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What does “responsible behavior” mean to you?
Guidance Matters
● Secure Relationships
● Starting Young
● Love their Curiosity

“The most crucial years in a person’s life occur when he or she may be
the most carefree and unconcerned about the future—childhood and
adolescence. During these formative years, children acquire values,
attitudes, and habits that will guide their behavior throughout their lives.
Parents have the wonderful opportunity to teach their children proper
values and responsible behavior in ways that invite cooperation rather
than rebellion.”
How can I help
my child become
How to support children...
● Teach by Example
● Provide Opportunities to be Responsible
● Have Age Appropriate Expectations
○ State Expectations Clearly
● Take it One Step at a Time
● Give Appropriate Choices
● Engage in Wholesome Family Activities
3 Take-Aways

1. Ponder & Pray for Guidance

2. Be Intentional, Thoughtful, & Patient

3. Enjoy the Journey of Parenting!!

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