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"What business
entrepreneurs are to the
economy, social
entrepreneurs are to
social change .They are
the driven, creative
individuals who question
the status quo, exploit
new opportunities, refuse
to give up, and remake
the world for the better."

-- David Bornstein

• Business and manufacturing have evolved over the

centuries. Historically, the ahead of the state or a king,
used to fund and initiate the new venture, which
included considerable planning, follow ups and regular
reviews. The new ideas, manufacturing processes have
come out of such kings/pioneers/entrepreneurs.

• Who are entrepreneurs? What is entrepreneurship?

These are the questions which have always been
debated among scholars, educators, researchers, and
policy makers since the concept was first established in
the early 1700’s.
An entrepreneur can be defined as the person with –

 vision, original idea, decision making and daring to try

 one who act as leader and boss of the show,
 who decides how business has to be done, who coordinates
and arranges all the factors of production, who anticipates the
market trends and demand patterns and prices .

The entrepreneur is also an inventor

 who brings new ideas, new communities, new processes and
encourages his team in new activities.

Thus when the words such as organizing, managing,

risk- taking comes to mind one can only think of one
name that is an Entrepreneur.
What is Social Entrepreneurship?

The concept of social entrepreneurship has a long

history in the business sector. The concept continued
to evolve and expand.
 According to the Classical Economic Theory (Adam
Smith-17 century) business has only economic
objective and no other responsibility beyond that.

 In the Colonial era, Merchants practiced thrift and

frugality, which were dominant virtues then. But
charity was co-existed virtue and the owners of these
enterprises made contributions to schools, churches
and the poor.
 During the latter part of 19th century and in the 20th, a
number of forces converged to lead business leaders,
especially of the larger corporations, to address social

 In the context of social change agents during the 20th century,

Mahatma Gandhi deserves a special mention. The social
values and constructive social programs of Mahatma Gandhi
and his followers have created significant impact on the
contemporary social life in India.

Gandhiji dreamt of a free India where the quality of social life of

its people will be one of the best in the worlds in a short span
of time.
 Business depends on the society for
existence, sustenance and encouragement.
Thus being so much dependent, business has
definite responsibility towards society, popularly
called the social responsibility of businesses.

 Thus Social Responsibility of the enterprise

gives rise to social entrepreneurship. Social
entrepreneurship is the work of a social
entrepreneur. A social entrepreneur is someone
who recognizes a social problem and uses
entrepreneurial principle to organize, create, and
manage a venture to make social change.
Why should Entrepreneur be
socially responsible?
Social responsibility is a voluntary effort on the part of business to
take various steps to satisfy the expectation of different interest
groups. SOCIETY


But the question arises why should the Entrepreneur
come forward and be responsible towards these
interest groups:

 It will help to earn goodwill/reputation and help to create public

 The Entrepreneur should engage himself in maintaining a
pollution free environment.
 For the survival and growth.
 Employee satisfaction level is increased through the activities of
the Enterprises like proper accommodation, transportation,
education, training and many more.
 Now a day’s consumers have become very conscious about their
Emerging Trends
Although the terms are relatively new, social
entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurship can be
found throughout history.
A list of a few historically noteworthy people whose work
exemplifies classic "social entrepreneurship" might include

 Florence Nightingale (founder of the first nursing school and

developer of modern nursing practices),

 Robert Owen (founder of the cooperative movement), and

 Vinoba Bhave (founder of India's Land Gift Movement).

Maria Montessori, the first female physician in Italy,
began working with children in 1906 and created a
revolutionary education method that supports each
individual child’s unique development.

One well-known contemporary social entrepreneur is

Muhammad Yunus founder and manager of Grameen
Bank and its growing family of social venture
businesses, who was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize in
Another excellent example of a non-profit social
enterprise in India is Rang De. Founded by
Ramakrishna and Smita Ram in January 2008,
Rang De is a peer-to-peer online platform that
makes low-cost micro-credit accessible to both the
rural and urban poor in India.

Today, nonprofits and non-governmental

organizations, foundations, governments
and Individuals also play the role to
promote, fund, and advise social
entrepreneurs around the planet. A growing
number of colleges and universities are
establishing programs focused on educating
and training social entrepreneurs. #
Contemporary View of Social
The range of social programs assumed by business has been
constantly expanding since the early year of the century.

 Today corporations carry out a wide array of social


 The span including programmes for education, public

health, employ welfare, housing, urban renewal,
environmental protection, resource conservation, day
care centre for working parents and many others.

 The fundamental reasons why the concept and range of

social responsibilities have expanded is that accelerating #
activity continuously changes society.
By their very orientation of thinking and temperament,
the accomplished social entrepreneurs are likely to be
independent-minded, self-driven, and goal focused
persons who may not bother much about documenting
their experiences, approaches, methods and strategies
The social entrepreneurship, as a special type of
leadership, can flourish here only if its value is
recognized by a significant section of Indian society,
especially the policy makers, media and other
important players.

Keeping this in view, networking of interested

people in this field is urgently needed.

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