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Try to Answer

Research Instrument
Develop a Research Instrument
following the Correct Procedure
in Instrument Development
Research Instrument
- are measurement tools (for example,
questionnaires or scales) designed to obtain
data on a topic of interest from research
- is a testing device for measuring a given
Things to Consider
• Research instrument must be based on
theoretical framework

• The content of the research instrument must

be appropriate to answer the research
Guidelines for Developing
an Instrument
1. The instrument must be suitable for its

2. The research tool will only be effective only as

it relates to its particular purpose.
3. The instrument must be based on the
theoretical framework.

4. The instrument must be based on the

theoretical framework selected for the study.
5. The instrument should be valid.

6. The content of the instrument must be

appropriate to test the hypothesis or answer
the question being studied.

7. The instrument should be reliable.

8. The devised research tool should provide
comparable data every time the subject uses
the instrument.

9. An instrument should include an item that

directly asks the hypothesis.
10. The research tool should be designed and
constructed in such a way that cheating is

11. The instrument should be free of bias.

12. A good instrument is free of build-in clues.

13. The instrument should not contain measures
that function as hints for desired responses.

14. The researcher may need to read extensively

to identify which aspects of the theory are
appropriate for investigation.
15. The researcher, through the instrument,
must be able to gather data that are
appropriate in order to test the hypothesis or
to answer the question under investigation.

16. The researcher should gather a group of

items from such sources.
17. The researcher should gather a group of
items from such sources as persons
knowledgeable in the field, accepted theories
or hypotheses, personal experience, or
material from studies reported in books and
professional journals.
18. The response given by each respondent in
the research study should solely be his own.
There should be no contamination through
outside influences, such as someone else’s
ideas or products.
19. Therefore, the respondent who agrees to
participate in a study is responsible for
supplying information or for exhibiting
behavior that is truly his own.
How to develop research
Developing Measurement Instrument
1. Definition and elaboration of the construct
intended to be measured
2. Choice of measurement method
3. Selecting and formulating items
Developing Measurement Instrument
4. Scoring issues

5. Pilot Study

6. Field Testing
Types of Research Instrument
• Questionnaire
• Interviews
• Checklist
• Observation
Research Instrument: Questionnaire
most common type of research instrument

cheap and effective way of collecting data

use to collect vast of quantities of data from a

variety of respondents
3 Types of Questionnaire

1. The mail survey

2. Group-Administered Questionnaire
3. Household drop-off survey
Types of Question
• Closed Question
• Multiple-Choice Question
• Open-ended Question
• Scale items (Likert Scale)
How to Develop a Questionnaire
1. Identify the goal of your questionnaire.
2. Choose your question type or types
3. Develop questions for your questionnaire.
How to Develop a Questionnaire
4. Restrict the length of your questionnaire.
5. Identify your target demographic.
6. Ensure you can protect privacy.
Research Instrument: Interview
• Conversation between two people
(interviewer and the interviewee)
• Involve a set of assumptions and
understandings about the situations which are
not normally associated with a casual
Types of Interview
1. Face to face interview
2. Phone Interview
3. Email Interview
4. Chat/Messaging Interview
Stages in Developing and Using

1. Draft the interview

2. Pilot your questions
3. Select your interviewee
4. Conduct the interviews
5. Analysing the interview data
Research Instrument: Observation

• Describe existing situations using the five

• Qualitative research is used as the data
collection method
How to conduct observations for

1. Identify objective
2. Establish recording method
3. Develop questions and techniques
4. Observe and take notes
5. Analyze behaviors and inferences

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