Descriptive Text

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Teks deskriptif adalah sebuah karangan atau

teks yang ditulis untuk menggambarkan

atau melukiskan suatu obyek seperti orang,
benda, hewan atau tempat secara terperinci
sehingga tulisan tersebut dapat membuat
pembaca seolah-olah melihat, mendengar,
merasakan, serta membayangkan
bagaimana dan apa yang sedang penulis

• Penggambaran atau penjelasan

IDENTIFICATION obyek secara umum

• Penggambaran atau penjelasan

DESCRIPTION obyek secara khusus

1. Tense (Pola Kalimat)

Simple Present Tense dengan menggunakan be (is/am/are) atau
V1 atau V1 + s/es
Ex : - She likes ice cream and candy. - He watches an action movie.
- Dhea has many novels. - Rara and Rere have a big house.
- We live in Depok. - They come from Depok.

2. Adjectives (Kata Sifat)

Ex : - Her eyes is big and round. - His hair is grey.
- She is very smart but ugly. - He is very handsome and tall.
- They are good-looking. - We are so cheerful.

3. Noun Phrase (Frasa kata benda)

Noun phrase = Adjective (Kt. Sifat) + Noun (Kt. Benda)
Ex : - She has brown eyes. - He has a pointed nose.
- My sister has blonde hair. - My father has a round face.
- We are diligent students. - They are lazy students.

4. Adverb (Kata Keterangan)

Kata keterangan tempat, waktu, kondisi, cara, dll.
Ex : - She lives in Depok. - They always go to library.
- We come to school earliest everyday. - He walks slowly.

5. Right Spelling, Vocabulary, and Punctuation

Menggunakan ejaan, kosakata, dan tanda baca yang tepat.

My Favorite Friend
I am proud of my best friend. Her name is Diana. She lives in Bandung.
We have made a friend since junior high school. And, we are always together.
She is good-looking. She is not too tall. And she has a beautiful skin,
pointed nose, and small eyes. Diana is smart student. She is very friendly and
cheerful. But, she is very shy. She likes sweet food and drink, such as chocolate
milk, ice cream or candy. She has a kitten because she really likes a cat. Diana loves
drawing. She is a good drawer. Her sketch is really good. She always brings her
drawing book wherever. I am really glad to have a best friend like Diana because she
always makes me proud.

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