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October 15, 2013

Bohol Earthquake
• A 7.2 magnitude earthquake on October 15, 2013 at 08:12
am was the strongest to hit the Philippines' Bohol island
province in nearly 23 years, and occurred on a previously
unknown fault line.

• It affected the whole Central Visayas region, particularly

Bohol and Cebu. The quake was felt in the whole Visayas
area and as far as Masbate island in the north
and Cotabato provinces in southern Mindanao.
• According to official reports by the National Disaster
Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC),
222 were reported dead, 8 were missing, and 976 people
were injured. In all, more than 73,000 structures were
damaged, of which more than 14,500 were totally

• It was the deadliest earthquake in the Philippines in 23

years since the 1990 Luzon earthquake. The energy
released by the quake was equivalent to 32 of the bombs
dropped in Hiroshima. Previously, Bohol was also hit by
an earthquake on February 8, 1990 that damaged several
buildings and caused a tsunami.
• On November 7, just 3 weeks after the quake,
Super Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) struck the region.
Although the storm's eye missed the area affected by the
earthquake, it sent some 40,000 Boholanos still living in
temporary shelters back to evacuation centers and
disrupted relief efforts in the province.
A 7.2 quake struck underneath Bohol Island, damaging
structures like this old church in Loboc Town.
A huge crack has appeared in a road in Bohol province as a
result of the earthquake.
Damage was also reported in neighbouring Cebu, about an
hour away by plane from the capital, Manila.
People ran out onto the streets in Cebu – one of the country’s
major cities.
A police officer surveys the damage in Cebu city.
Many were also evacuated from buildings, like this hospital in
Cebu, where patients were led to safer areas.
At least five people died when part of this port building
collapsed in Cebu.

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