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Introduction to Fuzzy

Diambil dari materi kuliah oleh:

- Weldon A. Lodwick
- Gao Xinbo (E.E. Dept., Xidian University)
Logika Fuzzy (Logika Samar)
• Fuzzy logic = logika pendekatan/hampiran
• Boolean logic mengasusmsikan bahwa setiap fakta
bernilai true atau false

• Fuzzy logic memungkinkan perhitungan derajad

• Komputer dapat menerapkan logika ini untuk
merepresentasikan kesamaran dan ketidakpastian,
misalnya: “panas”, “tinggi”, “botak”
• The precision of mathematics owes its success in
large part to the efforts of Aristotle and the
philosophers who preceded him.
• Their efforts led to a concise theory of logic and
• The “Law of the Excluded Middle,” states that every
proposition must either be True or False.
• There were strong and immediate objections. For
example, Heraclitus proposed that things could be
simultaneously True and not True.
• Plato laid a foundation for what would become
fuzzy logic, indicating that there was a third
region (beyond True and False) where these
opposites “tumbled about.”
• The modern philosophers, Hegel, Marx, and
Engels, echoed this sentiment.
• Lukasiewicz proposed a systematic alternative to
the bi-valued logic of Aristotle.

• In the early 1900’s, Lukasiewicz described a
three-valued logic. The third value can be
translated as the term “possible,” and he
assigned it a numeric value between True and
• Later, he explored four-valued logics, five-valued
logics, and declared that in principle there was
nothing to prevent the derivation of an infinite-
valued logic.

• Knuth proposed a three-valued logic similar to
• He speculated that mathematics would become
even more elegant than in traditional bi-valued
• His insight was to use the integral range [-1,
0 +1] rather than [0, 1, 2].

• Lotfi Zadeh, at the University of California at
Berkeley, first presented fuzzy logic in the mid-
• Zadeh developed fuzzy logic as a way of processing
data. Instead of requiring a data element to be either
a member or non-member of a set, he introduced
the idea of partial set membership.
• In 1974 Mamdani and Assilian used fuzzy logic to
regulate a steam engine.
• In 1985 researchers at Bell laboratories developed
the first fuzzy logic chip.
The World is Vague
• Natural language banyak menggunakan konsep
yang samar. Misal: besar, banyak, agak banyak,
botak, dll
• Menterjemahkan kata-kata tersebut kedalam
bentuk yang lebih pesisi bisa menghilangkan
• Pernyataan: “Danu memiliki 100.035 helai
rambut di kepalanya” tidak bisa menyatakan
apakah rambutnya banyak, sedikit, atau botak.
What Is Lost……

Could Be Significant

Example in expert systems
• Di dalam mendesain expert system (system pakar),
proses terpenting adalah menterjemahkan “proses
pengambilan keputusan oleh pakar”
• Di dalam domain permasalahannya (hasil, gejala,
hubungannya, penyebab), bisa jadi ada nilai-nilai
yang tegas, dan ada nilai-nilai yang samar
• While some of the decisions and calculations could
be done using traditional logic, fuzzy systems afford a
broader, richer field of data and manipulations than
do more traditional methods.

 Fuzzy sets are sets that have gradations of belonging


2+2=5 for very large 2

 Classical sets, either an element belongs or it does not
Set of integers – a real number is an integer or not
You are either in an airplane or not
Your bank account has x dollars and y cents
“There is no such thing as fuzzy mathematics” (Bush
to Gore during the 2000 campaign)
• Boolean logic menganggap bahwa setiap elemen
adalah anggota atau bukan anggota dari sebuah
himpunan (tidak pernah keduanya)
• For example at 100°F a room is “hot” and at 25°F it is
• If the room temperature is 75°F, it is much more
difficult to classify the temperature as “hot” or “cold”.
• Boolean logic tidak memberikan ruang untuk
pembahasan nilai tengah/antara.

Introduce Fuzziness
• Fuzzy logic memperluas Boolean logic agar dapat
menangani ekspresi yang mengandung kesamar-samaran.
• Himpunan membership function (fungsi keanggotaan)
memetakan elements ke bilangan riil antara 0 dan 1
• Nilai tersebut menunjukkan “degree”(derajad)
keanggotaan sebuah elemen berada pada himpunan
• A fuzzy logic representation for the “hotness” of a room,
would assign100°F a membership value of one and 25°F a
membership value of zero. 75°F would have a membership
value between zero and one.
Bivalence and Fuzz

Being Fuzzy
• For fuzzy systems, truth values (fuzzy logic) or membership
values (fuzzy sets) are in the range [0.0, 1.0], with 0.0
representing absolute falseness and 1.0 representing absolute
• For example,
"Dan is balding."
If Dan's hair count is 0.3 times the average hair count, we might assign
the statement the truth value of 0.8. The statement could be
translated into set terminology as:
"Dan is a member of the set of balding people."
This statement would be rendered symbolically with fuzzy sets as:
mBALDING(Dan) = 0.8
where m is the membership function, operating on the fuzzy set of
balding people and returns a value between 0.0 and 1.0.
Fuzzy Is Not Probability
• Fuzzy systems and probability operate over the
same numeric range.
• The probabilistic approach yields the natural-
language statement, “There is an 80% chance
that Dan is balding.” The fuzzy terminology
corresponds to “Dan's degree of membership
within the set of balding people is 0.80.”

Fuzzy Is Not Probability
• The probability view assumes that Dan is or is not
balding (the Law of the Excluded Middle) and
that we only have an 80% chance of knowing
which set he is in.
• Fuzzy supposes that Dan is “more or less”
balding, corresponding to the value of 0.80.
• Confidence factors also assume that Dan is or is
not balding. The confidence factor simply
indicates how confident, how sure, one is that he
is in one or the other group.
Example Application
1. Data reduction – driving a car, computing with language,
2. Control and fuzzy logic
* Appliances, automatic gear shifting in a car
* Subway system in Sendai, Japan (control outperformed
humans in giving smoother rides)
* Elevators, approximation of functions
* Temperature control in NASA space shuttles
IF x AND y THEN z is A
IF x IS Y THEN z is A … etc.
If the temperature is hot and increasing very fast then air
conditioner fan is (set to) very fast and temperature is (set to) coldest.
There are four types of fuzzy propositions we will study later.

3. Pattern recognition, cluster analysis
- A bank that issues credit cards wants to discover whether or
not the spending pattern indicates that it is stolen or being
illegally used prior to a customer reporting it missing
- Given a cat-scan determine the organs and their position;
given a satellite imagine, classify the land/cover use
- Given a mobile telephone, send the signal to/from a
particular receiver to/from the telephone

4. Decision making
- Locate mobile telephone receptors/transmitters to optimally
cover a given area
- Locate recycling bins (tempat penyimpanan) to optimally
cover UCD
- Position a satellite to cover the most number of mobile phone
- Deliver sufficient radiation to a tumor to kill the cancerous cells
while at that same time sparing healthy cells (maximize
dosage up to a limit at the tumor while minimizing dosage at
all other cells)
- Design a product in the following way: I want the product to be
very light, very strong, last a very long, time and the cost of
production is the cheapest.

Example – Landcover/use
(figures from Cidalia Fonte & Lodwick)

Example 2 – Landcover/use continued


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