SGD 18-Sinusitis 2014

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SGD 18
Modul THT




Macroscopic and Microscopic view


Merupakan peradangan yang

mengenai salah satu atau lebih dari
4 pasang rongga yang terletak di
sekitar hidung (sinus paranasal)
Sinus Paranasal:
a. Sinus Frontalis (3)
b. Sinus Maxillaries (1)
c. Sinus Ethmoidal (2)
d. Sinus Sphenoid (4)

 Harrison Principles of Internal Medicine; 18th

edition; Section 4 Disorder of Eyes, Nose and
Throat; Chapter 31: Pharyngitis, Sinusitis,
Otitis, and other URT infection
 Grays Anatomy 9th edition; Section 8: Head
and Neck; Nasal Cavities
Masing – masing sinus dilapisi oleh epitel respiratori [epitel kolumner pseudokompleks bersilia
dengan sel goblet]  dapat menghasikan mucus yang nantinya dapat dikeluarkan melalui
suatu lubang yang menghubungkan sinus tersebut dengan cavitas nasi

Basic Histology Text and Atlas di Fiore; Chapter 17: The Respiratory System; Respiratory Epithelium
Grant’s Dissector : Patrick W. Tank 13th edition; Chapter 7: The Head and Neck; Nose
and Nasal Cavities pg. 198

 Infectious
• Streptococcus pneumonia
• Haemophilus influenza
• Staphylococcus pyogenes

 Non Infectious
• Allergic rhinitis
• Barotrauma (from deep sea diving or air travel)
• Chemical irritants
• Nasal and Sinus Tumors (SCC)
• Granulomatosis disease (Wegener granulomatosis) AI

Harrison Principles of Internal Medicine; 18th edition; Section 4 Disorder of Eyes, Nose and Throat; Chapter 31:
Pharyngitis, Sinusitis, Otitis, and other URT infection
Lecture Notes on Disease of the Ear, Nose and Throat; Chapter 23: Acute and Chronic Sinusitis
Lecture Notes on Disease of the Ear, Nose and Throat; Chapter 23: Acute
and Chronic Sinusitis
of Sinusitis

Based on duration

Acute Chronic
Lasting more than
<4weeks 12weeks
Macroscopic and Microscopic View

Color Atlas of Ears Nose and Throat ; Tony R Bull; 4th edition; Thieme
2003; The Nose; Inflammation: Nasal Vestibulitis
Color Atlas of Ears Nose and Throat ; Tony R Bull; 4th edition; Thieme 2003; The Nose;
Inflammation: Nasal Vestibulitis
Sel inflamatorik yang mengalami degenerasi dan eosinophil dengan
Kristal Charcot-Leyden (hasildaripecahan eosinophil) pada
Allergic Fungal Sinusitis

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