficulties in their studies but to all
students who wants to join remedial classes, and a number of 6 students responded no. This
table states that remedial classes should be offered to all.
Statement Options

After Classes During Weekends

F % F %

1. When do you think remedial classes should be 21.43%

done? 55 78.57% 15

Total: 21.43%
55 78.57% 15

Foot Note: a) The total number of respondents is 70.

b) The total for each column of an option is 70.
Source: Data were gathered from the questionnaire given to chosen grade 8 students.

Days Remedial Classes Should be in St. Andrew’s School as Perceived by the Grade 8 Students

In the data presented in Table 8, students prefer to take remedial classes right after regular
classes as perceived by the grade students. 55 of the respondents answered remedial classes
should be conducted right after regular classes. The remaining 15 students answered that remedial
classes should be conducted during weekends.
Chapter 5: SUMMARY,
In this chapter, it resents the whole idea of the effectiveness of the remedial
classes in St. Andrew’s School.
The data gathered were used to answer the guiding questions stated in
statement of the problem in Chapter I, which consists of the factors that
affects the effectiveness of remedial classes and the effectiveness of the
remedial classes itself.


1. Will the learners really be able to cope up with their lessons after
taking remedial classes?
2. Is the time provided per meeting in remedial classes enough for the
3. Is a day or two per quarter enough for the teachers to teach their
4. Does the students really improve their grade after taking remedial
5. Are the methods and strategies that the educators used in teaching
remedial classes effective?
The researchers conclude that the time and the efficiency of the remedial
classes are needed for the students to catch up with their grades.

The researchers can determine that the remedial classes can be helpful to
some students. Time management is also present in this research for the
teachers to teach and for the students to learn without getting a hard time
understanding the lessons.
The research is about the effectiveness of the remedial classes and we could
determine that it is effective but not at all to everyone.

The researchers were able to gather information about the suggested

number of meetings that a remedial class must have. They have suggested
that it should have 1-2 meetings per day. The respondents also suggested
that the remedial classes must happen right before the days of the exams.
Not all students learned from remedial classes.

The researchers recommend to the next researchers who will continue this
research that the remedial classes must be done more often so that the
students who are not academically good may catch up to those students who
can do best.
In remedial classes, it should have connections to each and every person in
the crowd.

Different activities that the student will enjoy must be presented and
performed so that other students will be encourage and be willingly to join
remedial classes.
For students:
1.Time management is important to help yourself cope up with the lessons.
2.Do not take remedial classes for granted. Teachers won’t adjust.
3.Exert more effort.

For teachers:
1.Make remedial classes fun and not boring.
2.Think of ways that will make your students easy to learn.
3.Give time for your students to learn because patience is a virtue.
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