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Central Operating Theatre I

MONDAY, JULY 8th 2019

No Identity Diagnosis ICD Planning ICD -9 OP


1 Mrs. EVI/ 25 YO/ P2A0 Cystic Ovarium neoplasm D27.9 Laparotomy FS 54.1 FB-AT

2 Mrs. SUT/ 47 YO/ P2A0 Intramural uterine myoma D25 68.9 IS
Central Operating Theatre II
MONDAY, JULY 8th 2019

No Identity Diagnosis ICD 10 Planning ICD -9 OP

Dysmenorrhea c.b
endometriosis cyst + N80.1 Laparoscopic
1 Mrs. DIA/ 36 YO/ P1A0 65.14 IS
adenomyosis uteri + internal N80.0 operatif
genitalia adhesion

2 Mrs. IDA/ 51 YO/ P6A0 HGSIL R87.612 68.9 AT
(1) Mrs. DIA/ 36 YO/ P1A0
Anamnase Physical Examination and supportive exam Diagnosis and
CC: Abdominal lump Menstrual: Menarche 12 YO, regular cycle Diagnosis:
Marrital : Married 1x, 9 years Dysmenorrhea c.b
Since 10 years before, Obstetric : P1A0 endometriosis cyst
patient has been + adenomyosis
complaining about Prior operation: 2011 – Mohammad Hoesin Hospital for laparoscopy e.c uteri + internal
abdominal lump. Patient endometriosis cyst; 2013 – laparoscopic operation with PA result intramural uterine genitalia adhesion
denied any history of myoma, bialteral endometriosis cyst; 2016 – Mohammad Hoesin Hospital LSCS and
dyspareunia, post coital myoma-cyst operation Planning:
bleeding, and vaginal Physical examination : Laparoscopic
discharge but agreed for BP : 120/80 mmHg, HR: 88x/m, RR: 20x/m, T: 36.5ºC operatif
having menstrual pain. General status : Normal
Patient had normal urinary Doctor in charge :
routine and bowel habits. Gynecologic status : IS
Patient denied any weight Abdomen : Flat, supple, symmetrical, fundal of uterine not palpable, free fluid sign (-),
lost or any loss of appetite. tenderness (-), mass (-)

Vaginal Speculum exam: Portio non-livide, closed OUE, fluor (-), fluxus (-) non active
bleeding, E/L/P (-)

Vaginal Toucher: Elastic portio, closed OUE, CUT~normal, non tense right and left AP,
no protrusion of cavum douglassi
(1) Mrs. DIA/ 36 YO/ P1A0
Anamnase Physical Examination and supportive exam Diagnosis and
USG Confirmation:
˗Uterus AF, normal shape and size
˗Posterior corpus: uncircumscribed hyperechoic mass, 1.7 x 3.2 cm in size suspected for
˗Right adnexa: cystic mass, 27.1 x 5.1 cm suspected for endometriosis
˗Left adnexa: mass (+) 5.17 x 2.11 cm, suspected for endometriosis cyst
˗Internal genitalia adhesion
˗Liver and both kidney in normal condition

Conclusion: Adenomyosis uteri, bilateral endometriosis cyst, internal genitalia adhesion

Laboratory examination:
Hb 11.2 WBC 7900 PLT 314.000 SGOT 13 SGPT 14 GDS 99 Cr 0.76 Ur 19 Na 143 K
4.0 AFP 1.36 CA 125 51.3
(1) Mrs. DIA/ 36 YO/ P1A0
(1) Mrs. DIA/ 36 YO/ P1A0
Thank You

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