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Elaborating on the influence of

culture on the dimensions of

A. Verbal/Non-verbal Dimensions

• Courtesy in Philippine Society is expressed when talking

to someone, especially someone in authority, by looking
down. Looking straight at them is considered rude and
frowned upon. In Western society, avoiding looking at
people in the eye or looking down or around while
talking to them often means that one is not telling the
truth, or is hiding something. If this is still the case, what
do you think might happen if a Filipino applicant is
interviewed for a job by an American employer ;
assuming both parties are unaware of others culture? In
another setting, in Thailand, no one sits higher than the
King does. Teacher's chair are also higher than students.
This is to show their authority and to command respect.
Example of Verbal and Non-verbal
B. Oral/Written Dimensions
• Misunderstanding occurs when oral and written
messages are not in agreement, such as when you
say you are grateful to someone but your Facebook
post says otherwise. Culturally Filipinos are fond of
being very wordy in written communications, often
times beating around the bush, even in formal
letters and sometimes in email. We tend to be just as
wordy and employ circumlocution when writing and
giving a speech. We also use highfalutin and
polysyllabic words. Westerners are more direct in
speaking and they write simpler letters because they
find longwinded and circuitous speeches tedious
and boring.
Example of Oral and Written
C. Formal/Informal Dimensions
• Are not as bifurcated as before. It is used to be
that among Filipinos, a speech still depends on
whether one views the communicative situation
as formal or informal. Knowing this helps one to
act accordingly in the preparation of the
message in responding to it. But now, speakers
at program may be casually dressed and speak to
an audience as though they are having a
conversation between friends in a coffee shop.
Example of Formal and Informal
D. Intentional/Unintenional Dimensions

• are not as bifurcated as before. It used to that

among Filipinos, a speech still depends on
whether one views the Communicative Situation
as formal or informal. Knowing this helps one to
act accordingly in the preparation of the
message and in responding to it. But now,
speakers at a program maybe casually dressed
and speak to an audience as though they are
having a conversation between friends in a
coffee shop. Because Filipinos live in a
communal society
Example of Intentional and Unintenional

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