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 Mixing
is defined as a process that tends to result in
randomization of dissimilar particles within a system.
 The
term mix means to put together in one mass with
more or less through diffusion of constituents.
 The term blending means to mix smoothly.

 Mixture can be classified as :-

 Positive mixture :- these are prepared by mixing two
miscible liquids. These can be easily prepared.
 Negative mixtures :- these mixtures are prepared by mixing
insoluble solids in the vehicle in case of suspension or by
mixing two miscible liquids in case of emulsions.
 Neutral mixtures :- some products like pastes, ointments
etc do not mix spontaneously. But after mixing they do not
separate out easily.
 Ideal mixing :- it indicates the difference materials are
thoroughly combine to produce homogeneous products
 Random mixing :- it is the probability of finding same
proportions of components in the entire mixture.
 Ordered mixing :- it yields the closest situation of the
prefect mix and it is achieved by use of mechanical ,
adhesion or coating force
 To make simple physical mixture- in the production of tablets,
capsules, sachets and dry powders or granules are mixed.
 Physical change- mixing may aim at producing a change that is
physical. In case of dissolving a solid in a solvent mixing will take
place by diffusion but process will be slow
 Dispersion- in case of emulsion and creams two immiscible liquids
are mixed where one liquid is dispersed into other.
 Promotion of a reaction- mixing will encourage a chemical
reaction , so ensuring uniform mixing.
Mixing is one of the most common pharmaceutical operation and involved in
preparation of many types of formulation-
 Wet mixing in the granulation step in the production of tablets and capsule.
 Dry mixing of several ingredients ready for direct compression in tablets.
 Dry blending of powders in capsules , dry syrup, and compound powders.
 Production of pellets for capsules.
 During liquid mixing there is heat transfer which is essential for crystallisation
of drug substance
 Nature of surface- Rough surface of one of the component does not
induce satisfactory mixing . This can be due to the entry of active
substance into the pores of other ingredients . Adding a substance
which will be adsorbed on rough surfaced particles, can decrease
aggregation .
 Density of the particle- demixing is accelerated when the density
of the smaller particles is higher or when the mixing process is
stopped abruptly. This is due to the fact that dense material always
moves downward and settles at the bottom.
 Particle size- it is easy to mix two powders having approximately same
particle size. The variation of particle size can lead to separation, because the
small particles move downwards through the spaces between the bigger
 Particle shape- the ideal particle is spherical in shape for the purpose of
uniform mixing.
 Particle charge-some particles exert attractive forces due to electrostatic
charges on them which leads to separation or segregation.
 Proportion of materials- best result is obtained if two materials are mixed
in equal proportion.

1. Flow currents are not possible. 1. Flow currents are responsible for transporting unmixed
materials to the mixing zone.

2. Product often consist of two or more easily identifiable 2. Truly homogeneous phases are involved.

3. Large sample size is required. 3. Small sample size is sufficient.

4. Mixing requires high power. 4. Mixing requires low power.


 Inertial force-tend to hold neighbouring particles in a fixed relative position.

These are van der Waals, electrostatic and surface forces.
 Surface(or interface) forces- the cohesive forces prevent the intimate mixing
owing to interaction of their surfaces(or interface). Frictional forces also
resists the movement of particle. These depends upon surface area ,
roughness, polarity & charge.
 Segregation occur due to following reasons:
1. Poor flow properties of powder bed .
2. Wide difference in particle size.
3. Difference in mobilities of ingredients.
4. Difference between density and shape.
 Gravitational forces- tends to improve the movement of two adjacent
particles or group of particles. Tumbling action promotes the interparticulate
movement due to gravitational forces.
 When particle-particle collision occur , exchange of momentum takes place.
 The efficiency of momentum depends upon:
1. Elasticity of collisions
2. Coeffient of friction
3. Surface area of contact
4. Centrifugal force
5. Roughness
 The principal mechanisms are:
1. Convective mixing (macromixing)- it is achieved by the inversion of the
powder bed using blades or paddles or screw element.
2. Shear mixing- in this the forces of attraction are broken down so that
each particles moves on its own between regions of different composition
and parallel to their surfaces.
3. Diffusive mixing (micromixing)- it involves random motion of particles
within the powder bed, thereby particle change their position relative to
one another.

 In the solid-solid mixing operations , four steps are involves.

These are:
1. Expansion of the bed of solids
2. Application of 3-dimensional shear forces to the powder bed.
3. Mix long enough to permit true randomization of particles.
4. Maintain randomization
 Thelaw of mixing appears to follow first
M = degree of mixing after time t,
T = time
A and k = constants
 A and k depends on the Mixer geometry
Physical characteristics of the powders and
Proportion of the material being mixed.
 Also known as degree of homogeneity.
 Ideal mixing or Perfect mixing-

 ideal degree of mixing is represented by fig.3-1 a. it indicates that each particle of a

component is lying nearly adjacent to a particle of another component.

 Random mixing-it means same ratio of

components in the
entire mixture.
 Ordered mixing- ordered mixing is described as
the use of mechanical, adhesion and coating
mass of each ingredient is divided and recombined a number
of times in the powdered bed. The smaller the unit the more
uniform is the mix.
forces of particles may create ordered units of nearly
identical composition depending on the process.
an assemblage may also be coated with other ingredients to
give an ordered mix either as individual or coated particles

 Arithmetic mean: the mean value of a group of random samples is a

measure of the central tendency of the batch population.
arithmetic mean , y=σ𝑛𝑖

𝑖 (𝑦𝑖−𝑦)
 Standard deviation: σ =

 Relative standard deviation:

𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛(𝜎)
percentrelative standard deviation= x 100
 The selection of a mixer depends upon the mixing index. The earlier
mentioned statistical parameters are useful for evaluating the mixing indices.
 Mixing index is expressed by Lacey. Two of them are:
𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑚 𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑑 𝜎𝑅
mixing index, M= =
𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑑 𝜎
mixing index, M=
Where, 𝜎𝑜 = 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑢𝑛𝑚𝑖𝑥𝑒𝑑 𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑑𝑒𝑟
The ratio would be less than 1.
The higher the value of M , the grater is homogeneity.
 Before mixing has begun, the material in the
mixer exists in two layers, one of which contains
no tracer material and one of which is tracer
only. Under these conditions the standard
deviation at zero time may be expressed as:
𝜎𝑜 = 𝑎(1 − 𝑎)
where a= overall fraction of tracer in the mixture.
 Mixer selection depends upon the degree of mixing of the powder in the
final product. the procedure involves sampling and analysis.

 CRITERIA FOR SAMPLING: when sampling a bed powder, there

should be assurance that the bed is sampled uniformly. It is assumed that
the powder bed consists of number of zones. Within each zone the
composition of product would be uniform, but among different zones
composition would be different. For this purpose two methods are
a) Scale of segregation
b) Intensity of segregation
 SAMPLE SIZE GUIDELINES- the number of samples required
should be not less than 20, preferably 30 and ideally 100.

a) A powder should be sampled when it is in motion.
b) After completion of the mixing, sample should be taken.
• Some times powder should not be collected from a moving stream
a) Configuration of the mixer- for example the shape of the bowl does
not lend itself to dumping
b) Size of the batch- large volumes are not conducive.
c) Possibility of mixture segregation biasing the sample.
collected at selected point or serially as the powder is discharged from
the mixer.
Two types of sampling methods are-
a) Scoop sampling of bulk mixture.
b) Thief probing of the bulk mixture.
 SAMPLE UTILISATION: if the sample of analysis is non-
 ANALYSIS OF SAMPLE: Several statistical parameters and mixing
indices are calculated.
 Studied under four classes:
1. Bulk transport
2. Turbulent mixing
3. Laminar mixing
4. Molecular diffusion

Bulk transport Turbulent mixing Laminar mixing Molecular diffusion

It is defined as the It is defined as mixing due It is the mixing of two It is the mixing at
movement of a material to turbulent flow, which dissimilar liquids through molecular level in which
from one location to results in random laminar flow ,i.e., the molecules diffuses due to
another location. fluctuation of the fluid applied shear stretches the thermal motion.
For this purpose , mixing velocity at any given pt. interface between them. It is explained by
devices such as rotating within the system. In this, layers fold back Fick’s Law,
blades and paddles are It is highly effective upon themselves. Thus the
used. mechanism of mixing. number of layers increases.
Hence, interfacial tension

 The mixing apparatus consists of a container and a mixing device. A mixing device
is called impeller, which is mounted with the help of shaft. Shaft is driven by a
 The tank is made up of stainless steel. The top of tank may be closed or open.
 It is constructed with tank diameter to liquid height ratio of 1:1 .
 The size of tank depends upon the nature of agitator.
 The tank bottom is round.
 The container consists of baffles.
 Baffled container are those in which metal strip is placed vertically.
 When bulk transport is important baffles are used.
 In most container four baffles are sufficient.
 The width of baffles may be 1/10th to 1/18th of the tank diameter.

 The mechanism depends upon the nature of material, which shows considerable
 Pellet and powder stage- addition of small amount of liquid to a bulk of a dry
powder causes the solid to ball up and forms small pellets.
 Pellet state- further addition of liquid results in conversion of more dry powder to
pellets until all the material in this state. The mass has coarse granular
 plastic state- as the liquid content is increased the character of mixture change
from granular appearance to clay like consistency.
 Sticky state-continual incorporation of liquid causes the mixture to attain the
sticky state, appearance become paste like.
 Liquid state-eventually the addition of liquids results in decrease of consistency
until fluid state is achieved.
 Based on the flow properties of the powders, appropriate mixer should be
A. Free flowing solids- V cone blender
Double cone blender
B. Cohesive solids - Planetary mixers
Sigma blender

 The powder bed may expand sufficiently, therefore, equipment should never
be filled for more than about 60% so as to leave sufficient mixing volume.
 The particles should be subjected to movement in three directions.
 Their should be no centrifugal effect.
 The force should not cause breakage of the particles.
 The shearing process should be sufficient to prevent aggregation.
 The mixing process should be stopped abruptly.

•Principle: it is based on the principle of tumbling action.

•Construction: Double cone blender is an efficient design for mixing
powders of different densities. All the parts of equipment including mixing
tanks and blades are made up of stainless steel. It consists of two cones
joined as cylindrical section which are rotated about axis on the shaft.
Conical shape allows uniform mixing. Its is usually charged and discharged
through the same port. The rate of rotation should be optimum depending
on the size and shape of the tumbler, nature of material to be mixed.
•Working: the powder is filled up to two third of volume of blender
to ensure proper mixing. Commonly the range of rotation is 30 to
100 revolutions per minute. On rotation mixing occur due to
tumbling motion . The product is discharged from bottom of the
Efficient and versatile for homogenous mixing of powder
•Easy to maintain and clean
•There are no chances of clogging of material in corner
•Large amount can be handled easily
•Efficient to mix powder of different densities
not suitable for fine particles
Not suitable for materials with great particle size difference

•Principle: It is based upon tumbling action.

•Construction: The construction of a twin shell blender is shown in
figure. It is made of either stainless steel or transparent plastic. Smaller
models take a charge of 20 kg and rotate at 35 revolutions per minute,
while larger ones take a charge of about 1 tonne and rotate at 15
revolutions per minute. It consists of horizontal shaft which cause
•Working: The material is loaded through either of the shell hatches.
Emptying of the blend is normally done through an apex port. The
material is loaded approximately 50 to 60% of its total volume. As the
blender rotates, the material undergoes tumbling motion. When the V is
inverted, the material splits into two portions. This process of dividing
and recombining continuously yields ordered mixing by mechanical
means. The powder mass is converted shock-wise, so that no demixing
due to density differences will occur. It is rotated so that the material
alternatively is collected in the bottom of the V.
•At high speed more segregtion of fines is possible, while at low speeds
not enough shear is applied
•It operates between 50% to 80% of critical speed
Used for dry mixing

1.If fragile granules are to be blended, twin shell blender is suitable
because of minimum attrition.
2.They handles large capacities.
3.Easy to clean, load and unload.
4.This equipment requires minimum maintenance.
1.Twin shell blender needs high headspace for installation.
2.It is not suitable for fine particulate system or ingredients of large
differences in the particle size distribution, because not enough shear
is applied.
3.If powders are free flowing, serial dilution is required for the addition
of low dose active ingredients.

 Principle: the mechanism of mixing is shear. Shear is transferred to the

powder bed by moving blades in a fixed shell. High shear rates are effective
in breaking the lumps and aggregates. Convective mixing also occurs as the
powder bed is lifted and allowed to cascade to the bottom of the container.
 Construction:
a) It consists of non movable horizontal shell usually opens at the top.
b) It is fixed with two helical blades, mounted on same shaft.
c) Blades have both right and left hand twists.
d) The blades are connected to fixed speed drive.
e) It is top loading with a bottom spout.
f) The trough can be closed with lid.
 Working:
a) Through fixed speed drive, ribbons are allowed to rotate.
b) One blade moves the solid in one direction slowly and other blade quickly
in opposite direction.
c) Different powders are introduced from top of the trough.
d) The body is covered because considerable dust may evolve during dry
e) The powders are lifted by centrally located vertical screw and allowed to
cascade to the bottom of the container.
f) The counteracting blades set up high shear and effective in breaking
lumps and aggregates.
g) Helical blades move the powder from one end to another.
h) The final stage of mix represents equilibrium state.
i) The blend is discharged from the bottom opening.
j) Homogenous mixing is achived in short time. Ie in 15 to 20 minutes.
 Uses: it is used to mix finely divided solids, wet solid, sticky and plastic solids.
 Uniform size and density material can be easily mixed.
 It is used in liquid –solid and solid-solid mixing
 Advantages: headroom requirements is less.
 High shear can be applied using perforated baffles which bring about rubbing
and breaking aggregates.
 Disadvantages: it is a poor mixer because movement of particle is two-
 Shearing action is less.
 Dead spots are observed.
 It is having fixed speed drive.

 PRINCIPLE: The mechanism of mixing is shearing. The

inter-meshing of sigma shaped blades creates high shear
and kneading actions. Convective mixing is achieved by
cascading the material.
 CONSTRUCTION: The construction of a sigma blade
blender is shown in figure 3-10. It consists of double
trough shaped stationary bowl. Two sigma shaped
blades are fitted horizontally in each trough of the bowl.
These are connected to a fixed speed drive. The mixer is
loaded from the top and unloaded by tilting the entire
bowl by means of a rack-and-pinion drive.
 WORKING: different powders are introduced from the top of the trough. The body is
covered because considerably dust may be evolved during dry blending and granulating
solution may evaporate during wet granulation.

Through the fixed speed drive, sigma blades are allowed to rotate.
The blades move at different speeds, one usually about twice the speed of other, resulting in
lateral pulling of the material.
They turn towards each other so that the powders move from the sides to centre of the
The material further moves downward over the point and then sheared between the blades
and the wall of trough.
Thus cascading action as well as shear action can be achieved.
The perforated blades helps in breaking lumps and aggregates.
Thus high shear forces are set up.
The final stage of mix represents equilibrium stage.
By means of a rack-and-pinion drive the bowl is tilted to empty the blend.
 Uses: it is used in wet granulation process in the manufacture of tablets, pills
masses and ointments.
 It is primarily used for liquid-solid mixing, although it can be used for solid-
solid mixing.
 Advantages: creates minimum dead space during mixing.
 It has close tolerances between the blades and side-walls as well as bottom of
the mixer.
 Disadvantages : it works on fixed speed.

In a planetary mixer, the blade tears the mass apart and shear
is applied between a moving blade and a stationary wall. The mixing
arm move in two ways, around its own axis and around the center axis,
so that it reaches every spot of the vessel. The plates in the blade are
sloped so that the Power makes an upward movement. Therefore,
tumbling (convective) motion is also obtained.
The construction of a planetary mixer. It consists of a vertical
cylindrical shell, which can be remove either by lowering it beneath
the blade or raising the blade above the bowl. The mixing blade is
mounted from the top of bowl. The mixing shaft is driven by a
planetary gear train. It rotates around the ring gear, which further
rotates round the mixer blade. It is normally Built with a variable speed
•. In the planetary mixer, the agitator has a planetary motion. It rotates on its
and around the center axis so that it reaches all part of the vessel. Beater is
shaped to pass with close clearance over the side and bottom of the mixing
bowl. Therefore, literally there are no dead spaces in the mixing bowl. The blade
tears the mass apart and shear is applied between the moving blade and the
stationary wall. The Plates in the blade are sloped so that the power makes an
upward movement. Therefore, tumbling (convective) motion is also obtained.
Since it is a variable speed driven, initially the blade moves slowly for
premixing and finally at increased speed for active mixing. Thus high shear can
be applied for mixing.
•Use:- Planetary mixer produces precise blade in addition to breaking down
of agglomerates rapidly. Low speeds are use for dry blending and faster speeds
for the kneading action required in wet granulation. Steam jacketed bowls are
used in the manufacture of sustained release products and ointments.
•Advantages:- Speed of the rotation can be varied at will, so varied at will, so
it is advantageous over sigma blade or ribbon type blenders. This is more useful
for wet granulation process. There are no packing glands in contact with the
a) Mechanical heat is built up within the power mix.
b) It requires high power.
c) It has limited size and is useful for batch work only.
•. A propeller normally contains a number of blade. A three bladed design is
the most common for liquids. The marine type propeller is similar to the blades
of a table fan or a ceiling fan.

•Propellers may be either right or left handed, depending on the direction of

slant of their blades. Four bladed or toothed or similar design propellers are used
for special purposes. In a deep tank, push-pull propeller is used in which two or
more propellers may be attached to the same shaft. These work in opposite
directions to create a zone of high turbulence. The size of the propeller is small,
i.e., the ratio of diameters between propeller and container of 20 is sufficient for
low viscous liquids. However, for large tanks the maximum size of 0.5 meters
propeller is used. Small propellers turn at full motor speed up to 8000
revolutions per minute .
•The propeller produces axial (longitudinal) movement of the liquid. The flow
currents leaving the propeller continue through the liquid in a given direction
until deflected by the floor or wall or the tank.
•Use:-Propellers are used when high mixing capacity is needed. These are
effective in handling liquid having a maximum viscosity of about 2.0 Pascals
second and slurries Up to 10 % solids of fine mesh size. They can be used up-to
3.5 meter cube ( or 3500 liters). Effective gas liquid dispersion is possible at the
laboratory scale. Multivitamin elixir, disinfectant solutions are manufactured
using propellers.
•Disadvantage:- propellers are not normally effective with liquids of
viscosity greater than 5 Pascal. Second, for example, glycerin, castor oil etc.
•A turbine consists of a circular disc to which a number of short blades are attached.
The diameter of the turbine ranges from 30-50 percent of the diameter of the vessel. It
rotates at a lower speed than Propeller (50-200 revolutions per minute). Different forms
of turbines. The blades may be straight, curved, pitched or vertical.

A flat bladed turbine produces radial and tangential flow, but as speed increase, radial
flow dominates. A pitched blade turbine produces axial flow.
•Near the impeller, the zone of rapid currents, high turbulence and intense shear is
observed. The shear produced by turbine can be further enhanced using a diffuser ring.
A diffuser ring is a stationary perforated or slotted ring, which surrounds the turbine. It
increases shear forces. The liquid passes through the perforation reducing rotational
swirling and vortexing .

• Turbines are effective for high viscous solutions with a very wide range of
viscosities up to 7,00 pascal. Seconds. A few example are syrups, liquid paraffin,
glycerin etc. In low viscosity materials of large volumes, turbines generate strong
currents (intense shear) which spread throughout the tank destroying stagnant pockets.
They can handle slurries with 60% solids. Turbines are Suitable for liquids of large
volume and high viscosity, if the tank is baffled.
•Turbines give greater shearing forces than propellers, though the pumping rate
is less. Therefore, turbines are suitable for emulsification.

 Principle: It works on the principle of kneading action and by applying the shearing forces for mixing of
 Construction: A paddle consist of a hub centrally with two long flat blades attached to it vertically.
 Paddles with two blades or four blades are common. In
some paddles, the blades are dished or hemispherical in
shape and have a large surface area in relation to the
tank in which they are used. Because of this shape,
paddles pass close to the tank walls and effectively mix
viscous liquids, avoiding dead spots and deposited
 Working: A shaft carrying hub-blades rotates at a low
speed of the order of 100 evolutions per minute. They
push the liquid radially and tangentially with almost no
axial motion unless the blades are pitched. In deep tanks
several paddles are attached one above the other on the
same shaft. At very low speeds it gives mild agitation in
an unbaffled tank, where as for higher speed baffles are
necessary. Otherwise, the liquid is swirled around the
 Uses: Paddles are used in the manufacture of antacid suspensions (aluminium
hydroxide gel and magnesium hydroxide), agar and pectin related purgatives, anti-
diarroheal mixtures such as bismuth-kaolin.
 Advantage: Vortex formation is not possible with paddle impellers because of low
speed mixing.
 Disadvantage: Mixing of the suspension is poor, therefore, baffled tanks are required.

 Liquids are mixed usually by impellers,

which produce shear forces for inducing
necessary flow pattern in the container.
Mixing takes place due to the resultant
effect of three components acting on the
liquid . These are radial component,
longitudinal component and tangential
 Tangential component: It acts in direction tangent to the circle of rotation
around the impeller shaft.

 Radial component: It acts in a direction vertical to the impeller shaft.

 Axial component (or longitudinal or vertical):It acts in a direction parallel to

the impeller shaft.

 A strong circulatory flow pattern sometimes manifests

 into formation of a vortex near the impeller shaft.
 Vortex can be formed when:
1.At high impeller speeds
2.In unbaffled tanks
3.Blades in the turbines are arranged perpendicular to the central shaft
4.The shaft is mounted vertically in the centre of the tank,i.e.,symmetry.
 Disadvantages:
 1.Air bubbles in the fluid can create uneven loading of the impeller blades.

 2.Vortex formation reduces the mixing intensity by reducing the velocity of the

 3. When vortex reaches the impeller, air from surface of the liquid is drawn.

 4. The entrapped air causes oxidation of the substance in certain cases


 Impeller should be mounted in any one of the positions to avoid symmetry. At

the same time, it should be deep in the liquid.
 Baffled containers should be used.

 Two or more impellers are mounted on same shaft in a tank where greater
depth is desired.

 Tanks other than cylindrical shape are used to prevent vortex formation.

 Draft tubes are placed to control the direction and velocity of the flow to the impeller.
The return flow to an impeller of any type approaches from all directions, because it is
not under the control of solid surface. Draft tubes can control it.
 Uses:

 1. Draft tubes are fitted to equipment used in the manufacture of certain emulsions.

 2. when solid particles tend to float on the surface of the liquid they are dispersed using
draft tubes.
 Disadvantages- draft tubes to the fluid friction in the system, it reduces the rate of flow
 Principle: Silverson mixer-emulsifier produces
intense shearing force and turbulence by the use of high-
speed rotors. This turbulence causes the liquids to pass
through fine interstices formed by closely placed
perforated metal sheets.
 Construction: The construction of a silverson
emulsifier is shown in the figure . It consists of long
supporting columns connected to motor which give
support to the head. The central portion contains a shaft,
one end of which is connected to the motor and the
other end is connected to the head
 Working: The emulsifier head is placed in the vessel containing immiscible
liquids in such a way that it should get completely dipped in the liquid. When
the motor is started, the central rotating shaft rotates the head, which in
turn rotates turbine blades at a very high speed. This creates a pressure
 Centrifugal forces expel the contents of the head with great force through
the mesh and onto the cover. The intake and expulsion of the mixture set up
a pattern of circulation to ensure rapid breakdown of bigger globules into
smaller ones.
Uses: It is used for the preparation of emulsions and creams of fine particle size.
1. Silverson mixer is available in different sizes to handle the liquids ranging from
a few millilitres to several thousand litres.
2. It can be used for batch operations.
3. It is used for continuous operation by incorporating into a pipeline, through
which the immiscible liquids flow.
1. occasionally, there is a chance of clogging of pores of the mesh.

 agitator mixer- sigma mixer,

planetary mixture.
 shear mixer- triple roller mill,
colloidal mill
 Principle- it is based on the principle that the coarse emulsion is intensely sheared in a
narrow space between the fast moving rotor and stator for a short period to get a fine
 Colloidal mill is a mixer as well as milling equipment because size reduction is also
simultaneously involved.
 Construction- it consists of high speed rotor and stator with conical milling surface.
 The milling surface may be smooth or rough surfaced.
 The clearance between rotor and stator may be adjusted from 0.05 to 0.75 mm.
 During milling heat generated may rise temp. to 40 C
 Hence cold water circulation is provided to reduce the temperature as much as 20 C.
 The discharge pipe is also connected to the hopper so that discharge can also be
 Working- materials used for the manufacture of suspensions and emulsion is
placed in the hopper.
 The solids are pre-milled to prevent damage to the colloidal mill.
 The solids are mixed with liquid vehicle before introducing into the colloid
 The dispersion flows down and adheres to the rotor.
 During the movement of rotor (3000 to 20000 rev/min), centrifugal force the
part of dispersion to the stator.
 The milled liquid may be recycled. After desired size reduction the discharge
can be collected from outlet.
 The capacities of colloid mill range from 2 to 3L/min for small mills to 440
L/min for the larger mills.
 Uses- in preparing of emulsion and colloidal dispersion & ointments
 Fibrous materials can be milled by using rough surfaced rotor.

 Advantages- colloid mill can be sterilised so it can be used in production of

sterile product

 Disadvantages- colloid mill is not used for dry milling.

 Heat is generated . Hence water circulation facility should be provided during

 Principle- the differential speed and the narrow space between the rollers
develop high shear over the material. This shear causes crushing of
aggregates, particles and also distributes the drug uniformly throughout the
semisolid base.
 Construction – it consists of three parallel rollers of equal diameters.
 These are made up of hard abrasion material, normally stainless steel.
 The rollers are mounted in a rigid frame work horizontally.
 The pressure and gap between the rollers are independently adjustable.
 A hopper is arranged between the first two rollers.
 A scrapper is attached to the last roller.
 Working- the gap between the last two rollers is adjusted to be less than the gap between
first two rollers.
 The rollers are rotated in different speed. In practice , the first roller rotates at a slower
speed as compared to Secord roller. similarly second roller speed is less than as compared to
third roller.
 The feed is passed through the gap between the first and second rollers. The aggregates and
particle are crushed and abraded by rubbing action of the rollers , which is developed due to
different speeds of rotation.
 A film of appreciable thickness of the feed is produced. The material passes from slow
rotating to fast rotating rollers.
 Between second and third roller, the gap is small and produces the thinner layer of feed
 The speed of the third roller is increased to compensate the reduction of cross sectional
 Finally the scrapper removes the material completely from the last roller which is collected
 Advantage- it is suitable for continuous process.
 Uniform dispersion is formrd.

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