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Two Major Categories of Plant Tissues

1. Meristematic Tissue
A. Apical Meristems
B. Lateral Meristems

2. Permanent Tissue
A. Dermal (Surface Tissue)
B. Fundamental Tissue (Ground Tissue)
C. Vascular Tissue
 Composed of immature cells and are regions of active cell
 Tend to be small, have thin walls and rich in cytoplasm.
 Found in the growing tips of the roots and stem.

A. Apical Meristems
 Responsible for increase in length of the plant body.
 Found on root tips and apical buds

B. Lateral Meristems
 Responsible for increase in girth or diameter
 Ex: Cambium present in woody plants and produce the cork
A. Dermal (Surface Tissue)
 Forms the protective outer
covering of the plant body
1. Epidermis
 Produce cutin to protect
plants against loss of water
 Produce root hairs for
absorption of water and
2. Periderm
 Replaces the epidermis
 Constitutes the corky
outer bark of old trees.
PERMANENT TISSUE B. Fundamental (Ground Tissue)
 Used in the production and
storage of food and in the
support of plant.
1. Parenchyma
 Parenchyma on leaves
function for
 Mechanical strength by
maintaining turgidity and
also store waste products.
2. Collenchyma
 Support of stems and
adapt themselves to the
rapid elongation of leaves.
3. Sclerenchyma
 Provides elasticity,
flexibility, and rigidity to
the plant body forming
C. Vascular Tissue
1. Xylem
 Primarily functions for
the transport of water
and dissolved substances
upward in the plant body.

2. Phloem
 Primary functions in the
transport of organic
materials such as
carbohydrates and amino
Animal Tissues
 Developed from the primary germ layers of
the embryo:
 Ectoderm
 Mesoderm
 Endoderm
 There are 4 types of tissues:
 Epithelial tissue
 Connective tissue
 Muscular tissue
 Nervous tissue
 Made up of continuous sheets of densely packed
cells, with little space or intercellular material
between them.
 A basement membrane is usually present.

1. Forms the covering or lining of all free body surfaces,
both internal and external to protect cells from
mechanical injury and water loss.

2. Some has special functions of absorption, secretion,

excretion, sensation and respiration.
Classification of Epithelial Tissue
based on Shape and Arrangement of Cells
 Simple squamous –found in the lens of the eye and inner ear

 Stratified squamous – forms the external layer of the skin and

lines the mouth and pharynx.

 Cuboidal – mostly found lining small ducts and tubules of the

kidney and the glands

 Simple columnar – found in the trachea, bronchi, digestive tract

and secrete fluids and absorb digestive food.
 Serves as binding substance
 Provides framework
 Has essential role in transport, protection and repair.

Classification of Connective Tissue

A. Connective Tissue Proper
B. Cartilage
C. Bone
D. Blood (Vascular Tissue)
A. Connective Tissue Proper
 Very variable but intercellular matrix
always contains numerous fibers.

2 Types of Connective Tissue Proper

1. Loose Connective Tissue
 Made up of highly elastic fibers with few
scattered thin collagen fibers.
 This tissue fills the space between
organs and serves as packing materials
surrounding the elements of other
 This binds muscle cells together and
binds skin to underlying tissues
 Ex. Adipose tissue, areolar tissue
A. Connective Tissue Proper
2. Dense Connective Tissue
 Made up of thick collagen fibers and
dark, compressed cells between the
fiber bundles.

 Functions: (1) for flexibility and

support, (2) shock absorption and (3)
reduction of friction.

 Ex. Tendon, ligament, urinary tract

and collagen
2. Elastic cartilage – yellow
B. Cartilage color, greater flexibility and
elasticity and found in the
 Made up of cartilage cells known as
external ear, Eustachian
chondrocytes found in cavities called
tube and epiglottis
3. Fibro cartilage – resembles a
 Scattered irregularly in matrix that appears
tendon but not covered by
transparent and homogenous but
composed of dense collagen fibers and
elastic fibers embedded in a rubbery ground
 Produced by chondroblast in the process
called chondrification.
 Provides smooth surfaces and maintain the
shape of the area.

Types of Cartilage
1. Hyaline cartilage –nose, larynx, trachea,
bronchi, ends of ribs and surfaces of
C. Bone (Osseous tissue)
 Has hard, relatively rigid matrix which
contains numerous collagen fibers and
a surprising amount of water,
impregnated with mineral salts such
as calcium carbonate and calcium

 Bone is a living tissue with cells called

osteocyte and masked collagenous
fibers embedded in a matrix containing

 Covered with fibrous membrane –


 Lines the bone marrow cavity-


 Functions: (1) support; (2) protection;

(3) assisting for movement and (4)
storage of minerals
Classification of Bone According to Shape
1. Long Bone Example:
 Composed of middle Humerus and Femur bone
portion, the diaphysis or
shaft, within which is a
cavity, and the epiphysis
or ends of the bone.
2. Flat Bone Example:
 Lacks a bone marrow
Cranial Bone and Scapula bone
3. Irregular Bone
 Neither long nor flat and
Metacarpal and Metatarsal
also lacks marrow cavity
Osteon or Haversian System-basic unit of bone
 Lamellae  Canaliculi
 Series of concentric  Minute channels that
rings or circles of linked lacunae together
matrix around a large which provide routes
central Haversian by which nutrients can
canal reach the osteocytes
 Lacunae and the removed waste
 Small spaces in
between the lamellae  Haversian Canals
which contain the  Central tubes which
osteocytes contain blood vessels
 Osteocyte and nerves.
 Bone cell
C. Bone
 Contains bone marrow (Yellow and red
Yellow marrow
 consists of fat cells, blood vessels, and
a minimal framework of reticular cells
and fibres.
Red marrow
 consists of numerous blood cells of all
kinds, as well as the substances from
which these cells are formed
 The functions of red marrow are (1) the
formation of red blood cells
(erythrocytes), blood platelets,
granulocytes, and to a lesser extent
monocytes and lymphocytes, and (2)
the destruction of old (c.120 days),
worn-out erythrocytes.
D. Blood (Vascular Tissue)
 Consists of cells, matrix and fibers

3 Components of Blood

1. Erythrocyte (RBC)
 small, concave, disc-shaped cells
that lack nuclei during maturation in
 Formed in the bone marrow
 They arise from normally nucleated,
rapidly dividing connective tissue
cells of the bone marrow
 Contains hemoglobin
2. Leukocyte (WBC)
 Bigger than erythrocyte and
have large, often irregularly
shaped nuclei
 Defenses against disease
and infection
 Act as phagocytes, engulfing
and destroying bacteria and
remnants of damaged tissue
 Produce powerful enzyme

 Lymphocytes –specialized
cells that play a central role
in immune reactions by
producing antibodies.
3. Platelets (Thrombocyte)
 Small, non-nucleated,
colorless, round or oval
biconcave corpuscle produced
by a giant cell called
megakaryocyte found in the
bone marrow.
 Functions for blood clotting

4. Plasma
 Liquid component of blood.

5. Hemoglobin
 The protein constituent of
 Function: responsible for movement in higher animals,
heat production and maintenance of posture.

Types of Muscle Tissue

a. Striated or Voluntary Muscle (Skeletal Muscle)
 Has cross-striations (A-I bands) and can be controlled at
 Consists of myofibrils which contains actomyosin.
 Sarcomere-the functional/structural unit of muscle
b. Smooth or Involuntary Muscle (Visceral Muscle)
 Spindle-shaped cells which are thickened at the middle
but tapered towards ends. Without striation and
responsible for involuntary movements of internal organs

c. Cardiac Muscle
 Striated and branched muscle fibers
 Found exclusively in the heart (myocardium) and is
involuntary in movement.
 Highly specialized for the
conduction of nerve impulses.

Division of Nervous Tissue

a. Nervous Tissue Proper
 Has specialized conducting
cell called neuron, linked
together to form pathways.

b. Interstitial Tissue (Neuroglia)

 Supports the neuron
 1. Cell body (soma/cyton) NEURON
 Enclosed by a membrane,
with nucleus, cytoplasm and
cellular organelles.

 Produces proteins and energy

required for the function of the

2. Dendrites

 Numerous extensions that is

short and branched

 receive signals from sensory


 Connect with other neurons to

collect stimuli and pass these
on to the cell body
 3. Axon

 Projections from the cell body

that is long and thin

 conducts nerve impulses

 Any long axon is also called a

nerve fiber

 Covered by myelin sheath

4. Terminal Branches/ Synaptic


 Attached to receptors of the

Types of Neurons
1. Motor Neurons/Efferent
 Accept nerve impulses
from the CNS
 Transmit them to
muscles or glands
2. Sensory Neurons/Afferent
 Accept impulses from
sensory receptors
 Transmit them to the
2. Interneurons/Association
 Convey nerve impulses
between various parts of
the CNS

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