T. Elperin, A. Fominykh and B. Krasovitov

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Simultaneous Heat and Mass Transfer

during Evaporation/Condensation on the

Surface of a Stagnant Droplet in the
Presence of Inert Admixtures Containing
Non-condensable Solvable Gas:
Application for the In-cloud Scavenging of
Polluted Gases

T. Elperin, A. Fominykh and B. Krasovitov

Department of Mechanical Engineering

The Pearlstone Center for Aeronautical Engineering Studies
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
P.O.B. 653, Beer Sheva 84105, ISRAEL
Laboratory of Turbulent Multiphase Flows
Head - Professor Tov Elperin
Dr. Alexander Eidelman
Dr. Andrew Fominykh
Mr. Ilia Golubev
Dr. Nathan Kleeorin
Dr. Boris Krasovitov
Mr. Alexander Krein
Mr. Andrew Markovich
Dr. Igor Rogachevskii
Mr. Itsik Sapir-Katiraie
Outline of the presentation
Motivation and goals
Description of the model
Gas absorption by stagnant evaporating/growing
Gas absorption by moving droplets

Results and discussion: Application for the

In-cloud Scavenging of Polluted Gases
 SO2, CO2, CO – forest
fires, volcanic emissions;
 NH3 – agriculture, wild

 SO2, CO2, CO – fossil
fuels burning (crude oil and
coal), chemical industry;
 NOx, CO2 – boilers,
furnaces, internal
combustion and diesel
 HCl – burning of
municipal solid waste
(MSW) containing certain
types of plastics

A diagram of the mechanism of polluted gases and aerosol

flow through the atmosphere, their in-cloud precipitation
and wet removal.
Gas absorption by stagnant droplets:
Scientific background
Dispersed-phase controlled isothermal absorption of a pure gas by
stagnant liquid droplet (see e.g., Newman A. B., 1931);

Gas absorption in the presence of inert admixtures (see e.g., Plocker U.J.,
Schmidt-Traub H., 1972);

Effect of vapor condensation at the surface of stagnant droplets on the

rate of mass transfer during gas absorption by growing droplets
uniform temperature distribution in both phases was assumed (see
e.g., Karamchandani, P., Ray, A. K. and Das, N., 1984)
liquid-phase controlled mass transfer during absorption was
investigated when the system consisted of liquid droplet, its vapor
and solvable gas (see e.g., Ray A. K., Huckaby J. L. and Shah T.,
1987, 1989)

Simultaneous heat and mass transfer during evaporation/condensation on

the surface of a stagnant droplet in the presence of inert admixtures
containing non-condensable solvable gas (Elperin T., Fominykh A. and
Krasovitov B., 2005)
Absorption equilibria

Diffusion of pollutant
molecules through
Vapor phase
Distance traveled by the polluted molecule

A g   H 2O A  H 2O
the gas

Gas-liquid interface
A  H 2O is the species in
Dissolution into the
liquid at the interface
dissolved state

Liquid film Henry’s Law

 A  H 2O   H A p A
Diffusion of the
dissolved species
Solution from the interface
H A is the Henry’s Law
into the bulk of the
liquid constant

= pollutant molecule
= pollutant captured in solution
Aqueous phase sulfur dioxide/water chemical equilibria

Absorption of SO2 in water results in

SO2  g   H 2O SO2  H 2O
SO2  H 2O H   HSO3
HSO3 H 
 SO32
H 2O H   OH 

The equilibrium constants for which are

KH 
SO2  H 2O 
K1 
H  HSO 
 

H  SO 
 2
 
K w  H  OH  
HSO 
pSO2 SO2  H 2O 

The electroneutrality relation reads

H   OH  HSO  2SO 

  
Huckaby & Ray (1989)

H   HSO  2SO 
 

Using the electroneutrality equation (11) and expressions for equilibrium

constants (10) we obtain
 K w2 
4 K 2 S IV  3
  K1  12K 2   SO2  g  K H S IV  2 

 SO2  g  K H K1 
 K2Kw K w2 
2SO2  g K H 6 K 2  K1   2 K1K 2   
K H SO2  g  K H K1SO2  g 

S IV K H SO2  g   K H SO2  g K H2 SO2  g 2 K1  4 K 2   K1K 22 
K H SO2  g   4 K1K 2  K12   K w  K1  2 K 2  
K w2 
K1 
0 at r  Rt 

S IV   SO2  H 2O  HSO3  
 SO32 
is total dissolved sulfur in solution.
Gas absorption by stagnant droplet
Description of the model
Governing equations
1. gaseous phase r > R (t) Droplet
  2
 
Far field
r2  r  vr  0 (4) Gaseous phase
t r
Z  m L
Y 

r 2 Y j  

   
 vr r 2Y j    D j r 2 j 
r  r 
(5) ds

  c pTe  

  
 vr r 2c pTe   ke r 2 e 
r 
T 
r 
 m A q R

2. liquid phase 0 < r < R (t)
 L j
2 T   2 T  L  
r   L  r  (7) X
t r  r 
 ( L) 

  
r 2  LYA L     L DL r 2 A 
t r 
 Y
r 
(8) In Eqs. (5) j  1,..., K  1,

j 1 j
anelastic approximation:

v 2 c 2  1 Eq. 4   v   0. (9)

In spherical coordinates Eq. (9) reads:

 2
 
r  vr  0 (10)

The radial flow velocity can be obtained by integrating equation (10):

 vr r 2  const (11)

subsonic flow velocities (low Mach number approximation, M << 1)

 p ~  v2
K  Yj 
p  p  Rg Te    (12)
M 
j 1  j
Stefan velocity and droplet vaporization rate

The continuity condition for the radial flux of the absorbate at the droplet
surface reads:
YA YA L 
j A r  R  YA vs  DA    DL  L (13)
r r  R r r  R
 
Other non-solvable components of the inert admixtures are not absorbed in the
J j  4R 2 j j  0, j  1, j  A (14)

Taking into account this condition and using Eq. (10) we can obtain the
expression for Stefan velocity:
DL  L YA L  D1 Y1
vs    (15)
 1  Y1  r r  R
1  Y1  r r  R

where subscript “1” denotes water vapor species

Stefan velocity and droplet vaporization rate

The material balance at the gas-liquid interface yields:

d mL

 4 R 2  s vR, t   R  (16)

Then assuming  L   we obtain the following expression for the

rate of change of droplet's radius:
 L
D Y  D1 Y1
R  L A
 (17)
1  Y1  r r  R
 L 1  Y1  r r  R

Stefan velocity and droplet vaporization rate

DL  L YA L  D1 Y1
vs   
 1  Y1  r r  R
1  Y1  r r  R

 L
D Y ρ D 1 Y1
R  L A

1  Y1  r r R
ρ L 1  Y1  r r  R

D1 Y1
vs  
In the case when all of the inert
1  Y1  r r  R 
admixtures are not absorbed in
 D1 Y1
liquid the expressions for Stefan R 
velocity and rate of change of  L 1  Y1  r r  R

droplet radius read
Initial and boundary conditions
The initial conditions for the system of equations (1)–(5) read:
   L
At t = 0, 0  r  R0 : T  L   T0 L  Y AL  YA,0
At t = 0, r  R0 : Y j  Y j ,0 r  Te  Te,0 r 
At the droplet surface the continuity conditions for the radial flux of non-
solvable gaseous species yield:
Y j
Dj  Y j v s (19)
r r  R

For the absorbate boundary condition reads:
YA YA L 
YA v s  D A    DL  L (20)
r r  R r r  R

The droplet temperature can be found from the following equation:

T dR T  L  YA L 
ke e   L Lv  kL  La  L DL (21)
r r  R
dt r r  R
r  R
Initial and boundary conditions
The equilibrium between solvable gaseous and dissolved in liquid species
can be expressed using the Henry's law

CA  H A pA (22)

At the gas-liquid interface

Te  T  L  (23)

In the center of the droplet symmetry conditions yields:

YA L  T  L 
0 0 (24)
r r r 0
r 0
At t  0 and r   the ‘soft’ boundary conditions at infinity are imposed

Y j Te
0 0 (25)
r r 
r r 
Vapor concentration at the droplet surface and
Henry’s constant
The vapor concentration (1-st species) at the droplet surface is the function
of temperature Ts(t) and can be determined as follows:
1, s p1, s Ts  M 1
Y1, s R, t   Y1, s Ts    (26)
 pM
where p  p
The functional dependence of the Henry's law constant vs. temperature reads:
H A T0   H  1 1 
ln     (27)
H A T  RG  T T0 

Fig. 1. Henry's law constant for aqueous

solutions of different solvable gases vs.
Method of numerical solution

Spatial coordinate transformation:

x  1 , for 0  r  Rt ;
Rt 
1 r 
w   1, for r  Rt ;
  Rt  
The gas-liquid interface is located at x  w  0;
w  0, 1 x  0, 1  Coordinates x and w can be treated identically in
numerical calculations;
Time variable transformation:   DLt R02 ;
The system of nonlinear parabolic partial differential equations (4)–(8) was
solved using the method of lines;
The mesh points are spaced adaptively using the following formula:
 i  1
xi    i  1,, N  1
 N 
Results and discussion

Fig. 2. Temporal evolution of radius of evaporating water

droplet in dry still air. Solid line – present model, dashed line –
non-conjugate model (Elperin & Krasovitov, 2003), circles –
experimental data (Ranz & Marshall, 1952).
YA L   YA ,L0
YA ,Ls  YA ,L0

Average concentration of absorbed

CO2 in the droplet:
YA L    YA L  r  r 2 sin  dr d dj

Analytical solution in the case of

aqueous-phase controlled diffusion
in a stagnant non-evaporating

 

6 1
2 2
  1 exp  4 2 2
n Fo
 n1 n Fig. 3. Comparison of the numerical results
with the experimental data (Taniguchi &
DLt Asano, 1992) and analytical solution.
Fo 
Fig. 5. Dependence of average aqueous SO2
molar concentration vs. time

Fig. 4. Dependence of average aqueous CO2

molar concentration vs. time
Typical atmospheric parameters
Table 1. Observed typical values for the radii of cloud droplets

Cloud- Droplet Radius Reference

type/particle type

stratus 4.7 – 6.7 mm

E. Linacre and B.
cumulus 3 – 5 mm Geerts (1999)
cumulonimbus 6 – 8 mm

growing cumulus ~20 mm Convective
Experiment (CCOPE)
University of
fog 8mm – 0.5 mm E. Linacre and B.
Fig. 6. Vertical distribution of SO2.
Geerts (1999) Solid lines - results of calculations
with (1) an without (2) wet chemical
orographic up to 80 mm H. R. Pruppacher and reaction (Gravenhorst et al. 1978);
J. D. Klett (1997) experimental values (dashed lines) –
drizzle ~ 1.2 mm – (a) Georgii & Jost (1964); (b) Jost
(1974); (c) Gravenhorst (1975);
Rain drops 0.1 – 2.0 mm –
Georgii (1970); Gravenhorst (1975);
(f) Jaeschke et al., (1976)
Fig. 7. Dependence of dimensionless
average aqueous CO2 concentration vs.
time (RH = 0%).

Fig. 8. Dependence of dimensionless

average aqueous SO2 concentration vs.
time (RH = 0%).

Fig. 9. Dependence of dimensionless average

aqueous CO2 concentration vs. time
(R0 = 25 mm).
Fig. 11. Effect of Stefan flow and heat of
absorption on droplet surface temperature.

Fig. 10. Droplet surface temperature vs. time

(T0 = 274 K, T∞ = 288 K).
Fig. 12. Droplet surface temperature N2/CO2/H2O
gaseous mixture (YH O = 0.011).

Fig. 13. Droplet surface temperature N2/SO2

gaseous mixture.

Fig. 14. Droplet surface temperature N2/NH3

gaseous mixture.
Fig. 15. Dimensionless droplet radius vs. time Fig. 16. Dimensionless droplet radius vs. time
R0 = 25 mm, XSO2 = 0.1 ppm. R0 = 100 mm, N2/CO2 gaseous mixture.

Fig. 17. Dimensionless droplet radius vs. time Fig. 18. Dimensionless droplet radius vs. time
N2/CO2/H2O gaseous mixture YH2O = 0.011. N2/CO2/H2O gaseous mixture.
Conjugate Mass Transfer during Gas Absorption
by Falling Liquid Droplet with Internal Circulation
Developed model of solvable gas absorption from the mixture with inert gas by falling
droplet (Elperin & Fominykh, Atm. Evironment 2005) yields the following Volterra
integral equation of the second kind for the dimensionless mass fraction of an
absorbate in the bulk of a droplet:
 
3 sin q
X b ( )  1 
PeL 
 (1  H A  D) 0
X b (  )   (q ,   )
d (28)
0 L

where X b ( )   xb (t )  H A x2 ()  x   H A x2 ()

- dimensionless mass
fraction of an absorbate in the bulk of a droplet;
Pe L  UkR DL - droplet Peclet number;
x0 - initial value of mass fraction of absorbate in a droplet;
x 2 ( ) - mass fraction in the bulk of a gas phase;
L  L / R - dimensionless thickness of a diffusion boundary layer inside a droplet;
k - relation between a maximal value of fluid velocity at droplet interface
to velocity of droplet fall;
  tUk R - dimensionless time.
Fig. 19. Dependence of the concentration of the
dissolved gas in the bulk of a water droplet 1-Xb
Vs. time for absorption of CO2 by water in the
presence of inert admixture.

Fig. 20. Dependence of the concentration of

the dissolved gas in the bulk of a water droplet
1-Xb vs. time for absorption of SO2 by water in
the presence of inert admixture.
Heat and mass transfer on the surface of moving
droplet at small Re and Pe numbers

Heat and mass fluxes extracted/delivered from/to the droplet surface (B. Krasovitov
and E. R. Shchukin, 1991):
 Pe 
J T  4 R1    k e dTe (29)
 4 T

c1,s Ti   c1, 

J m  JT Ts
 n D1

Where n1
c1 
n - dimensionless concentration;
Pe  PeT  Pe D - Peclet number.

PeT  Pe D 
 D1
In this study we developed a model that takes into account the
simultaneous effect of gas absorption and evaporation
(condensation) for a system consisting of liquid droplet - vapor of
liquid droplet - inert noncondensable and nonabsorbable gas-
noncondensable solvable gas.
Droplet evaporation rate, droplet temperature, interfacial
absorbate concentration and the rate of mass transfer during gas
absorption are highly interdependent.
Thermal effect of gas dissolution in a droplet and Stefan flow
increases droplet temperature and mass flux of a volatile species
from the droplet temperature at the initial stage of evaporation.
The obtained results show good agreement with the experimental
data .
The performed analysis of gas absorption by liquid droplets
accompanied by droplets evaporation and vapor condensation on
the surface of liquid droplets can be used in calculations of
scavenging of hazardous gases in atmosphere by rain, atmospheric
cloud evolution.

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