Tufted Sea Moss As Alternative Weather Detector-Final

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 Young researchers like us conducts this

experiment\investigatory for us to know the

weather condition. The study aimed to
introduce the other way of knowing or
detecting a weather. Otherwise, product
helps us to determine on what would be
our weather everyday. If the seaweeds are
moist meaning there will be a rain, and if it
is dry meaning there is no rain. You can
determine the weather by just using the
seaweeds. You can easily identify on what
would be our weather for today.
 Information on weather conditions is very important for
future activities and plans. This information could be
obtained with the use of media and technology. Yet, not
all people can conveniently use such technology or wait
patiently on the forecasts of weather conditions. With the
kind of change the atmosphere has now, weather
forecast cannot be at all times reliable since weather can
change anytime. They could be entirely different from
what is forecasted a day before. Moreover, forecasts are
usually regarding to cities and regions not specifying
weather conditions in rural areas and the presence of
local showers is not specifically forecasted. Using
seaweeds as alternative weather detector is the main
goal of the study. It intends to give value of the natural
resource available in the locality that could be used by
people who do not have technology for the access of
 Seaweeds are multicellular marine algae
that are important as habitat of marine
animals and source of food for animals and
human due of its autotrophic property.
Seaweeds have the property to absorb
ambient moisture that would be an
essential factor to be considered in
detecting the weather. Seaweeds,
abundant in the locality of the researcher,
are used in the study. Seaweeds are hung
using a hanger and placed in an area at
which it cannot be wet by rain nor dried
much by sunlight. The set-up was made
and observed in five different times.
 After the duration of the observation, the
researcher has found out that the
dampness and dryness of the seaweeds
would indicate the presence and absence
of rain onthe following day. When
theseaweeds are wet, there will be rain. On
the other hand, the absence of moisture on
it means that there will be no rain. This
proved that seaweeds are simple yet useful
when it comes to detecting weather.
Additionally, with this study, significant and
relevant information for future studies
regarding the use of different kinds of
seaweeds as alternative weather detector
will be produce.
 You may have seen seaweeds washed up
on a beach, or the greenish film that often
forms instill ponds or on the sides of a home
aquarium. These are just a few examples of
algae. Algae range in size from
microscopic, single-celled forms to
multicellular seaweeds that may reach 100
meters in length. Algae first appeared on
Earth about 550 million years ago. The vast
majority are autotrophs and are important
sources of food for both freshwater and
marine animals. Algae are classified on the
basis of their color and structure.
 Information about future weather
conditions is important to most people.
Farmers need to know the best times to
plant and harvest their crops. Although
nowadays easy access of information is
automatically available through the use of
technology such as computers/internet,
a number of our farmers are not
aware/capable of the use of these
products of technology thus, the
researchers find its way to help them
informed of the weather condition
through using seaweeds as tool in
detecting it, be it a rainy or a sunny
 Seaweeds are among the most potent
accumulators of iodine. However, the
researchers found out that seaweeds
can be utilized as weather detectoreven
by ordinary people. According to sea
and weather lore, seaweed may be
used as a weather detector because of
its tendency to absorb atmospheric
moisture. The seaweed helps us to get
information about our weather condition
based on the experiment.
 The seaweed as a weather detector came
from personal experienced by one of the
researcher himself during his childhood years.
Hang a bunch of seaweed outside in a
sheltered area (to avoid the rain). If the
seaweed is moist and/or pliable, the air is
probably humid, or a rain is approaching. The
seaweed is simply grabbing the moisture from
the air. If the seaweed is dry and brittle, the air
is probably dry so there will be no rain.
 This study will give us advance information of
weather condition. Generally, everyone will
benefit the use of this detecting tool since it
can help make adjustments to scheduled
activities depending on the expected
 Weather conditionsrapidly change in a week as
observed at present.We onlyget information
through current gadgets such as TV, radios and
cell phones. This is applicable to those who have
these gadgets and access but what about those
whohave none of the things mentioned especially
those living far from the city/in the hinterlands?
 They must be deprived from the information
regarding weather conditions. We the
researchersare concerned about this specific
environment matter, the weather condition so we
conducted an experiment using seaweeds as our
detecting tool for weather conditions. We believed
that this seaweed can detect the weather changes,
from sunny to rainy or vice versa. Possible that it can
beexplained well in science and not as a superstitious
 This study aims to:
 Use seaweeds as alternative weather detector.
 Give value to natural resources available in a locality
that could be used by people who do not have
technology for access of information.
 Improve our knowledge how to detect the weather
by using the simple instrument like seaweed.
 Infer out from our experiment the truth behind this
seaweed in detecting the weather.
 Share our findings to othersthat these seaweeds are
areliable tool in detecting weather conditions.
 Our country, the Philippines has almost
overcome the world-class technology. In
updating the weather condition, the
Philippines uses technology. People rely on it
but they don’t notice that part of our nature
could be a tool of detecting weather
conditions. One of these is the use of seaweed.
 This study aims to answer the following
 How seaweeds detect weather conditions?
 How many days a seaweed can detect
weather conditions?
 Is seaweed a reliable weather detector?
 Seaweeds – are any multicellular algae that grow in marine
environments.Representative of the brown algae (such as
Laminnaria, or kelp; Fucus, orrockweed; and gulfweed) and the
red algae (such as chondrus, dulse, andlaver) constitute the
most common seaweeds. A few green algae occur as
seaweed, for example, ulva, or sea lettuce, and codium. They
usually attached to the ocean bottom or to the other solid
 Weather – the general atmospheric condition, as regards
temperature, moisture, winds, or other meteorological
phenomena. The common phenomena of wind, rain, cold,
heat, cloudiness or storm.
 Sunny – filled with the light and warmth of the sun; exposed
to the sun
 Cold– having a low temperature of a relative temperature
as compared with a normal or standard temperature.
 Rainy – bringing rain
 Rain – the condensed vapor of the atmospheric falling and

Time|Date Time/Date
Trial Observation Result
(before) (after)

Sep. 10, 2018 Sep. 11, 2018

1 Dry no rain
1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m.

Sep. 12, 2018 Sep. 13, 2018

2 Dry no rain
5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m.

Sep. 14, 2018 Sep. 15, 2018

Dry no rain
3 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.

Sep. 16, 2018 Sep. 17, 2018

4 Wet rain
6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m.

Sep. 18, 2018 Sep. 19, 2018

5 Wet rain
7:15 p.m. 7:15 p.m.
 The researchers recommend the use of the
specified seaweed, Tufted Sea Moss
(Cladophorarupestris) as alternative
weather detector to people living near the
beach or seashore and to those who do
not have access of weather information
through television or internet. It is suggested
that further study will be conducted using
different kinds of seaweeds or marine algae
as alternative weather detector.
 This study is simple yet useful. With
thorough observations on the
experiment conducted the researchers
come to a conclusion that seaweeds
can be a good tool in detecting
weather conditions whether the day
would be sunny or rainy. The study
proves that the locally available natural
resources like seaweeds can also be
utilized as an alternative weather

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