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Microwave technology involves the use of high frequency

electromagnetic wave whose wavelength ranges from 1mm to
30cm to send and receive data over a long distance.
But besides being used in communication, it is also very
application in several other field of like radar, medical field for
surgery, heating and is used in cooking.
Since microwave technology involves the use of electromagnetic
wave and not the flow electron as in wire in which electric signal
can be tapped anywhere along the wire, couplers are used to
guide microwave signal into different waveguides and the chief
amongst them is Magic Tee junction couplers.
Hence the essence of this seminar is the explain the principle of
operation of Magic Tee Junction coupler and its applications.
Magic tee is the hybrid of two different
couplers which are the E-plane Tee junction
and the H-plane Tee junction to form a single

Since it is the combination of two different tee
junctions, it has four different arms and ports.
Arm one (1) forms an H-plane with arm three
(3) and two (2). While arm four (4) forms an E-
plane with arm three (3) and two (2).
Arm one is known as the summation or sigma
port while arm four is known as difference or
delta port. Arm three and two are collinear to
each other hence called collinear ports.
Scattering parameter is defined as a square matrix which
gives all the combination of power relationship between
input and output.


1. It is a 4x4 matrix since there are four ports
2. Because of H-plane Tee section S13 = S12
3. Because of E-plane Tee section S24 = -S34
4. Because of the geometry of the junction, an input at
port (1) cannot come out at port (4) since they are
isolated ports and vice versa. Hence S14 = S41 = 0.
5. It is symmetric i.e. S12 = S21, S13 = S31, S23 = S32, S34 = S43,
S24 = S42, S14 = S41.
6. If port (3) and (4) are perfectly matched to the junction
S33 = S44.
7. It is unitary i.e. [S][S]* = 1
Magic Tee junction is a 1800 hybrid splitter
which can be use as a power combiner or
divider. In a perfectly matched magic tee
junction, its operation is such that when
microwave signal is injected into port one
(summation port), the wave signal is divided
into two equal part at the junction with one
part exiting at port three and the other part
exiting at port 2 and both signals will be in
phase. But no signal output will be obtained
at port four since it is a difference port.
Similarly, when microwave signal is injected
in to the difference port, the signal is
divided into two equal part with one exiting
at port two and the other exiting at port
three but both signals are 1800 out of phase
with each other.
• Alternatively, when two equal microwaves signals are injected into the collinear ports
(i.e. port two and three) the output of that signal at port one which is the sigma or
summation port will be the summation of both microwave signals. But the output at
the difference or delta port will be the difference between both microwave signals.

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