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Journey into Fullness

Ephesians 3:14-21
Page 995 in Holman Christian Standard
Ephesians 3:14-21

14. For this reason I bow my knees before the Father

15. from whom every family in heaven and on earth
is named.
16. I pray that He may grant you, according to the
riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power
through His Spirit in the inner man,
17. and that the Messiah may dwell in your hearts
through faith. I pray that you, being rooted and
firmly established in love,
18. may be able to comprehend with all the saints
what is the breadth and width, height and depth,
19. and to know the Messiah’s love that surpasses
knowledge, so you may be filled with all the
fullness of God.
20. Now to Him who is able to do above and beyond
all that we ask or think—according to the power
that works in you—
21. to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus
to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
The Fullness of God

• Vs. 19 “…so you may be filled with all the

fullness of God.”
• Amplified: “That you may be filled [through
all your being] unto all the fullness of God
[may have the richest measure of the divine
Presence, and become a body wholly filled
and flooded with God Himself]!”
• The things in verses 14-19 which precede
this, elaborate what is involved in
experiencing the fullness of God.

Thus, fullness means…

1. Spiritual Power

• Vs. 16 “I pray that He may grant you,

according to the riches of His glory, to
be strengthened with power”

“Through His Spirit in the

inner man”
“And don’t get drunk with wine, which
leads to reckless actions, but be filled
with the Spirit” - Ephesians 5:18
2. Christ’s Indwelling

• Vs. 17 “That the Messiah may dwell in

your hearts”
• Living Bible: “I pray that Christ will be
more and more at home in your hearts,
living within you…”

“…through faith”
3. Spiritual Comprehension

• Vs. 17-18 “I pray that you… may be

able to comprehend with all the saints
what is the breadth and width, height
and depth”

“I pray that you, being rooted

and firmly established in love
may be able to comprehend…”

“with all the saints”

4. Experiencing Christ’s Love

• Vs. 19 “To know the Messiah’s love

that surpasses knowledge”
• The same two keys as for spiritual
“I pray that you, being rooted
and firmly established in love
may be able to… know the
Messiah’s love”

“with all the saints”

5. Unlimited Resources

• Vs. 19-20 “Now to Him who is able to

do above and beyond all that we ask or
think—according to the power that
works in you”

“– to Him be glory in the

church and in Christ Jesus to
all generations, forever and
ever. Amen.”

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